“When your partner breaks shit,” Ash corrected. “Or drops gummy bears in the grenade launcher.”

Sloane let out a snicker at the memory of Dex’s stunned, wide-eyed expression after the jelly treat had fallen in. Like a kid who realized only too late he’d put too many Mr. Bubbles in the tub. With no time left to do anything about it, he’d had no choice but to fire the weapon. Sloane found himself laughing harder.

“What’s so funny?” Ash asked, his lip twitching. Sloane knew he was trying so hard not to laugh.

“When he fired the grenade launcher and the gummy bear flew out and hit the perp in the face?” Sloane was in tears, and even Ash couldn’t keep himself from laughing any longer.

“Your boyfriend is such a fucking dweebus.”

After Sloane managed to get a hold of himself, he gave Ash a wicked grin. “Admit it, you kind of like him.”

“I’m not going to dignify that outrageous remark with a response.”

“Okay, then.” Sloane motioned toward the insulated lunch bag on the small table. “Empanadas.”


Sloane nodded.

Ash considered this. “Guava?”

“Yep. There’s some beef and chicken too.”

With a sigh, Ash got up and unzipped the bag. “You twisted my arm.”

As Ash set up a makeshift picnic on the table for the both of them, complete with cups of OJ from the pitcher Sloane had asked the nurse for, Sloane couldn’t think of a time when he’d felt this at ease, which was odd considering the past few days. After all the shit they’d been through, not only did he have his best friend back, things between Sloane and Dex couldn’t be better. Finally they were starting to settle down. At least until he thought about his partner going rogue. What the hell was Dex thinking?

“Hey.” Ash reached out and put his hand on Sloane’s shoulder. “Don’t worry. I won’t let anything happen to him.” He handed Sloane a napkin with an empanada.

“Thanks.” He hoped Ash knew how grateful he was.

“Are you sure you’re okay? You look a little….” Ash motioned to his eyes. “Misty.”

“Fuck off,” Sloane laughed. “It’s the meds.” He was sure of it. It had absolutely nothing to do with the possibility of having a family after a lifetime of being alone. Or having someone who loved him and would stick by him despite all his fucked-up baggage. Dex loved him. Which was why Sloane had to figure this mess out. He had to protect Dex, even if it meant protecting him from himself.

DEX STOOD under the terrace near Bethesda fountain in Central Park and waited. At exactly quarter to eight—as he’d been instructed—a figure emerged from the shadows with a swagger and a cocky grin. Here we go.

“Thanks for agreeing to meet with me,” Dex said, holding his hand out to Austen who gave it a casual shake. No one would ever mistake the cheetah Therian for a THIRDS agent. Not with his bad-boy looks, from his cuffed 501 jeans to his pompadour haircut. Austen was slim and sinewy, about Cael’s height, which made

sense considering his Felid classification. The first time they’d met, after Sloane had been forced to literally drag Austen in to get information from him, Austen had used the excuse that cheetah Therians were skittish by nature, but Dex was coming to learn there was more to it. Was it a survival instinct from his days on the street? There was a lot Dex didn’t know about Austen, and he was curious. Mostly because he had the feeling Austen knew more about him than he was letting on.

“No sweat, Daley. How’s Broodybear?”

“He’s got a lot of recovery ahead of him, but it’s looking good.”

Austen nodded, his sharp amber eyes studying Dex. Like he knew something Dex didn’t. What the hell did a THIRDS Squadron Specialist Agent do, anyway? Other than mysteriously pop out from the shadows every now and then.

“You didn’t call me to talk about Sloane.”

“I’m going after Hogan.”

“Sparks pulled Destructive Delta off the case.” Austen cocked his head to one side in thought when his eyes widened. “Oh no. Listen, I know you want to get Hogan for what he did. I understand feeling pissed off and wanting to kick him in the fuzzy sack, but this isn’t just any Therian you’re going after. Hogan is fucking huge in his Human form. In his Therian form he’s lethal. He’s a tiger Therian, man. You’ve seen them. Look at Hobbs. The dude’s like three hundred pounds and you’re like what? One sixty?”

“One seventy-five.”

“Dude’s like two of you put together.”

“This guy tried to kill Ash twice. He put Sloane in the hospital. I’m going to do this whether you help me or not.” Dex would only have access to Themis for two more days. After that, any searches he performed under his “on leave” status would get flagged and reported to Intel, who would most likely pass it on to Sparks.