“How are you feeling?” He asks. “About everything going on?

“It’s been a long day,” I whisper, not lifting my head from his body. “Too long for me to process half of the things we’ve … heard or been through.”

“Then it sounds like it’s time to sleep. At least a nap while I order room service.”

“That sounds nice. Are the guys going to come by?” I hum as he picks me up again just to dry me off with a towel.

“Maybe. It all depends.”

“On Bella.” I roll my eyes and yawn.

Roman pulls my hands out and dresses me in a plush robe that doesn’t help my exhaustion level. If anything, I feel like I’m surrounded by a warm cloud. Who needs melatonin when they have the finest things in life?

Roman lays me in bed and kisses my temple. “You sleep, Sophia. You deserve some rest. It’s been a long week for everyone.”

I smile and motion him to my lips. “One more?”

“Always one more.” He promises, kissing me before letting me be the little spoon.

My eyes fall shut, and I can almost relax into sleep until the nightmares come. Gunner losing his temper and going ape shit. Trashing the wedding, calling Bella every insult I’ve ever heard. But then Bella becomes a six-armed goddess with actual fire eyes and kills all of them, one by one, saving Gunner for last.

I wake up and put a hand to my heart. My body trembles as I look for Roman in the low light. My voice is too cracked at first. No sound comes out. It takes another try, but I finally get his name out of my throat.

He leans back from the kitchenette, looks me over, then crosses the space between us with Holden and Gunner in his wake. They sit with me, and Holden kisses my temple. “Nightmares?”

I nod and clutch my robe tighter. “My mom once said dreams – even the bad ones – mean something. Do you think that’s true?”

Gunner shakes his head. “No, sweets. It’s just your worry and all the stress creeping in. There’s a lot going on. It would be weirder if you weren’t worried.”

I nod but suck my bottom lip. Roman gets me food while Gunner tells me how amazing his room is. Holden shows me the spa package he purchased for us in the morning, and the guys work together to comfort me.

Nick comes in to join us for dinner, and my chest seems to relax. The elephant that was sitting on me is gone. This is how it should be. All of us together. Eating, talking, whatever. As long as we’re all together, I feel whole.

“I love you all so much,” I whisper. “Please, no matter what, don’t forget that. Everything here is temporary, including Bella.”

Gunner rubs my hand. “We don’t need to worry about her. She’s all talk.”

So why do I still feel the ripples of the nightmare trying to rear back up?