Sophie is tanned and beautiful when she joins Nick and me for lunch. Something about Hawaii has revived her. She sips from her glass, the liquor and juice swirling together.

“How are you guys feeling after our hike yesterday?” She asks.

“It was definitely a workout. I might need to up my cardio time.” Nick rolls out his neck. “Or figure out how to stop aging.”

“Definitely feeling old.” I agree.

Sophie shakes her head at us. “Neither of you are old and I feel uniquely qualified to assure you of that.”

Nick chuckles and I grin. But I see Bella talking with some girls and remind myself that I have to keep my hands to myself. I force my free hand into my pocket and meet Nick’s eyes. I jerk my head to the side so he knows what’s going on. He nods and takes a long drink of beer.

Sophie looks between us, then over at Bella. She slumps in her chair and huffs before sucking from her straw again. “I hate this. So much. I want to touch you both.”

“I know, honey.” Nick comforts her. “Soon. Tonight is the rehearsal/ luau and tomorrow is the wedding. They leave and we still have one whole day here to enjoy Hawaii and each other.”

“Patience?” She scoffs.

I chuckle and brush her foot with my prosthetic. “You managed it before.”

“And now I’m greedy.” She sticks out her tongue.

Before either Nick or I can answer, her mother sits down. She shoots Bella a glare as she sizes her up. “So, that’s Bella.”

“Mom, don’t start.”

“I mean, sure she’s young. And kinky … and pretty. But what does she have to offer? I mean really.” Her mother orders a glass of wine, then points at Sophie. “And I know you don’t like her either so don’t try to convince me you do.”

“It’s her wedding day. She deserves to be happy.” Sophie shrugs. “I’d want to be happy if it was me getting married.”

My eyes flick to Nick, but he doesn’t look bothered by the statement. I don’t blame him. After his last bad relationship where he overheard his girlfriend say that if Nick wouldn’t propose, she wouldn’t stay and that their whole relationship was a waste of time, I don’t expect him to want to get married anytime in the near future.

And me … well … I’ve thought about it, but why do I need some certificate to tell me I love someone? I don’t. Just like I don’t need to spend thousands of dollars on one day when I’d rather travel with my partner or spoil them with gifts and experiences.

But if Sophie wants to get married … well there are four of us, but it might change things. Not might. It would definitely change things.

“That doesn’t make me like her.” Her mom insists, then looks me over with a wicked smile. “How about you, Holden? Do you like Bella? You all used to fuck her. Do you think about her when you’re with Sophie?”

“Mom!” Sophie gasps. “That’s-”

“Let him answer. Do you still want Bella? Is her pussy that magical?”

“No.” I say easily. “Bella was fun and she is a special person. I’m happy she’s with Matthew and they’re in love. They both deserve to be happy. Other than that, I don’t think of her.”

Diana sizes me up for a long moment, then twirls her wine in her glass, watching it like it will give her answers.

“Where’s Dad?” Sophie asks.

“He got extra excited last night, so he’s probably still sleeping.” She waves it away. “I’ve noticed that since we got here, he’s been extra eager if you know what I mean,” Diana smirks at Nick over her glass. “But I bet you do.”


“You know. I’ve wondered what it’s like to be shared.” Her eyes flick to me. “Especially between such sexy men. All muscular and …. Thick … and …”

“Mom!” Sophie’s voice shoots up an octave.

She smirks and winks at me.