“Wagner Cove Central Park.”

“Great.” Sloane motioned toward the next room, and they all followed him. The room was equipped with everything they’d need for a mission. An unapproved THIRDS one anyway. Between Letty and Austen, they now had enough firepower to go in, arrest Collins, and face Hogan’s crew if they showed up. Everything from unmarked uniforms and vests to tranq guns. Two large steel tables were positioned together in the center of the gray room with maps and several tablets. Sloane stood at the head of the tables and grabbed a black Sharpie, along with the huge map of Manhattan.

“All right. Seb, how do you want to play this?”

Seb studied the map before pointing to Terrace Drive in Central Park. “I’ll have Theta Destructive on standby here in the BearCat.”

“You sure you want to bring your team into this?” Sloane asked.

“Don’t worry about my team. I’m not about to let you guys go in there without backup.”

“Okay.” Sloane motioned for Dex to get closer and pointed to West Drive. “I think we should park the surveillance van on one of these paths here near the lake, off West Drive. You’ll be close enough to catch everything, but far away enough not to be spotted by any of Hogan’s gang if they happen to be in the area. I’ll be in there with Cael.”

Dex’s head shot up. “No way. You’re not even supposed to be exerting yourself as much as you are.”

“Dex, I’m not going to send my team into danger and then sit at home twiddling my thumbs, waiting to hear what happened.”

“It’s a catering van, Sloane. It’s not equipped to handle anything remotely resembling a medical emergency or PSTC. It doesn’t have any kind of holding bay either. The only reason we’re taking it is so we can make a quick getaway if we need to.”

“Okay,” Sloane agreed. “Then I’ll be in the BearCat with Seb.”


“I’ll be in the BearCat with Seb.” Sloane’s tone was of Team Leader, and he’d made his decision. As much as Dex wanted to argue how Sloane had no business being out in the field in his condition, he backed off. It was up

to the both of them to know where to draw the line between their personal relationship and professional one.


“I’ll watch the van,” Cael volunteered. “Give me a call if we need to get lost, and I’ll make sure the engine’s running. We can get the hell out of there if we need to.”

Sloane agreed. “Seb, get some of your guys undercover and have the rest discreetly redirecting any foot traffic that might head Dex’s way.” He turned his attention to Dex. “You, Ash, Hobbs, Letty, and Rosa will be concealed in the shrubbery nearby waiting. On your call, you move the team in.”

“Got it.”

“I’ll inform Calvin to get Bautista out of there the moment you make your move. I want everyone in their positions at 10 a.m. sharp, geared up and ready to go. If you gotta tranq the shit out of Collins, you do it. But try to make it fast and low key. The last thing we need is the HPF calling it in. Everyone clear on what to do?”

Everyone’s collective “affirmative” ended the briefing. The girls headed off with their equipment, and Dex handed Hobbs the keys to the van. It would be better if he took the thing home and picked them all up in the morning. While Seb, Sloane, and Ash went over a few details, Dex approached Cael.

“Dad won’t suspect anything, will he?”

Cael went over to the equipment and grabbed a vest. “Nah. You know he never asks where we’re going. I tell him I’m going out, and he tells me to take care. He’s kind of pissed at you, by the way. This morning he was mumbling to himself as he walked around the kitchen.” Cael lowered his voice to mimic their dad’s deep baritone, “Damn boy can’t even pick up a damn phone. What he needs is a good ass whupping.”

His brother looked too damn happy about it. Crap, Dex hadn’t called his dad in days. Tony didn’t expect him to check in, but Dex should have had the courtesy to let him know everything was all right, considering recent events. Tony was probably worried about Sloane, how his recovery was going, whether the two of them were ready to strangle each other, or more likely whether Sloane was ready to strangle Dex. It was never a good thing when his dad mumbled to himself. It usually meant Dex was going to end up paying for it later.

“I’ll give him a call as soon as this is over.” Hopefully it wouldn’t all blow up in his face and his dad wouldn’t be kicking his ass. Seb, Ash, and Sloane finished hashing out the details, and everyone grabbed what equipment was left. They agreed to call if anything changed. Seb and Sloane chatted as they headed out, with Dex carrying his and Sloane’s equipment. Outside, Ash caught hold of Cael’s arm. Since Seb and Sloane stopped to continue their conversation, Dex pretended not to eavesdrop on his brother and Ash.

“Hey, listen, I know things between us are rough, and it’s completely my fault, but how about if after this is all over, we sit down and have a chat. Just the two of us? Please. I… don’t want to lose you.”

From the corner of his eye, Dex saw Cael fold his arms over his chest, his gaze hard.

“You have to have something to lose it, Ash.”

Ouch. Dex almost cringed. He kind of felt sorry for Ash. Cael obviously hadn’t retracted his claws completely.

“I deserved that,” Ash said, “But give me a chance to explain. I’m sorry I’ve been pushing you away. I want to let you in, I really do. More than anything. I promise to try harder. Give me a chance. If what I have to say isn’t good enough, then… well, you decide.”

Cael seemed to mull it over, a host of emotions crossing his face, many of which Dex knew all too well. His brother was afraid of getting hurt, even more than he already was, but he also wanted Ash more than anything. Cael was easy to read, always wearing his heart on his sleeve like his big brother.