Page 18 of Charmed By 3

Hunter sighs. “Sorry to cut this short, beautiful. I have to go. Let me know when you’re available for dinner. The earlier the better.”

“Shame, I was going to say right now. But since you’re so busy …”

“Woman, don’t make me find you and throw you over my shoulder. I will drag you to a restaurant, to bed, or anywhere I want.” The growl in his voice gets under my skin in a way that’s not entirely unpleasant. “Like the idea of me tossing you around and having my hands on you?”

“Maybe. But I guess we’ll never know since you’re busy.” I hide my growing lust with an easy joke.

He spits out a few curses, then exhales slowly. “Soon.”


I hang up and shake my head as I stare at myself. I hate Hunter. I hate the kind of man he is and how everything leads back to sex with him. So why am I all flushed, my eyes all dilated, and my pussy wet?

It’s just the lack of sex. It has to be. That’s all. Once I get a good romp in bed, I’ll be cured of this momentary mental slip where I’ve even considered giving up an ounce of control to a man who will abuse it and leave.

And Hunter will fuck me and leave. I know it in my bones. He’s not the kind of guy who would need to have a girl twice because another will come along and catch his attention and start the chase over again.

I let out a harsh breath, go get lunch, then come home for a bit more studying and looking up potential internships I could have. I could work in the prison system, in a treatment facility for those getting twenty-four hour care, or a truly clinical office, seeing patients just like any other counselor.

I like the last option the best. I can learn more methods of care, more intense methods that I’ve heard of and been curious about based on podcasts I’ve listened to and researched.

My phone buzzes again and I stare at it. “I am a popular today.”

I pick it up and wait for someone to speak. After a long time, I hear, “hello?”

“Lief?” I ask.

“Yes.” He answers. “I am available. I assume we’re going to an event?”

“We are. A party. Are you up for that?” I ask softly.

“I am. Where am I going?”

“I’ll send you the address. There’s no dress code really, but it’s more casual.”

“I look forward to it.”

“I’ll see you soon, then?” I’m still shocked he’s coming.

“That sounds like a question, Valerie. Are you having doubts?”

“Listen, you are not the easiest guy to read. Over text, it’s even harder so I wasn’t sure you’d even be interested. See you in a bit!”

I hang up before my mouth can run away from me. The man is going to get me to spill my soul without any effort at all. I shake my head, make myself focus on reading, then remember I have to text him.

I send him my address, tell Elaine I’m coming, and try to cram some kind of knowledge into my head before teaching it to the one stuffed animal I’ve kept – a little raggedy bunny that Tristan gave me when I was six.

No girl throws out a present from her big brother, especially when it’s protected from so many nightmares. Explaining it to the rabbit helps. That hack I learned from an IT kid I knew in undergrad.

Just as I’m getting ready for the party, putting on a cute, mildly tempting, but not crazy outfit, I get a call from Sophie. I hesitate, then answer the phone on speaker.

“Hey, Soph.”

“I love you. I love you. I love you.” She sings. “You are wonderful and I’m so glad you went to that gala and talked to Gunner. I owe you a spa weekend.”

I laugh. “Which trick worked?”

“The belly lift. Oh god. Oh god. It’s so good. Once Gunner did it … well I won’t go into the sexy details. Now all my men know the trick and life is pure bliss. Iloveyou.” ”