Sophie’s cheeks stay pink and only get redder when we find out the tables have names. Luckily, the five of us take up a whole table. Gunner is seated almost directly across from Sophie. Bella is definitely trying to kill his ego.

Luckily, I’m right next to her. I rub her knee under the table, and she smirks. “You keep that up, and I won’t be able to wait.”

“You can and will, Bambina.” Roman corrects me. “And you’re not going to show anything on your face, or we’ll stop having fun.”

“Shame we can’t switch seats on you.” Gunner gives her bedroom eyes. “Make you come four times … and then watch you make yourself come.”

Her eyes widen. “I couldn’t. Not here. I couldn’t get myself ….”

Holden chuckles, then straightens. “Bella.”

I remove my hand from Sophie’s thigh and curl my hand in my lap. I want her. That kiss from earlier held so much promise. It doesn’t matter that we had her last night, on the beach, with the ocean crashing. I want her again.

What is it about her that gives me the confidence I had when I was twenty and the stamina of when I was thirty? She’s like a shot of vitality, right to my system. I rake my fingers through my hair.

Bella comes over and grins at all of us. “You guys look so good in Hawaiian colors.”

We’re all in bright colors. I have flowers on the cuffs of my shirt, which is partially why I rolled it up a little. Even Roman is wearing navy and peach. She looks at the crowd. We’re not even at the back. We’re right up front with Bella.

“I figured the groomsmen should be upfront.” She clasps her hands together. “So people get used to your faces.”

“Very thoughtful.” I thank her. “And you look beautiful. Like sunset on the ocean.”

She beams. “You always did know how to give a compliment.”

“Where’s Matthew?” Gunner asks, getting my attention. He looks squirmy, uncomfortable.

Bella walks over to him. “Why? Worried about something?”

They hold their gaze a beat too long for my liking. Bella rolls her eyes. “He’s talking to Miles about work.”

“Oh. That.” Gunner nods.

“That.” She agrees. “But I made him promise, absolutely no work on the honeymoon or tomorrow. He’ll be all mine.”

“Where are you going on your honeymoon?” Sophie asks.

Bella gushes all about it as her hand brushes Gunner’s shoulder. I have no idea what’s going on there, but it can’t be good. Especially with the little squeeze, she gives him. My eyes slowly go to Sophie, and I see her eyes sharpening.

She’s getting pissed. Slowly but surely. It’s probably worse that Bella doesn’t seem to be thinking about it. It was just like second nature. Sophie drums her fingers on the table, and Bella pauses.

“There’s Matthew. See you guys later!” She waves and hurries off.

Sophie’s jaw is tight, and her lips are pursed. She’s … jealous? She doesn’t like Bella touching Gunner? Is it just Gunner, then? Or is it any of us? She was jealous of the stripper being in the house, too … and Gunner.

“I think I’m going to see if I know anyone else here before the show starts. Holden, want to join me?”

He looks around and hesitates. Gunner offers to join me instead, and I take him happily. Of course, he’d do it. We all know how Holden is with groups of people. Gunner joins me, and we head to the bar. He looks around and shrugs.

“I don’t know a single person here other than you guys.” He happily takes two drinks from the bartender, setting one to the side. I have no doubt it’s for Sophie. He takes a sip from his glass. “You ever think it’s weird how little we knew about Bella?”

“I think it’s weird that she’s suddenly so focused on you.”

He snorts. “She’s pissing me off, and she knows it.”

“You’re not the only one.”