Page 47 of Charmed By 3

The door opens and Sven walks in, standing by the door. My eyes narrow. He’s been uncomfortably involved in too many of these conversations without his own opinions. And Sven has many opinions.

When he was training me, he shared them often. His eyes give up most of what he’s feeling, but he’s learned to school his face, at least around me.

“Sven and I have been trying to further investigate this leak and I believe it’s a bigger issue than my sons are willing to face. I believe Hunter is too weak to take the necessary steps. Yes, Mr. Smith was cleared thanks to Chase and our interrogation, but next time, we may not be so lucky.”

He doesn’t expect or want an answer, so I don’t give one.

“You are stronger than either of them. You know what this company truly rests on and the risks thatcannotbe allowed. My sons are skirting those lines. They get to have their fun, their time in the papers, and their time with women. But I have noticed a change in them both.”

Sven nods.

“Chase has always been willful and eager to prove himself, but he is bordering on defiant. Hunter is pushing … too far.” Sven agrees. “We cannot trust he will wait for his inheritance.”

“I expect you to keep a close eye on both of them and report accordingly. I will handle the leak on my own. Do not do any further investigating. Do not assist my boys with any investigating. If they give you orders, bring it to me first.” Mr. Volkov lists out new rules.

“Is this understood?”

“It is,” I say simply.

Mr. Volkov grins and Sven pours him Vodka before pouring me a glass as well. We both drink and the conversation continues. Mr. Volkov likes to have those he’s speaking to a little bit buzzed. He believes it loosens their tongue.

I’ve been drinking since I was sixteen and I am larger than he is. He’s fighting an uphill battle if he thinks that method will work on me, but I don’t see the merit in pointing it out. He goes over – in detail – the expectations he has of me again.

I am to be completely available to him no matter the time and nothing is to be more important than his orders. Nothing and no one. His sons included. He gets through another round of saying the same thing until Sven leans forward.

“Ah. Thank you, Sven.” Mr. Volkov nods. “Sven has noticed that my boys have been talking about a woman. They do not use her name and they seem to be seeing the same one. Monitor this. If she becomes a distraction, simply pay her off. No woman is going to prioritize my boys over the money.”

He doesn’t know the woman. But I keep my face even despite the smirk pulling at my lips. If I was to offer Valerie money to stay away from us, she’d become the biggest problem this company has ever seen, just to prove that she’s not able to be bought.

It’s endearing.

I’d love to watch her destroy all of Mr. Volkov’s methods, his rules, and his control with one curl of her finger or one whispered sentence in Hunter’s ear. She wouldn’t control any of us, not intentionally outside the bedroom, but she’d get in our heads.

Just like that, I miss being inside her. I’m going to need to borrow her soon, just a chunk of time to remind her I’m not all talk and not just some man at the other end of a phone. I’m overdue to let her take care of me.


I blink twice and refocus on Volkov. “Do you understand? I don’t want anyone, let alone some piece of ass distracting you or my boys. When you three committed to this organization, that meant giving up any illusions of having a normal life. Is that clear?”


“Good. Then we understand each other.” He glances at the time. “Hunter’s appointment starts at four. Make sure he gets home without fucking every broken woman at the office, please.”

I nod, but as I go to the garage, I see Chase. He’s pleased as can be and has been since he got back Saturday. I incline my head to him and he comes over. “We can trust you, right? We’re not misguided inthatrespect, are we?”

“Yes and no,” I answer. “In that order.”

He nods. “You know where Hunter is today, right?”

I dip my chin.

“Then you know that Dad doesn’t want him there a second longer than necessary.” Chase gets closer to me. “Let’s give Hunter one hour with her. I think that’s the least we can do … after counseling. It’s such an easy building to miss. And with so many people around, he can be difficult to grab.”

“The first counseling session is normally ninety minutes, isn’t it?” I ask, playing along with his game. “To ensure a clear baseline, signing the necessary paperwork. And Hunter is a gentleman, he would never allow a woman to stay alone at an office without walking her to her car.”

Chase pats my shoulder. “Good man.”

“We will need to talk about your continued snooping into Mr. Smith’s file,” I say clearly. “Your father doesn’t approve and I am to report to him.”