Page 67 of Pitch Dark

“Don’t worry about it. I have no use for it. My parents and my sister’s family are the only ones who come to visit, but they won’t be up anytime soon. It’s yours as long as you need it to be.”

She turns back to the bed. “Thank you.”

An uncomfortable silence stretches, so I break it. “Here, let me show you some things.” I finally drop the duffle bag on the bed. I’ve been holding it this entire time, and it was starting to dig into my shoulder. “I have a good friend named Dave Tavers. He has a lovely wife named Mindy. She got together some clothes and things for you to have.” I start tugging out dresser drawers to show her the contents. “It’s not a lot but enough to get you started. Maybe the two of you could go shopping sometime.”

“Oh, I don’t know. I don’t think that’s necessary,” she rambles, backing up toward the bed. Okay, too much too soon. I hold both my hands up, palms out toward her.

“Okay, that’s okay. There’s plenty here to get you started. We’ll have to do laundry more frequently is all. I don’t want to push you into anything you’re not ready for.”

She releases a deep breath as if she were holding it. “Thanks. Can I sleep now?” she asks brusquely but not unkind.

“Of course. I’m going to make some lunch in about an hour, but I’ll wake you when it’s ready. You can sleep as much as you need, but I can’t have you skipping meals.”

Doe’s hands drop to the waistband of her jeans, and the movement draws my attention. She starts unbuttoning them and tugging them down her hips. “Sure. Thanks.”

“What are you doing?” As soon as I realize what’s happening, I turn my head to the side to give her some privacy, and discomfort takes root in my gut. What is with this girl and her nakedness?

“These aren’t comfortable to sleep in. I’m taking them off.”

“Generally speaking, if you’re going to undress, you should wait until you’re alone or let the other person know so they can give you some privacy.” The words sound harsher than I intend them to.

She drops the jean material, causing it to fall down her thin legs and pool on the floor at her feet. Her hands hang limply at her sides as she raises her head to look at me. The only thing on her face is confusion. The woman doesn’t even have it in her to be embarrassed. Again, I’m struck with wondering what in the hell happened to her and where did she come from?

“I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable. Isn’t this okay? Haven’t you seen a naked person before?”

A multitude of images flash through my head; none of them pleasant. All of them cases or past victims. Several of them—Aislin. An acrid taste rises in the back of my throat. I’ve breached my limit for the day.

“I have, but that doesn’t mean I want to. Clothing is nonnegotiable in our society. If you were on the streets, you’d be arrested for public indecency.”

“I didn’t know.”

I sigh. “I know, which is why I’m telling you. I’ll leave you to rest and wake you when lunch is ready. Sleep well.”

My mind starts thinking about lunch options. I know Mindy brought over a few premade meals to get me started. As I hit the doorway, I hear Doe murmur, “Come here, Betsy.”

When I turn to shut the door, I see my dog bound onto the bed and curl into the space near Doe’s abdomen. Her hand immediately ties into the scruff of the dog’s neck as Doe shuts her eyes.

My chest warms. I’m glad she’s taking comfort in Betsy. She’s a good dog, and I wasn’t kidding when I said she’d tear a man apart. She’s probably a better companion for her than I’ll ever be. I’m just the guy holding the gun.


The sound of a shrill scream wakes me in the middle of the night. The dream of the cold, dead woman on the slab recedes back into my subconscious. I blink against the sand in my eyes, the heavy lids and tiredness, but it’s no use. Everything is black around me. A scream sounds again, and this time, I leap into action. Blankets hold my legs down like bindings, and I tangle in the sheets in my attempt to stand. My legs kick to free me, but my forward momentum sends me spiraling off the edge of my bed and onto the floor. I throw out an arm. My wrist crumples beneath the weight of my body, and a sharp pain ricochets up the limb. A growl of pain sounds from my lips as I try to reorient myself. What the fuck just happened?

A whimper in the darkness draws my attention to the right. I turn my head that way, finding a pair of fuzzy teal slippers standing near the barely lit doorway. I follow them up a pair of legs in pink pajama pants up to a white long-sleeved shirt, and the pieces begin to fall into place.

“What’s going on?” I groan. Planting my good arm on the bed, I cradle the other to my chest and pull myself to standing.

“You-you-you-you-you-you,” she chants, the words falling out like she’s shivering in the cold.

I take a step forward, and she immediately jumps back and holds her palms out. “No-no-no-no-no-no.”

“Aisl-fuck, I mean, Doe. It’s okay. You’re okay.” I’m still disoriented from the dream, but I do my best to calm her.

The room is nearly black, but I can still see the vigor in which she shakes her head. I can imagine the terror on her face, and I can hear the fear on her breath. I know she’s afraid, but I don’t fucking know why.

I move another step closer, and she backs up again. I see her stumble, the outline of my dog standing behind her. At the last second, she rights herself before fleeing the room.
