Bryan reaches out and drags Aleah to him by the back of the neck, pulling her forward to kiss her forehead. “How’s it going, squirt?”

Aleah laughs and swats at his chest. “I haven’t been a squirt for years, big bro.”

“You’ll always be a squirt to me.”

“You guys hungry?” I ask, turning away from the playful banter between brother and sister. Step-brother and sister, my mind whispers. “You got here just in time. The food’s ready.”

* * *

“We have an announcement,” Bryan says once we’re all done eating.

I look from him to Charlotte, who looks like she can barely contain her excitement.

She holds up her hand, flashing a diamond ring I somehow managed to not notice until now. “We’re getting married!”

Aleah squeals and jumps up from her chair. Charlotte gets to her feet just as Aleah makes it to her side of the table and they embrace.

“Oh my God! I can’t believe this! You guys are getting married!”

I chuckle at Aleah’s excitement.

I look over at Bryan with a big grin. “Congratulations. I’m happy for you both.”

“Thanks, Dad.”

“When’s the big day?” Aleah asks, lifting Charlotte’s hand so she can see the ring better. “And I better be a bridesmaid.”

Charlotte giggles. “Of course, you are. We haven’t thought of dates yet.” She looks down at Bryan and smiles. “But we don’t want to wait too long.”

The look that the two share can’t be described as anything but love. I truly am happy for them both. Bryan deserves a good woman who will cherish him, and he’s definitely found that with Charlotte.

I bring my eyes to Aleah and my thoughts move to the man she’ll one day marry. She deserves just as much happiness as Bryan. To know some other faceless man will give it to her makes me want to drive my fist through someone’s face.

The next few minutes the girls talk about wedding plans while Bryan and I watch them. Aleah moves back to her chair after grabbing the cobbler Charlotte brought for dessert. She scoops out pieces for all of us and puts them on plates.

“When are you getting back from hanging out with your friends tomorrow?” Charlotte asks Aleah. “Bryan and I have something for your birthday, and we wanted to bring it by.”

“I decided to stay in,” Aleah answers, stabbing a peach with her fork and sliding it between her lips. Her eyes briefly slide to me.

“You should have told us.” Bryan takes a bite of his own cobbler. “We could still make dinner plans.” He looks at me. “You’re free tomorrow, right?”

“Actually,” I set my fork down and purposely keep my eyes averted from Aleah. “Since Aleah said she wouldn’t be home, I made plans for myself after work.”

Bryan grins. “A date, huh? Bout time you put yourself out there again.”

“Yeah,” I grunt.

I leave out the part where there will be other people there. In the end, I’ll still end up fucking Carla, so the technicalities don’t matter.

Feeling eyes on me, I chance a glance in Aleah’s direction. It’s a mistake. As soon as our eyes meet, she drops hers to her plate. There’s no mistaking the pain she’s attempting to mask. A pang hits my chest, and I reach up to rub the spot.

I have no reason to feel guilty for going out with another woman. And seeing the pain on Aleah’s face shouldn’t make me want to gather her in my arms and make the look go away.

But I do. And that’s all the more reason I should go out.

Maybe this will show Aleah that wanting me is wrong.

And maybe it’ll convince me of the same thing.