Page 15 of Pitch Dark

Aislin cocks her head to the side, trying to get my attention, but instead of giving it to her, I fumble with getting my arms into my jacket. Once that’s done, I kneel to put on my shoes.

“I’ll see you later.”

I don’t know why, but I look at her then and catch sight of her face just as she turns away. Her smile, always present, appears weak and sad. That alone makes me feel bad for getting upset. I dash outside after her.


Her brown hair swirls around her face in the wind as she turns to me. “Yeah?” she answers, crossing her arms across her chest.

I stop in front of her, close enough to see the green in her eyes. “Come back later… if you can.”

Her eyes drift over my shoulder to look at my family filing out of our house. When she brings them back to me, she shrugs and uncrosses her arms. “I don’t know. Maybe.”

I shuffle a step closer and drop my voice to a whisper. “Today’s gonna suck. I could use a friend.”

“Niko! We’re gonna be late!” my sister, Tori, yells from the car. Not that she needs to. I’m hardly five steps away.

Aislin looks unconvinced, but I’m out of time. Reaching forward, I capture her cold hand in mine and squeeze. “Please.” Her arm is loose, and when I drop her hand, it falls limply at her side.

I turn and run to the car, making Tori shout when I crawl over her to sit in the back between her and Reece. By the time Dad backs the car out, Aislin is already gone.

I was right. Today is going to suck.

* * *

Hours later, night has fallen by the time we arrive home. The entire family is drained, both emotionally and physically. The service was small and quiet. It was sad seeing my granddad like that. Besides Dad, he was the strongest man I knew, but I knew after seeing him in the casket—frail and broken, not to mention dead—it would be hard to remember him that way.

I’d try. Granddad always said I ain’t got nothing to live for if I don’t work for it. I don’t know why, but that saying always made me think of Aislin. How she’s had to work more in her short life than a lot of people in this run-down town. I hope that means her life will get easier because she’s got a lot to live for.

Those thoughts scatter as a guttural shout fractures the night air. Five pairs of tired eyes turn to face the house next door.

“What’s the matter? You let me suck your dick for an extra hit last week!”

“Kids, in the house.” Dad commands us inside in a voice void of shock. Sadly, we’ve heard this argument before.

My siblings listen, but I pause, straining to hear the muffled retort from next door, and look between my parents’ faces.

Even though she’s exhausted, Mom dips her head to my level, grasps my shoulder, and says firmly, “Get inside. I know you worry, but you’re no use to anybody standing out in the cold dark. You know our door is always open to her.”

“What do you mean you’re done with me? Who else are you gonna fuck?”

Aislin’s momma is so loud she could be standing in her front yard. Half a dozen other neighbors along the street flip their lights out in response to her shouting.

“Can we call the cops?” I whisper, my stare not moving from the house next door, my heart willing Aislin to come walking along the side yard.

My parents exchange a glance, and my mother looks at me again. “You know we can’t.”

“Why?” I nearly cry in surprise when the sound of glass breaking comes from Aislin’s house.

Mom’s grip tightens on my shoulder, and she starts to pull me toward the house. “Nobody else on this street is going to call the police. We don’t want to make trouble for ourselves, but her momma would know it was us.”

“So?” I argue, getting angry. “Aislin’s in there!”

“Her momma don’t hit her, and her momma’s men don’t hit her. She’ll come over when she can. She’ll be okay.”

The way she said it made it sound like a prayer.

A few more low, muffled sounds come from the house before Aislin’s mom screams. “What’s the matter with you? My cunt not good enough for you anymore? Maybe you like ‘em young. Yeah? You like ‘em young? You been fuckin’ my daughter behind my back, is that it?”