“What about me?” She kisses down my shoulder.

“Is this making you think of anything wedding-related? Your future? All that?” I push.

She considers it for a moment, then shrugs. “Not really.”

“Not thinking about when you might get married or what you want when you grow up?” I chuckle.

She rolls her eyes then rests her head on my shoulder. “I am grown up, and I’m happy. Not every married person can say that. As long as I’m happy, why do I need a big expensive wedding, a cake? I don’t. I just need you guys.”

I smile and curl her closer to me.

I could tell her I love her every day, even every hour, and it wouldn’t be enough to convey it. She’s astounding. The way she seems to fit all of us so perfectly, how smart and dedicated she is at work, her sweetness, her ability to keep everything organized without going insane.

Kissing her forehead, I roll to face her. “I know it hasn’t been that long since we met, but you are … a force of nature.”

She laughs. “A hurricane, you mean.”

“You bring out the best in me, in all of us, really. Everyone you’re around, for that matter.”

“Yeah, tell that to Sasha.” She grumbles.

I laugh and squeeze her hand. “Sasha didn’t want to see what was right in front of her – the amazing, sweet, caring woman I love.”

Sophie shakes her head. “You don’t have to pour poetry out to get laid. You’re too hot for that. We can go for round three.” She winks.

I laugh, and she giggles, rubbing over my chest. “I know you’re serious. I love you, Holden.”

“Spend the night?”

“I will fight all of your nightmares – the spiders and the war stuff.” She kisses me again. “I’m good at squashing both.”

Smiling, I nod and hold her close. Sophie is magic like that. She calms my system with the gentle strokes of her hand on my chest. The way she smells like flowers, soft but not overwhelming. I close my eyes and rest my head on Sophie’s.

I’d be happy to fall asleep like this forever, at least a few nights a week. Sophie wiggles against me until she fits perfectly to my side, rubbing my side softly. She nuzzles my neck. “At night, I can go between rooms.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Who pays attention at night? Late … after cocktail hour.” She kisses across my chest slowly. “Then I can sneak wherever I want to be.”

“Oh yeah?”

“And I want to be with you guys, all of you.” She purrs. “Even if it’s just to cuddle.”

“Are any of us capable of just cuddling with you?” I ask.

She giggles and kisses my neck softly. “Depends on how tired you are.”

“You’re impossible to be tired of.” I turn her face, so she looks at me. “I’ll never be bored of you, never not be wowed by you.”

“You say that now.” She smiles gently. “It happens in all relationships.”

“The ones that end.” I clarify. “But I’m in this one. And I know the others are too. We live with you now. We’ve never done that. You are the first. We love you.”

She runs her nose over mine, then climbs onto my lap, rolling her hips on me. “Round three it is.”

I laugh, then groan as she rubs her pussy over my cock again. My hands stroke her hips. “I mean it, though.”

“I know you do Holden.” She leans forward and kisses me hard. “And I love you so much.”

I roll us over, tossing her back in bed and making her giggle. “One more time.”

“For tonight …”

“Until tomorrow.” I grin. “Or the day after.”

She layers kisses on me as we whisper promises until I’m buried inside her again.