When I walk into the kitchen, I find Aleah still clad in her bikini with her hands on her hips glaring at Dad, who’s expression isn’t much nicer.

“What’s going on?” I ask, confused as to what could have happened in the sixty seconds she’s been in here alone with Dad.

As well-mannered and grateful as Aleah is for Dad letting her stay here, I’ve noticed a lot of heated arguments going on between the two over the last few weeks. I think Deena’s continued disappearance is starting to weigh on Aleah, and Dad can feel the tension.

“I can see where you get your assholish ways, Bryan. Your father’s being an excellent example of it right now.”

“Girl,” Dad growls. “You’ll do what you’re told, or you’ll suffer the consequences.”

“You can fuck right off. You’re not my daddy and can’t tell me what to do.”

“I’m as close to a daddy as you have. Now get your ass to your room and do as you’re told.”

“Ugh! Fine! Whatever!” She spins around dramatically and stomps out of the room.

I lift my brows and look at Dad. “What in the hell was that about?”

Dad turns away and begins gathering plates from the cabinet. “She was being a brat. All I asked was for her to go get changed and she flipped out. I’m not sure what her problem is lately.”

“Her birthday is coming up. I’m sure she’s just upset that Deena won’t be here to celebrate it with her. Turning eighteen is a big milestone for a young girl.” I grab some silverware from the drawer. After I set them down beside the plates Dad placed on the table, I turn to face him. “She also might be worried you’re going to kick her out once she reaches legal age.”

Dad’s head whips my way, his brows puckered. “She knows I wouldn’t do that. She can stay as long as she needs to. She can’t help that her mother is a bitch.”

Yeah, Dad holds his own bitter feelings toward Deena.

“Maybe you should sit down and talk to her,” I suggest.

Dad nods, looking off toward the door Aleah stormed through. “Yeah, maybe you’re right.”

A few minutes later, Aleah comes back into the kitchen. Dad and I are already sitting at the table. Aleah plops down in her usual chair. She’s decked out in a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie that almost swallows her whole. It’s early spring, but it’s already hot as Hades out, and Dad is a stickler for setting the AC at a barely tolerable temperature to save on electricity. She’s going to be sweating bricks soon. I squint, taking a better look at the logo on the front.

“Isn’t that yours?” I ask, looking at Dad.

He eyes the shirt. “Aleah,” he sighs.

“What?” she asks, already scooping some of the chili in her bowl. “I was cold, and all of my sweaters are already packed up for the summer.” She drops the serving spoon back in the bowl and shoots Dad a look. “Or is this inappropriate too?” Her question is asked with an eye roll.

The muscle in Dad’s jaw twitches, but he bites back whatever he wants to say. “It’s fine. Just make sure you wash it and put it back.”

Aleah salutes him. “Yes, sir.”

Again, Dad’s jaw tics.

Over the next few minutes, we each go over our days. Dad can’t say much about his current cases for legality reasons, so it’s mainly just Aleah and I talking with Dad responding. Aleah, thankfully, loses her attitude.

“You mind if I stay out a little bit later than my curfew tomorrow night?”

Dad’s head jerks to Aleah. “What for?”

“Sean wants to take me out to the movies and a friend of mine is throwing a party we want to stop by afterwards.”

Dad shovels in a bite of food, washing it down with his beer before he responds. “Sean is that jerk you went out with last week, right? Didn’t you say you saw him with another girl a few days ago?”

“No.” Aleah wipes her mouth with her napkin. “That was Dillon. Sean is someone else.”

“You’ve been seeing a lot of boys recently.”

She pins Dad with an irritated look. “So?”