Page 6 of Charmed By 3

Damn, I haven’t been on a date, a real date in averylong time. Hitting the year mark since I met up with someone with romance in mind other than a quick lay. Because dating is hard when I’m married to school.

I nibble my bottom lip. “It would be hard. I’m trying to study for a big test right now while I’m planning my dissertation and keeping up with classes. “

He cocks his head to the side. “I don’t think I asked what you were studying. We were too busy doing other things.”

There’s the dig I was waiting for. I don’t mind being the object in a game of tug of war between them, but I don’t want to be a pawn. And I want him to work harder than he did the first time.

“Psychology,” I say. “I’m working on my Ph.D., hence the limited time.”

“But you came out tonight,” Chase presses. “Can I convince you to give me just two hours?”

“Cute.” I pat his hand. “I came here as a favor to this over-exhausted mess and his wife.”

Gunner nods. “Can confirm. Sophie was worried I’d just pass out in the hotel if I didn’t have someone to meet here.”

“We’re not good enough company for you, Gun?” Hunter asks, completely distracted.

They both focus on him, so I can head to the bar. I stumble and feel strong arms catch me. Turning my head, I see Lief. Now, if this one asked me on a date, I’d be torn. Because I’m pretty convinced Hell itself would have to freeze over for that, but I also think that Lief would be an amazing time.

“Thank you,” I murmur.

“Water?” He suggests.

I nod. “It’s your friends driving me to drink.”

“Alcohol is a poison, Valerie.” He reminds me softly with his gruff voice.

Oh god, his voice is a drug itself. How have I not tasted him yet? I shiver slightly under his gaze. His face is so … closed off. Like he’s never met an emotion he wants to show. Maybe it’s the alcohol or how different he is, but I’m feeling confident.

“Do youlikedancing with me, Lief?”

He dips his chin once.

“You shouldaskme to dance then. Girls like for men to show interest.” I hint.

He hands me my water, but I suck from the straw while he holds it for me. The condensation rolls over his hand and his eyes don’t leave mine. I slide my fingers over his and the mix of hot and cold is wild.

“What else would you like doing with me?”

“Getting you sober.” It’s such a simple answer, so clear cut, no flirting at all.

I continue to watch him, trying that psychology hack, but he studies my face instead, taking me in. I waver on my heels and Lief wraps his arm around me. I swear the man has to be half-robot with strength like this. It’s like there’s steel under his skin.

“Dancing is hard when drunk. Flirting is easy,” He murmurs.

“Talking from experience?”

“No. Observation.”

“Observing is good. The best way to know what to expect from people.”

“Sometimes.” He qualifies.

“Going to school me on psychology?”

Shaking his head very slightly, he pulls me to the side. “I read that a person is what they do and why they do it. Action and motivation,” He says

“I’ve heard you can tell the character of someone by how they act when they have nothing to gain, what they do when no one is looking,” I hum.