“I’m so sorry.”

“I didn’t know what to do with myself. Our relationship was far from perfect, but we loved each other.”

“Why isn’t Beth registered under your name?”

“I dreaded this day. When my past would catch up to me. I was always paranoid about it. It broke my heart, but I couldn’t keep Beth with me. I was afraid someone would try to hurt her. But I was weak and couldn’t give her up for adoption either, at least not to a stranger. I took all the savings I had and paid off the doctor at the Therian registration office. My brother is listed as the biological father. He’s married to a Therian with a Therian child. I knew Beth would have a good home there.”

“Does she know you’re her biological dad?”

Perry shook his head. “She thinks I’m her uncle. One day she might find out. But who knows where I’ll be then.” He turned to face Dex, his expression grim and determined. “I’ll do whatever it takes to keep her safe, Agent Daley. There is nothing in this world I wouldn’t sacrifice for her. I’ve made mistakes. Unforgivable mistakes. But Beth shouldn’t have to pay for them.”

“And I agree with you, Perry. But if I can find you and your family, what makes you think Beck Hogan can’t?”

“Beck Hogan,” Perry whispered the name, as if saying it too loud might conjure the guy up. “I’ve been moving around, trying not to stay too long in one place. The moment I saw the news reports about the others, and then Hogan being responsible for the explosion, I knew he’d come after me sooner or later.”

“Hogan’s looking to finish what he started. He won’t rest until you and Jackson are dead. If it means getting to you through your family, then so be it.”

“Why are you helping me?”

“I sincerely believe you regret what you did, even if I can’t forgive it, but I’m not willing to put your little girl’s life at risk. I want Hogan. I’m beginning to think the only way is to draw him out.” He couldn’t believe he was saying this, but when he thought about it, the answer was clear as day. “If I can keep you and Jackson away from him, he’s failed. He’ll never complete his revenge. Once he finds out, he’ll make his move, and I’ll be waiting for him.”

“What do you need me to do?”

“Turn yourself in to the THIRDS. They’ll take care of the rest.”

Perry turned to look at Beth who waved at him again. After several painfully silent minutes went by, Perry let out a weary sigh, and his shoulders slumped in defeat. “Okay. Can I have a moment to say good-bye?”

Dex nodded. He stood by as Perry took the stairs on their left leading down to the court. Beth ran to him and threw herself in his arms. He squeezed her tight and put her down, talking to her and smiling like nothing was wrong. It was almost too much for Dex to watch. Despite the brave face Perry put on, Dex could see the man’s heart breaking. After a fierce hug, Perry headed back toward Dex, his eyes red and filled with unshed tears.

“I’m ready.”

Dex led the way to his car, unlocking the door for Perry and making sure he was seated inside before going around to the driver’s side and getting in. He fastened his seatbelt and got them moving, but he didn’t head back toward Manhattan. Instead he pulled into Fifty-Ninth Street next to a dry-cleaning supply warehouse. It was a dead-end road with a few houses across the supply warehouse. He drove to the end, made a three-point turn, and parked.

“What are you doing?”

“The THIRDS will make sure Beth and your family are safe, but there’s something else I need.”

Perry looked exhausted. “What?”

“Do you have any information on where I can find Brick Jackson? He’s the last guy on Hogan’s shit list.”

“Brick? Jesus, I haven’t talked to him in years. We used to work at the same construction firm a few years ago, but he just up and disappeared one day.”

Something in Dex’s gut told him Perry wasn’t being completely honest. It wouldn’t be a stretch to believe the only two Westward Creed members who hadn’t become members of the Order would contact each other. If Reyes attempted to recruit Perry, it was likely he’d tried to recruit Jackson. “Does Jackson have any family? Friends you know of? Something? Whatever you can give me might help keep Jackson alive. You have no reason to trust me, I get it, but if I don’t find Jackson before Hogan does, the next time you see your friend will be in the news after he’s found mauled to death.”

Perry stared at him, horrified. He went silent, turning his attention out the car window. The guy was thinking about it, Dex was certain. After an excruciating amount of time went by, Perry turned back to him, his expression suspicious.

“Why do you want Hogan so bad, Agent Daley?”

“Because he hurt someone close to me,” Dex said. “I need to stop him before he hurts anyone else.”

Perry was undoubtedly wondering whether he should trust Dex or not. He had no reason to. But Hogan and his crew had already killed several Westward Creed members. The evidence was hard to ignore. In the end, Perry let out a sigh. “Jackson’s gone. He knew a guy who could get him a new ID and passport. Official. After Craig ended up dead, Brick freaked, said he was leaving for California. No connection to anyone there.”

Shit. “So he’s in the wind?”

“Yeah. Brick never settled down. I think the guilt about what happened back during the riots ate away at him too.”

Dex started the car and headed for HQ. Well, so much for Jackson. He’d still run it by Austen, see if Austen could confirm the intel. There’d be video surveillance at the airports. Even if he’d used a different identity, he’d pop up on a feed somewhere. Then Austen could send an alert to the THIRDS California HQ, just in case.