Page 34 of Charmed By 3

Now that I know their last name – Volkov, I do a search. They’re everywhere. Paparazzi eat them up. Every event, every outing, they’re playboys, bouncing between women, flaunting their wealth.

“After that date, you suggested … maybe.”

“Maybe?” He chuckles. “What got me downgraded?”

“My research.”

A long pause answers me. “What research?”

“You and your brother are very familiar with the paparazzi,” I murmur, playing with a sticky note. “I don’t want to be in the public eye. Are reporters going to see us getting on the dinner cruise together? Are people going to be taking our pictures? Digging into my life?”

“No,” He assures me. “No, Valerie. I don’t want to put you through that.”

“How was the strip club?”

He sighs. “Not very much fun while working. Thank you for those hints. They worked wonders.”

I groan and pick up the sticky note telling me to keep my weekend clear. “What am I going to do with you, Chase?”


“You’re great in bed, but you’re a closed book. Everything I know about you, I’ve learned in a google search.”

“I think that’s what dating is for.”

I nibble my bottom lip. “You shared me with Hunter.”

“And I’m sure Lief didn’t leave hickies on himself.” He chuckles.

I groan. “What are we doing?”

“Having fun. Tell me where to pick you up on Saturday and I’ll be there.”

“For the dinner cruise.”


I narrow my eyes, sure that he’s hiding something, but I’m not sure I care what it is. “Fine. If I survive the week and have energy to spare, you can have me.”

“You’ll survive.”

I hang up without a goodbye. On Monday, I power through classes like crazy, until I’m sitting in my office. It’s Zen as fuck. Or at least as Zen as I could make it. Books on the shelves along with plants and little sand gardens.

I get through my three patients, then look at my schedule for the week. It’s basic, as I expected. I see Diana on the list for a video session on Wednesday and smile. She’ll take up a solid hour, but I’m sure she’ll share plenty of juicy details.

When I adjust in my seat, I think of being on something much better than a chair. My body floods with heat as I think of Lief on me, under me, inside me. Or being in the same positions with Chase. I squeeze my thighs, moan softly, then shake my head. No. No. This is a professional environment. I have to be professional. My thoughts, my actions, all of it.

But when I get home, I do a whole photo shoot, wearing lingerie that I haven’t worn since I got it. I laugh and drink wine as I dance and pose. I get a call from Lief after sending him a photo. He’s faster on the draw than his friends.

“Valerie, your teasing is …”

“Torture?” I ask before taking another drink. “What are you going to do about it?”

“If I didn’t have work …”

“If I didn’t have to study …” I bite my lip. “Maybe you can send me something back before you’re all busy.”

“How are you?”