Sloane couldn’t help his smile. “Yeah, I like it a lot.” There was so much he liked very much. The way Dex’s plump lips parted, releasing moans, whimpers, and groans as Sloane took hold of Dex’s cock and started pumping it. Dex thrust his hips up and down, his movements picking up as Sloane’s hand did the same.

“That’s it. Fuck yourself on my dick.”

“Oh God, Sloane.” Dex’s movements grew erratic, his face pained with the need to release. Sweat beaded his skin, and Sloane thrust his hips up as Dex came down, making his partner cry out in surprise.

“Come for me, sweetheart. I want to see your face when you come.”

Dex nodded. He rotated his hips, but when his own fingers found their way to his lips and his other hand to his hair, his expression of sheer reckless abandon as he fucked himself on Sloane, it was more than Sloane could endure.

“Fuck. Oh fuck.” Sloane sat up, one arm wrapping around Dex and pulling him close against him as his other hand continued to pump Dex’s cock. Sloane thrust his hips hard against Dex’s ass over and over until Dex cried out, his fingers digging into Sloane’s shoulders as he came in Sloane’s hand. The hot, sticky feel of it had Sloane thrusting hard and deep one last time, causing his partner to let out a half cry, half moan before Sloane came deep inside Dex. He held on tight to Dex, thrusting until he’d emptied himself of every last drop. Carefully he rolled over with Dex, pulling out of him as he did.

Sloane hadn’t even realized the music was still going. Except instead of a hot sexy tune, it was a sweet romantic ballad about love. Kissing Dex, Sloane held him close, wondering why the hell it had taken him this long to realize what he had.

“I love you,” he whispered against Dex’s ear. His body was going to be sore, but it was worth it. He nuzzled Dex’s neck and smiled when he felt Dex slip his leg between Sloane’s. He huddled close, his arms around Sloane’s waist as he whispered back.

“I know.”

Chapter 10

THE SAFE house was like any other. An empty, secure location with several vacant rooms all painted the same drab gray. Nothing particularly interesting to look at. One room had been set up with a table and a chair to either side of it. Digital microphones and recording devices were in position, ready to feed everything back to the digital drive in the next room where Dex and Sloane sat watching the medium-sized monitor on the table in front of them.

Calvin had managed to blindfold Bautista, and Dex felt a little sorry for the guy. Either Bautista was as innocent as he seemed or an exceptional actor. He’d trusted Calvin to blindfold him and lead him who knew where. They watched Calvin escort Bautista into the brightly lit room and remove the blindfold. Bautista blinked at the lighting, his smile fading when he realized something wasn’t right. He spun toward Calvin, eyes wide with fear.

“What is this?”

“I’m sorry, Felipe, but… I’m not who you think I am.” Calvin reached into his pocket and presented his badge. “I’m an agent for the THIRDS. Please, sit.” He motioned over to one of the chairs, and after some hesitation, Bautista did as he was asked.

“I should have known. I thought you were too good to be true.”

“I’m really sorry,” Calvin said sincerely. “It wasn’t my intention to hurt you.”

“I haven’t done anything wrong. I’m registered. What do you want with me?” Bautista had his hands on his lap, his fingers clutched tightly together. He was anxious, showing all the signs of genuine fear and apprehension.

“That’s not why we’ve brought you in. Have you heard of Beck Hogan?”

Bautista frowned thoughtfully. “He was in the news, wasn’t he? Something about an explosion a few weeks ago.”

Calvin nodded. “He’s the leader of an extremist group calling themselves the Coalition. Have you heard of them?”

“They were at war recently with a Human group. I can’t remember their name. It was horrible. There was a bombing in the youth center; then the Coalition killed those Humans. But the news said it was over. The THIRDS arrested them. Or what was left of them.” Bautista’s gaze wandered around the room, momentarily landing on the steel door before coming to rest on Calvin again. “It’s all very tragic, but I don’t understand what it has to do with me.”

“I need to show you something. It might be shocking and difficult to look at, but I need you to look, okay?”

Dex watched Calvin open the folder containing photographs of the Order members Hogan and his crew had killed. Some of them shot, some mauled to death so bad they were barely recognizable as Humans.

“Oh my God.” Felipe’s hand went to his mouth, and he turned away, his eyes shut tight. “Why are you showing me those?”

“Because your boyfriend was involved in these murders.”

Bautista stared at Calvin. He almost looked like he’d been frozen in time. After what seemed like a lifetime went by, he shook his head. “No. It’s not possible. Drew couldn’t have had anything to do with this. He might be an insensitive jerk sometimes, but he’s not a murderer.”

“I’m afraid he is.” Calvin showed Bautista photographic evidence taken from street cameras capturing Collins heavily armed. “He’s a part of the Coalition, along with Beck Hogan. We’ve been after them for months.”

“But… how? I mean, he….” Bautista kept shaking his head, tears welling in his eyes.

“When he wasn’t with you, did you know where he was?”

“He was busy with work. Meetings. Church.” Something seemed to dawn on him, and his expression fell. “He lied to me.”