“To the point that you’d miss out on seeing one of your best friends get married?”

“Matthew will have plenty of support,” I assure her.

“Fuck you.” She says emphatically. “Fuck you for coming here. Fuck you for asking me for this. Fuck you for even thinking I’d say yes.”

“Which means yes.” I take a victorious bite of food. “Thank you.”

She glowers at me. “I expect you all to behave. No hands on her. And you – she’ll be on your arm when you all arrive. She’s your date. Got it? If I hear whispers, I’m going to lose my shit and be a full-on Bridezilla. You want that?”

“We’ll all behave,” I promise. “You only have to worry about yourself.”

She looks me over and shakes her head. “That’s never the case, and you know it, not with five people now showing up to threaten my special day. I mean it. One fucking toe out of line, and I’m going to make sure none of you can fuck again.”

“Alright.” I put my hands up. “I hear you.”

“Now, you’re going to pay for lunch and not talk to me unless you’re giving me a present or a check. Got it? Not a hello. Not a “you look so pretty,” don’t even introduce me to the …” She hesitates, then looks up at me. “The girl I showed around the office?”


She throws her napkin down on her plate. “Takes my job and then takes you all. Of course. We’re interchangeable? Is that it?”


“Not another word. Not one, or it’s a no.” She gets up and walks away while still grumbling to herself.

I got the yes, that was the important thing. I rub the back of my neck, take care of the check, and head home. I see Sophie in the kitchen, making lunch. She’s wearing an apron over a nightdress that rides high on her thighs.

That spankable ass nearly bare. I bite my lip and watch as she turns up the radio and tosses her hair around, singing along. She tastes whatever she’s making, then grabs more seasoning. I put my hand over my heart.

“Adoro tornare a casa per questo.” I purr.

Sophie jumps and turns around to face me. A smile spreads across her face as I close the distance between us to wrap my arms around her and breathe her in. She rubs one of my arms. “Are you going to translate that?”

“I love coming home to you.” I purr in her ear.

She giggles and leans against me. “I love you too.”

I turn her around, pressing her between me and the counter to devour her mouth. As if it’s been months since I’ve kissed her or seen her. I lick along her tongue pull out all the stops to show her how much she means to me, so she can feel the sparks I feel deep inside anytime I’m around her.

When I release her, her eyes are wide, she’s panting, and she touches her lips with a trembling finger. “What … what was that for?”

“I’m so happy to be with you.” I tip her chin up to suck her bottom lip into my mouth. “So lucky that you love me.”

She blinks at me then rubs my chest. “Are you okay?”

“You are officially coming to the wedding.” I kiss her again, stroking down her back, grabbing her ass, and jerking her against me. God, she tastes good. When I draw back, I smile. “Bella said yes.”

She lifts her finger, covered with sauce. “I’m glad to hear it. I would have missed you all.”

“I wouldn’t have gone.” It feels so easy to say to her.

To cover that bit of a reveal, I suck the sauce off her fingers. It’s delicious marinara, seasoned so nicely. I groan and kiss her again, tasting it on her tongue. I cup her face in my hands and moan.

“You’re ….” I shake my head.

She sucks her bottom lip. “Why wouldn’t you have gone? You didn’t want to support Matthew?”

“I do, but I’m not going to leave you alone.”