Page 52 of Pitch Dark

Chapter Fifteen


The clankof metal on metal jolts the girl awake. Her eyes grow wide as the door to her personal prison pushes open. She wants to scream but knows if she does the torture will worsen tenfold. Instead, she remains silent, trapped in her own personal hell.

The man responsible for her violent suffering enters the dark dungeon. Glee fills his insides at the thought of taking the girl again. He’s left her alone to deal with personal matters. It’s been so long. Too long.

Her blood runs cold at the slimy look on his face as he fastens the lock he installed on the inside. He knows it wouldn’t keep the girl trapped if she were to overcome him, but it would slow her down. The real mechanism is on the outside and only he has the key to open it. A shiver runs down his spine at the thought. If he died, the girl would die along with him. She wouldn’t be found until it was far too late.

His eyes flit to the other side of the room at a small shuffle over there, but his interest is short lived. The real prize is the girl on the bed. She tries to hold still, knowing it won’t deter him. Knowing it never has before but still clinging to hope.

As he nears, the girl eyes the chain lock near the middle of the door. Not for the first time, she considers putting up a fight, but she doesn’t have a weapon. Down here, the only things she has are her own two hands and legs.

But maybe she doesn’t have to incapacitate him entirely. Slowing him down long enough to get the chain loose would be enough. Then she could run. Or even hide until it was safe to come out.

The insecurities plague her. What if she isn’t fast enough? What if she’s too weak? What if there’s another trap beyond the door that will catch her? What if he has bad friends, just waiting for her to make her escape?

The thoughts temper down her desire to flee. The devil is standing in front of her. She doesn’t need to go looking for another one. Survival mode has kept her alive this long. It’ll keep her alive for a while longer.

“My Lelu,” he whispers as he nears, reaching for her hair and grabbing it. Tugging it. His fingers tie into the long strands, and he uses them to yank her head forward. She holds back a whimper of pain.

His free hand drops to his dirty sweatpants as he yanks out his vulgar erection. It bobs in front of her pinched face. The girl tries to put some space between her and the grotesque part of his body, but the man jerks her forward.

He grips his cock, excitement curling low in his belly at the thought of forcing her on him. He can hardly contain the cum in his balls as he pushes himself closer to her mouth. “Suck me off, Lelu. Make it perfect.”

The girl gags silently and tightens her lips against his advance. His anger ratchets up a notch at her obvious disobedience. He tries forcing his cock between her lips again, but is met with the resistance of her tight lips and teeth.

“Open!” he roars, reaching down at the last second and jamming his finger into her mouth to the back. It slides along her clamped jaw to the back where he hooks his finger into the space her wisdom teeth are yet to come in and jerks forward and down. Her jaw flies open with an audible pop! With the defiance gone, he forces his throbbing cock inside.

The girl begins to whimper and gag as tears slide down her cheeks and drip onto her naked chest. He reaches down and fingers her cold nipples, pinching and pulling without remorse. Her stomach roils further in disgust as he continues, jamming his vile penis deeper into her throat. The gag reflex kicks in, something she’s powerless to control as he continues over and over again. Her fingers dig into her thighs as she tries to hang on. Tries to hold back the vomit crawling up her throat with each thrust into her mouth. The whispers and grunts and groans of the man push her further into a disgust beyond her willpower.

The man raggedly shouts her name, “Lelu!” and pours his revolting semen into her mouth, pushing her past the point of control.

She vomits forcefully. All over herself, his legs, his penis still deep in her mouth. It spills out the corners around him and drips down onto her naked body and the bed. She gags, coughs, and sputters on the putrid taste as tears of agony crawl down her cheeks.

“You fucking bitch!” he screams, disgusted that his perfect release is spoiled by her lack of control. Wanting to teach her a lesson, the man grabs her ankles in an attempt to flip her onto her stomach. If he fucks her ass, she can’t puke all over him.

The girl locks eyes on the mirror image of herself in the dirty reflection to her right. Where she’s silent and scared, the other screams in terror. The image of that silent mask of horror spurs the girl to fight back.

She kicks her ankles, pulling them from his weak grip, but that doesn’t stop the man from advancing. He begins covering her with his body. Dragging her underneath him as if she weighed nothing more than a feather pillow. Somehow, her knee connects with his vile manhood, and he starts to roll off her with a loud grunt before he latches onto her with a fist in her hair. As a last attempt to make him let go, the girl spits a mouthful of saliva and vomit into his face.

Time stands still as the man releases her hair and brings his hand to wipe the fluid away from his eye. He takes one look at the mess on his fingertips before backhanding the girl so hard, she falls back onto the mattress. Unconscious.

When she wakes, he’s gone.

Days filter past in a blur, just like the days prior and the days to come, except the man doesn’t visit. She tries to understand the passage of time, but the room she’s kept in is dark. She can’t mark the hours by the sun. Instead, she counts time by when she sleeps—each sleep counting as one day.

Food becomes scarce as the man stops bringing her anything to eat. Her body still reeks of the putrid vomit she wasn’t allowed to clean from her skin. She did her best to wipe the slime away with a filthy rag, but it did nothing for the stench.

As time passes and hunger turns to desperation, the girl starts to beg. She sits beside the locked prison door and cries for the man to help her. She kicks and hits the door in anger until finally, one day, she gives in. She gives in to what she knows he wants and starts offering her body in exchange for something to eat.

The man stands outside the door, listening to her pleas and jerking his hard cock at the sound of her desperate voice. Her pain feeds his depravity. The more she begs, the more time he spend standing outside the door masturbating instead of watching her from behind his computer screen. The sound of her pleading voice is much more of a turn-on than her fuzzy image on the screen, and he listens to her until he starts spilling his semen into the plastic jug in his hand.

Her lips are parched. She’ll do anything for a simple drink. The girl lies limply on the mattress, her head hanging off the edge with her eyes trained on the door. She begs for death. The man hasn’t visited her in so long she stopped trying to count the days. Her body is wasting away into nothing but a skeleton covered in skin. Her heartbeat slows. Her eyes are heavy with sleep in a way she knows if she closes them, she may never wake up.

The lock clanks. Metal on metal scrapes and her ears perk up, but she’s too exhausted to move. He enters, carrying with him two large dog dishes. Water sloshes over the edge of one and splashes on the ground. Just the sight of it has the girl attempting to push herself off the bed and crawl over.

“Lelu. You’ve been a bad girl, haven’t you?”