I suck in a sharp breath, horror and disgust twisting my stomach into knots.

“How in the hell could the state have allowed Sam to stay in their house if they were being investigated for something like that? He could have been removed months ago!”

“I understand your anger, Jersey,” the detective states calmly, which only pisses me off even more. “It wasn’t until a couple of weeks ago that definitive proof was found that the two were involved.”

“Why haven’t they been arrested yet?” I demand to know.

Some of my ire cools when a strong hand lands on my shoulder. I close my eyes and let Wesley’s comforting touch soothe me.

“I don’t know if you know much about the judicial system, but things take time,” Detective Erikson explains, and I open my eyes. “The DA didn’t want any mistakes to pop up when this moves to court. They’re also trying to find ways to prevent the mayor, his son, and the other known offenders from being offered bail because the likelihood of them running is high. They’re getting their ducks in order, but I suspect arrests will be made over the next few days.”

“Do we need to worry about Jersey being arrested for kidnapping?” Wesley asks, talking for the first time since we entered the kitchen.

The last thing I’m worried about is being arrested. I’d take Sam from the Mayor’s house a thousand more times and spend lifetimes in prison if it meant getting him away.

“I honestly won’t know until I talk to the DA. If she were arrested, I highly doubt the charges would stick. Not with the evidence stacked against the mayor and his cohorts.”

My shoulders droop and relief settles in my stomach. “So, what do we do now?”

He pats my hand and gets up from his chair. “I’d like to talk to Sam myself. It’ll be unofficial since he’ll be put back into the state’s custody, and I haven’t been given rights to take his statement.”

“He’ll be put back with the state?” I croak the question. I would much rather have him be part of the state over having him living with those vile people, but it still hurts knowing he won’t be coming home with me.

“I’m not exactly sure what will happen to him, but yes, for the time being, he’ll be put in a temporary home. The important thing is, he won’t go back to the mayor’s house. As far as the mayor’s wife and his older son, there’s no evidence to suggest they were involved with, or even knew, about the sex trafficking ring. Even so, I don’t see the state making him live there anymore.”

I vow right then and there, I will do everything within my power to make it so I can get custody of Sam. He belongs with family, and I’m the only one he has.

“Do you….” I swallow past the thick lump in my throat and will away the tears wanting to fall. I get up from my chair and roughly rub my sweaty hands down my thighs. “Are you taking him today?”

Understanding flickers in his eyes. “Not today. I want to go back to the station and make a few phone calls. The DA will want the photos, and he’ll more than likely stop by at some point to talk with you and Sam. With that said,” he adds pointedly. “You and Sam need to stay here.”

I nod, my eyes quickly darting to Wesley then back to the detective. “We’re not going anywhere.”

At least, I hope we’re not. I don’t think Wesley would make us leave, but how well do I really know the man? Maybe he’ll not want to be involved after hearing what the detective has said. His name is bound to come up in the investigation since we’re staying with him.

“Do you think Sam would be okay talking with me?”

I look over my shoulder toward the kitchen door. Sam isn’t too far beyond that door. We left him in the living room watching one of the Marvel movies. I hate to think of him reliving his real-life nightmare, but he’s told me multiple times he’s okay talking about it. He doesn’t like it, but he knows it’s necessary.

I swing my head back around. “Yeah, he’ll talk to you.”

Detective Erikson holds out his hand for me to shake, and I settle my palm in his.

“You have my card, call me if anything happens. And don’t forget to send me those photos right away.”

I nod. “I’ll do it now. Thank you, Detective. For everything.”

“Just hang on for a bit longer, Jersey, and everything will be taken care of.”

While he talks with Wesley for a moment, I go ahead and attach the photos to an email and send them over to the detective.

“I take it you no longer need my help at the church?” I hear Detective Erikson ask.

Looking up when I feel Wesley’s eyes on me, I find his mouth tipped up into a barely there smile. His gaze moves back to Detective Erikson. “No.”

The detective nods and moves to the door. He turns back before he walks through and addresses me.
