Chapter 1


“It’s been a while since I’ve seen you here.”

I look up from staring at the amber liquid in my glass and glance at August. He’s one of my son’s friends.

“It’s not often I find I need a drink.”

He takes the seat beside me.

“What can I get you?” Reed, the bartender, asks him.

“A Bud.”

Reed taps the bar. “Coming right up.”

When he takes off, August turns to face me. “What’s going on that you feel you need a drink?”

I side-eye him. “Did my son teach you the tricks of the trade?”

Bryan is a psychologist and owns his own practice.

August chuckles. “Nah. Just a friend helping someone out.” He juts his chin toward the half bottle of whiskey set beside my glass. “Seems like you need a listening ear.”

I bring my glass to my lips and tip it back, savoring the burn as it goes down my throat. Putting the glass back down, I debate on how much I should tell my son’s friend. August is an English teacher at Silver Falls High and an alright guy. With him dating one of his students, something that’s been kept a secret for obvious reasons, he, more than anyone, would understand my situation. Even so, I’m not ready to admit it to myself, let alone tell someone else.

That said, I give him only a little.

“Just some shit that’s going on with Aleah,” I tell him.

He’s quiet for a moment, so I look over at him. As a detective, I’ve learned how to read people. It’s par for the course when you’re in my line of work. August’s expression is thoughtful, like he knows more than what I’d like for him to. Since Bryan has long since moved out, August doesn’t come by the house very often anymore. He’s been by a few times since I married Aleah’s mother six years ago, but only a couple of times since she ran off with the mailman. He shouldn’t really know of my plight with my step-daughter. But the way he’s looking at me makes me think otherwise.

Fucking hell.

Reed, who happens to be another friend of my son, walks up, sliding August’s beer across the bar. He props his hands on the surface, for all intents and purposes, looking like he’s going to stay awhile.

“What has that sour look on your face?” Reed asks, directing his question at me.

Before I can tell him to mind his own business, August pipes up.

“He was just getting ready to tell me the trouble he’s having with Aleah.”

I shoot August a glare. Doesn’t matter if he suspects anything or not. He needs to learn how to keep his big mouth shut.

“What kind of trouble? She’s in high school, right? What’d she do? Get caught skipping? Cheating on a test?”

I fucking wish it was that simple. Unfortunately, my issues with Aleah are way more complicated. Complicated and dangerous. Not only to my sanity, but to my health. It won’t matter that I’m his father. Bryan would kick my ass if he knew the thoughts I’ve been having lately about his step-sister.

I narrow my eyes on August when his lips twitch. I can practically see the thoughts forming in his head and the temptation to voice them. If he’s smart, he’ll keep them locked up tight.

I toss back the rest of my drink and the ice hits my top lip. I’m tempted to pour another, but regrettably, I need to stay sober so I can drive home. I push the bottle away from me, letting Reed know I’m done with it. He takes it and sets it under the counter.

I evade Reed’s questions as much as I can. “Just some teenager shit. Nothing I can’t handle.”

I ignore August's laughing eyes as I get up from my stool. Pulling out my wallet, I toss enough money on the bar to cover the two drinks I had.

“Later,” I mutter.