Okay. I’m 100% done with other women eyeing, touching, and flirting with my men. Gunner’s a flirtatious asshole, but it never means anything … except when Bella’s touching him and stroking him when I can’t. And now women fawning over Nick like he’s a gift.

Which he is. He’s absolutely a gift, but this is frustrating as hell. I bite my thumb. Holden gets up and kisses the top of my head. “We’re going to need some water.”

“And waiters,” I grumble.

Roman arches an eyebrow at me. “What, Bambina?”

“Don’t Bambina me,” I growl, frustrated. “I don’t know what the fuck is going on, but I know that you know, Holden knows, and everyone but me knows. We talked about making plans around me, keeping things from me. I don’t like it.”

“Hey.” He strokes under my chin, pressing his forehead to mine. “Everything’s okay.”

“If it’s so okay, then tell me.”

Roman shakes his head. “It’s better if you don’t know.”

I’ve been tense since the falls. Since Bella found us. The guys managed to make me forget it when we left the hotel, but here there’s something between them all … and Bella that I don’t like.

“I’m going to sit with my mother.”

“Sophia.” Roman tries to catch me.

I shake him off and walk across and ask my mom if I can sit next to them. She blinks a few times and my dad grabs an empty chair from another table. They put me in it. Mom asks me what’s wrong as plates are served.

But Bella comes over. “Um, Sophie, what are you doing over here? Your table and plate are over there.”

“Thank you, Bella I’ll head back over shortly.”

“I wouldn’t want your date to be upset.” She pouts. “I’ll let them know you’ll be on your way back soon.”

“Thank you.” I barely get it through my teeth.

My eyes flick to her and follow as she goes to the guys. Mom rubs my shoulder, especially when Bella leans over, giving Gunner a great view of her tits. She rubs Holden’s shoulder, then actually sits in my seat.

“Fuck this bullshit.” I hiss.

“Sophia!” My mother gasps.

“Nothing compared to what you said earlier.” I point at her.

“Sophie, what’s the problem, come on.” Dad turns me to face him. He studies my face for a moment and his jaw tightens as he looks back at the guys. “I’m going to take care of this.”

“No. It’s like you said. Arguments and fall out.”

“You are my daughter and I told them if they hurt you-”

“That I’m an adult in a relationship and I have to handle it … when I’m ready.” I rub my forehead. “I think I should go back to the hotel. I’m not really in the ‘luau’ mood.”

“Don’t let her win.” Mom whispers in my ear.

I blink a few times and look at her. She asks my dad to get her some water, something he’s more than happy to do, but Mom pushes my hair from my face. “I don’t care what your father or those guys say. No woman likes to see her exes happy with someone else. Ask anyone at the table.”

The women there nod. One speaks up. “It’s true, honey. We all want to think we’re the best thing that ever happened to them. Even if we don’t want to admit it, it’s that gut-punch when you see someone you loved loving someone else.”

“Like you never even mattered.” Another agrees before taking a very healthy drink.

Mom nods. “But you are the one th- that he wants.” She rolls her eyes. “So prove it. I guarantee if you walk over there right now, you’ll see just how … how true it is.”