Dex chuckled, relieved Cael was acting like himself again. He got to work fixing up Cael’s hot chocolate while Sloane made a latte for himself and Dex. Sloane knew him so well. Dex didn’t even have to ask.

When Dex placed Cael’s hot chocolate in front of him, the tiny marshmallows forming a peak, and close to causing a tiny marshmallow avalanche, Cael frowned at it.

“I can’t stick any more on there, buddy. Gravity’s got to do its thing.” Dex studied his brother. “Cael?”

“I don’t know what to do with it.”

Dex cocked his head to one side, smiling. “You eat the top part and drink the rest, silly.”

“No, you jackass!”

Cael’s outburst surprised the hell out of Dex and Sloane. The two of them stood speechless. Dex could see Cael was barely keeping it together. Usually he was easy to read, but right now he had no idea what was going on. Cael’s face was flushed, his eyes glassy, and he looked about ready to blow his top.

“Cael, talk to me. Don’t know what to do with what?” Very gingerly, Dex made his way around the counter, stopping next to Cael.

“With you almost dying,” Cael replied through his teeth. “With you being tortured.” His hands balled into fists on the countertop, his hard gaze on the peak of marshmallows. “I know you’ve been in tough spots before, but even then, I knew you’d be okay, because you always found a way to be okay, to get yourself out of trouble. This time….” He shook his head, his lips pressed into a thin line. When he turned to look at Dex, the fear in his eyes broke Dex’s heart. “I really thought this was it. I thought I’d lost my big brother for good.” Tears pooled in his eyes and Dex didn’t hesitate. He threw his arms around Cael and hugged him close, offering what comfort he could as Cael shed quiet tears.

Sloane gave him a small smile before heading upstairs, leaving them alone to share this moment. Dex closed his eyes, trying hard not to let his emotions sweep him away. It was hard. Cael’s words reminded him of how close he had come to losing his life. What if he hadn’t freed himself? Okay, enough of that. With a sniff, Dex pulled back. He met his brother’s gaze.

“You didn’t lose me, okay? I’m here. Whatever’s going on, we’ll get to the bottom of it, and I swear that I will do everything in my power to be here with you, with Dad, and Sloane, for as long as I can. I love you, Chirpy.”

“I love you too, Dex.” Cael wiped his eyes before he narrowed them. “Tell me you kicked his ass.”

Dex grinned wickedly. “I knocked him out with a metal chair.”

“Good,” Cael said with a soft laugh. “Asshole. Hope someone sticks needles under his fingernails.”

Dex instinctively dropped his gaze to his fingers. “Dad?”

Cael let out a heavy sigh. “I don’t know how we’re supposed to keep him out of this, Dex. Sparks should know better. She’s been his partner at the THIRDS since he joined. Once he gets something in his head, he’s as stubborn as you. You should have seen how pissed off he was.”

Dex’s head shot up. “He went over to yours?”

“To Ash’s. I’ve been crashing there. Dad came over this morning, and just… he was so mad. He looked rough. He obviously hadn’t slept much, if at all.” Cael worried his bottom lip with his teeth. “He’s not going to stay on the sidelines for long, Dex.”

“I know.” Dex eyed his brother. “Did you tell him anything?”

Cael glowered at him. “No. I told him it had to come from you. It’s not like he expected me to. I think he just needed me to know that he was there, in his own way, and that he was looking out for us.” Cael plucked one of the marshmallows from the heap and popped it into his mouth. Dex couldn’t help but smile. He was so very lucky. He’d never forget that.

The two of them made small talk while Cael ate his weight in marshmallows, and when he was done, after Dex had assured him for the hundredth time that he was okay, they hugged, and Cael left. Upstairs, Dex found Sloane on the bed propped up against a number of pillows as he read from his tablet. He looked up at Dex, his eyes filled with concern.

“Everything okay?”

Dex nodded. “Just hit him a little harder than expected.” Feeling the need for his partner’s warm strength, Dex climbed up on the bed and lay down beside Sloane, snuggling close. Sloane didn’t pry any deeper. He simply stroked Dex’s hair as he read, which was exactly what Dex needed at the moment. He closed his eyes, a weary sigh escaping him. He hadn’t realized how tired he was until now. Within seconds, he’d dozed off.

“I CAN’T believe Sparks is making me stay home for a week. I’m fine.”

Sloane patted Dex’s butt as he walked by on the way to the kitchen to finish washing up the breakfast dishes. “I know, sweetheart.”

Sloane was humoring him. He’d been fussing over Dex since the morning after the incident, but Dex didn’t mind. If Sloane wanted to take care of him, Dex was going to soak it in and roll around in it like a cat with catnip. But tomorrow Sloane would have to return to work, and Dex would be left at home. Alone. With his thoughts.

As expected, two days went by in the blink of an eye, even with Dex resting despite his protests that he was fine. Sloane was having none of it. He’d cook for Dex, they’d shower, fool around, watch TV, eat, fool around some more, shower, watch movies, eat, and go to bed, where they had some sexy times. Next thing Dex knew it was time to get up and for Sloane to get ready for work. He rolled onto his side to face hi

s sleepy, grumpy boyfriend.

“I don’t want to go,” Sloane said with a pout.

Dex smiled and rubbed circles over Sloane’s chest. “I know you don’t, but the city needs you. Your team needs you.”