Chapter 6


Closing the door behind Bryan and Charlotte after they came by to drop off their birthday present, I go to the living room and plop down on the sofa. Bryan tried to talk me into letting him and Charlotte take me out to dinner, but I refused. I’ve been in a crap mood all day. Actually, I’ve been in a crap mood since last night when Spencer announced he was going out tonight. He didn’t specifically say it was with a woman, but Bryan implied it and Spencer didn’t deny it.

Today is my birthday. It was supposed to be a great day. I had plans. Plans that should have ended my day in pleasurable bliss. Now all I can think about is what Spencer is doing and who he’s doing it with.

He’s a very good-looking, middle-aged man who has needs. A woman would have to be deaf, dumb, and blind to not want him. There’s no doubt in my mind that he’ll end up in some other woman’s bed tonight.

It was supposed to be mine, dammit. He was supposed to be my birthday present to myself.

But I’m here, alone.

With my heart heavy, I get up from the couch and make my way upstairs. Nothing will help with this depressing feeling, but a soak in a bath sounds really good right now. After filling the tub with warm water, I strip down and let myself soak. Closing my eyes, I lean my head back against the rim. When my thoughts try to form Spencer in my head, I squash them. I’ve thought about him enough today.

I’m a prune by the time I climb out of the tub. I stayed in a lot longer than I intended. The sun is starting to set behind the trees, giving the sky an orangy-pink glow. With the towel wrapped around me, I stop at my window and gaze out.

Shawn, our next-door neighbor, is outside mowing his lawn. He’s a single dad with a ten-year old son. When I started noticing the opposite sex, it wasn’t the boys my age that attracted me. It was the older ones. And the older I got, so did the guys I was interested in.

Looking down at Shawn, with his shirt off and sweat glistening on his back, I let my eyes run over his body. He has to be in his mid-thirties. Tall, with dark-blond hair, and a body that suggests he works out regularly. He’s hot, but not the hot that has my panties melting and an ache forming between my legs.

My phone chirps from my bed, so I turn and go grab it. I’m surprised when I see the message waiting for me.

Spencer: On my way home and picking up dinner. Is there anything specific you want?

My heart jumps in my chest.

One of two things must have happened. He decided to not go forward with his date. Or he’s already done with her.

The latter has my stomach churning and fighting off nausea. But I don’t think that’s it. His shift only ended an hour ago. Which wouldn’t really give him time for a date and a fuck afterwards, right?

My eyes move back to the window and an idea forms in my head. It’s a risky one. But all things in life worth having comes with a risk.

A slow smile curves up my lips. I toss my phone back on the bed, deciding to not reply. Going to my dresser, I pull out a pair of my shortest cut-off shorts and a white tank top. I pull my damp hair up into a messy bun on top of my head.

I grab my phone and make my way downstairs. Stopping at the door with my hand on the knob, doubt and nerves give me pause.

Should I really do this? It could backfire and blow up in my face. I come across to most people as bold and brave, unwilling to let anything stand in my way. But am I bold enough to do this? I mean, my seductive skills toward Spencer haven't gotten me anywhere so far, so the chances of this actually working are slim at best. And Spencer may hate me afterward.

But doing this could also lead me to the exact thing that I want.

Pulling in a shaky breath for courage, I pull open the door and step outside. I take two steps off the porch before my courage begins to wane again, but I push my doubts away with determination. This is a crazy idea, but dammit, I’m tired of waiting for Spencer to make a move. I know he wants me. There’s no way he can hide his body's reaction to mine. So if he needs a little nudge, I’ll happily give it to him.

Rounding the side of the house that sits next to Shawn’s, I stop and wait for him to notice me. When he does, he shuts off the lawn mower, pulling out a rag from his back pocket to wipe his face.

“Hey, Aleah,” he says, shoving the rag back into his pocket. “How’s it going?” His eyes flicker down to my white tank, and I know he sees the outline of my breasts. It’s the reason I wore it.

“Just fine. Thank you.” Despite my shaking legs, I walk over to him with what I hope is an innocent smile. “Where’s Owen?”

“At a friend's for the night.”

“Oh.” I lick my lips. “I was wondering if you could take a look at the drain in the kitchen?”

His eyes move to the house. “Where’s Spencer?”

I lift my hand airily toward the driveway. “He’s not home from work yet.”

“It can’t wait until he gets home?”