Page 92 of Pitch Dark

“No, Mom.”

“Oh, for Pete’s sake—”

“No.” I move in front of her where she sits at the table and crouch down. “You’ve said your piece. Now let us be.”

Staring at me with a look of annoyance, she doesn’t answer.

“I’ll call with any updates on Dad. Will you be there soon since he’s moving from the CICU?”

She flips on the sink and rinses her own plate. “Once your brother is awake and ready, we’ll head on over. Hopefully soon. Tori and Michael have been there all night. I told her to come home, but she didn’t want your father to be alone. Even if she couldn’t be in the same room.”

“Sounds like Tori. All right, Mom. Take care. We’ll see you later.”

* * *

“Dad, lie down,”I command as my old man tries for the umpteenth time to get out of bed.

“I’m ready to get out of here. Let me go.”

“You can go when you’re discharged. You went on your walk, had something to eat—”

“That pile of mush is no better than prison crap.”

I continue as if he didn’t cut me off. “And now you need to rest. You won’t do yourself any favors by pushing yourself too hard too fast. Oh, for Christ’s sake,” I mumble as he continues to fight.

“Mr. James, would you like to go for another walk?” the nurse Christine asks as she bustles in the room.

Dad shoots me a triumphant glare. “Only if it’s to my car.”

“Dad!” I turn to the nurse. “Shouldn’t he stay in bed? The man just had a massive heart attack two days ago.”

Her smile is kind but does nothing to ease the stress tormenting me. “Another walk will be okay, and he needs to work up his strength if he wants to get out of here in the next day or so. We’ll take it around the halls, and he’ll be right back.”

I clench my fists in frustration but don’t say anything else as I watch her help Dad from the bed, giving him a walker for balance. My fingers press so tightly a sharpness pricks my palms, and my arms tremble from the tightness of my grip.

Warmth encompasses my left hand. It takes a moment to notice, but when I do, I glance down to find Doe wrapping both of her hands around mine.

She’s touching me. Willingly, openly seeking me out. And it’s not even for her own comfort.

It’s for mine.

I swallow hard, trying to tamp down the feelings that gives me. Turning my wrist, I open my hand and wrap my fingers around hers and squeeze. Silently thanking her for attempting to comfort me. As quickly as I grabbed on, I let go.

“Dad seems to be doing well, and Mom will be here soon. What do you say about going down to the boardwalk and getting to experience the ocean up close? I could use the fresh air. I love the man, but he can be stubborn as a damn ox.”

“Okay,” she replies and offers a small smile.

When we step out into the hall, we run right into Dad. Except now Mom has joined him and he’s giving her the same hard time he gave me.

“What is with all you trying to keep me locked up in this place? I’m ready to go to my own bed and watch my own damn television.”

“Christopher James,” Mom exclaims in a disapproving tone and steps closer to him. “You are going to get your butt back into that hospital bed and be quiet. You are going to listen to your doctor’s instructions, and when, and only when, they say you are allowed to leave, I will take you home. Not a second before.” Her tone drops to a tearful one. “I thought I was about to lose you, and I will do everything in my power to keep you here even if it means pissing you off in the process.”

Dad reaches out and brushes away a tear with the back of his fingers. “Aww, Sandy. It’ll be all right. I’m still here, dear.”

“We’re getting older. It’s time to pack away the macho, alpha male crap and take a seat. I expect at least another twenty years out of you.”

My chest tightens at the thought of either of my parents dying. I clear my throat. “Since you’re here, Mom, we’re going to take off to give you two some space. Hope you talk some sense into him.”