Page 23 of Pitch Dark

Her back arches backward with the pull on her hair wrapped around her neck. A hand comes under her arm and up her chest until his hand grabs her shoulder from the front, where he uses both that and her hair to pull her down as he thrusts up. The girl has felt pain before many, many times, but this is excruciating.

Her vision starts to flicker, and nausea roils in her stomach. She tries to swallow the bile back, but the hair around her throat prevents the muscles from working. Tears leak from her eyes, both from the pain and from her own hair choking her.

The man behind her pushes his hips with brutal force. Her tight muscles clamp down on him—not from spasming in pleasure but from her body trying to expel him. His groans become grunts as he pushes his chest against her back, and in turn, pushes her chest against the ceramic basin, cutting off more of her air flow.

Her head is tipped back, nearly lying on his shoulder. He slows his movements to run his nose up her neck then takes the same path with his tongue, lapping up the delicious tears sliding down her cheek. He buries his face in her hair, breathing in her scent.

When her cries quiet to soft whimpers, his satisfaction dissipates. He takes his hand from her shoulder, grabs the rim of the toilet with one hand and the back of her head with the other, and shoves her face forward. Her chest bends over the toilet, and her face meets the murky water inside. He can feel her struggle, trying to push with her chest to free her face from the water. All she manages to do is push her ass back against him, lodging him impossibly deeper. Air hisses out between his teeth with the pleasure this girl is unknowingly giving him, and he uses the rim of the toilet to strengthen his drive forward.

He keeps her face in the water for several thrusts before yanking her head back. Water drips down her face as she sputters and coughs.

“Are you going to hurt yourself anymore, Lelu?” the man asks against her ear, making sure to avoid the nasty water dripping down her face.

When she doesn’t answer, he starts to shove her face back in the toilet. “No,” she cries.

Satisfied with her answer, even if he really doesn’t believe it, he puts both hands on the rim of the toilet and drives forward once again. He stops long enough to grind his pelvis into her backside. Feeling the tip of his dick hit something, he then slowly pulls back out, only to slam back in again. He looks down at his dick and sees even more blood on his shaft than what he used to coat himself.

His balls draw up with his impending orgasm as he hammers in and out of her. Her head is slumped forward and little cries of pain leave her lips each time he shoves himself inside.

The girl’s pain is the man’s pleasure.

He grunts loudly and holds himself still as he releases his cum inside the girl’s ass. Out of breath, he leans his weight against her, resting his head against the back of hers.

Moments later, he pulls himself from her body, fixes his pants, and then unties the girl. She falls limply to the floor on her side, cum and blood dripping from her ass. He grabs her by the arm and hoists her up.

“Get on the bed,” he grunts then watches impatiently as she slowly makes her way over to the bed and sits down. His lips curl into a smile when she winces with pain as her butt meets the mattress.

Picking up the brush from the floor where it fell when he dragged her to the toilet, he again sits behind her. He unwraps her hair from around her neck and starts brushing out the tangles once more.