Page 22 of Charmed By 3

With that, he gets in the driver’s seat and he follows my instructions to the address Elaine gave me. I chew my bottom lip. Lief studies the road intently, but the silence dragging out is dragging up questions, too many to ask.

“What are you thinking about right now?” I ask, trying for something broad, different from our normal talks.

“The directions you’re giving me.”

“That’s it?”

“I’m simple.” He shrugs. “Focused.”

“Interesting.” I adjust in the seat, so I’m facing him.

If he’s a one track mind kind of person, I wonder what he’ll be like in bed. Totally focused on me, my body, my pleasure. A shiver teases me. I still haven’t gotten a first kiss and I’m already planning on getting even more from him?

“Is this party for something specific?” He asks.

“Fun.” I try to hide my laugh. “You know what that is right?”

“I may need a definition.” Oh, he’s definitely enjoying this.

“I believe in your powers of deduction. And since you like dancing with me, and I assume you like drinking and eating, we’ll both have a good time.” I motion for him to turn.

Once we get to the party, Lief shoves his hands in his pockets. Rolling my eyes, I stow every thought saying he doesn’t want to be here in the back of my mind, and loop one of my arms around his. Those icy eyes pin me for a moment.

“Are you against P.D.A.?” I ask, one eyebrow raised.


“Then why are you looking at me like I should let you go?”

“That’s not what I’m thinking.” He says softly. “I’m glad to know you can’t read minds.”

“Nope. Just behavior.” I bump his hip. “You’re a challenge to read.”

Elaine beams at us when she sees me, then drinks in Lief. I know he’s older than the majority of the crowd, especially considering he’s friends with Gunner. But when he goes to get us some drinks, Elaine’s jaw drops.

“He’s so fucking sexy. How did you score that?”

“I have my ways.” I shrug. But she keeps peppering me with questions until I sigh. “He’s a friend of a friend. Introductions were made. Phone numbers exchanged.”

She gives an appreciative whistle and I see a few other girls eying him like they’d be happy to do whatever it would take to get underneath him. When a stacked blonde flips her hair and strokes his chest, jealousy flairs, but Lief barely stops, he definitely doesn’t say anything.

He gives me my drink, nods to Elaine and thanks her for the invitation, and takes a long drink.

Elaine mouths “wow” to me again, then flashes a huge grin. “You two have fun.”

“I have a feeling I’m the oldest person here.” Lief says softly.

“Possibly. I’d have to know how old you are to confirm.” I step closer, so my hip is brushing his. Almost automatically, his hand strokes down my back, resting just above my ass. “How old are you?”

“Thirty-nine.” No hesitation in his answer.

“You don’t look a day over thirty-five.” I compliment.

He shrugs.

We stand in silence, people watching for a bit. I start pointing people out and we talk about what they’re doing, the odds they’re going to get what they want and try to predict what they’ll do. I finish my drink in record time, then turn, taking Lief’s hand.

“Dance with me?”