I don’t know how long I sleep, but it feels like five minutes, maybe, before my thigh is tickled. I groan and squirm. “Keep that up, and we’ll be late.”

Rolling, I find Roman, all sleep softened, with messy hair and warm eyes. I snuggle closer. “Or the guys could meet us here, and we could wait until tomorrow to go out.”

“You’re a naughty thing.” He kisses me softly. “But I bet Nick wants to show you how to salsa.”

“I thought that was Mexico.”

“The music is close enough. We’ll get some local food and enjoy being together. You can kiss everyone, not just me, hold hands, flirt.”

I smile at that bit of freedom being offered. “You know just how to bribe me.”

“It’s not that hard.” He kisses me again. “Up and change before I decide to keep you for myself for an hour.”

“A whole hour?”

“Don’t test me.” He tugs on my sash.

I get up and squeal as my robe falls open. Roman chuckles and watches me change, his arms behind his head. I twirl in my dress, and he nods. “Very cute.”

“We haven’t gone on a one-on-one date in a while.”

“As long as we don’t get wasted tonight, I’m taking you horseback riding in the morning.”

I gape at him. Now I’m the one rushing him. He laughs, and that seems to be the theme of the night. Once we’re away from the resort and at the small local beach-side restaurant, we have a great time. We flirt, and dance, kiss and have so much fun. We’re barely noticed by the locals, and I doubt they care about what some strangers are up to.

Once dinner is done, we manage to find a private area on the beach, and I get all four of the guys, just like I wanted them earlier. Roman and Gunner let Nick and Holden go first while giving me orders and swatting me when I disobey. But it’s fun, wild, something I’ve never done before.

However, I get sand in a bunch of places it doesn’t belong, which requires a long shower when we get back. Roman is more than happy to help and even happier to wake me up before the sun the next morning, even when I complain.

I huff until we get to the beach, where two gorgeous horses are waiting for us. Roman helps me onto the all-white horse and hops on the brown one once I’m settled. We trot along the beach, then stop to watch the sun break over the horizon.

Roman takes my hand and rubs my wrist with his thumb. “Every day with you is a gift, Bambina. I don’t want you to forget that.”

I lean towards him and nearly fall off my horse, trying to kiss him. Roman catches me and pulls me onto his lap, kissing me softly. He rests his forehead against mine and smiles. “I mean it. Knowing that you’re in my life … makes me want to be a better person.”

“Is that why you’ve spared the whips and bondage?”

“That’s for special occasions.” He teases. “And only when you ask very nicely.”

“Or I’m very naughty.”

“I think you’d try to slip restraints.” He rubs my thigh. “You like touching us too much.”

“I do.” I hesitate, then let myself be a little more vulnerable than normal, let myself open up. “Half the time I’m with you guys, I feel like I have to be dreaming, like there’s no way it can be real, like I can’t be this lucky. When I touch you ….”

He grins. “It’s not a dream?”


“Well ….” He glances to the side. “We better go get your horse.”

I see my horse wading into the waves and laugh. It takes Roman and me to catch her and get me back on her. He winks. “Race you back?”

“Who would want to go back when we’re this free!”

He grins and lets me take the lead. There’s a first time for everything, like enjoying the perks of Bella’s wedding.