“He most likely saved my life,” Dex said quietly, watching Sloane’s eyebrows draw together.

“I don’t understand. What happened?”

Deep breath. “When I heard the explosion, all I could think about was you. I ran outside, not thinking the threat might still be out there. We were shot at.”

Sloane let his head fall back onto the pillow. “Jesus, Dex. You could have gotten yourself killed! After all the training we’ve done? After everything we’ve talked about, you run right into the line of fire without any regard for your safety whatsoever?” He turned his head to glare at Dex. “You’re lucky I’m too damn grateful you’re here to beat the shit out of you. Also, I can’t right now.”

“I know. I fucked up. I’m sorry.”

Sloane narrowed his eyes. “You best put that lip away because pouting is not getting you out of this one.”

“I wasn’t pouting,” Dex mumbled.

“Yes you were. I know when you’re pouting even when you don’t. Now, tell me everything.” Sloane gave him a squeeze, which Dex guessed meant he’d been forgiven, though Sloane wasn’t likely to forget it. Jaguar Therians never forget. Dex was pretty sure it would conveniently cross his partner’s mind during a training session, and Dex would get his ass kicked for it.

“Ash knocked me to the ground. He tore his stitches to keep me safe from the shooters. I kept trying to get away from him to get to you, but he wouldn’t let me.”

“What about the shooters?”

“Ash said they were in a black van and long gone before emergency services arrived.”

Sloane pressed his lips together, meaning he was trying his best to remain calm.

“I swear it won’t happen again.”

“Damn right it won’t. You….” he trailed off and sighed, his gaze going to the ceiling. Sloane pulled Dex closer against him. “I’m glad you’re okay.” When Dex didn’t reply, Sloane glanced over at him. “You are okay, aren’t you?”

“Yeah. I was thinking….”

“You really need to stop doing that thinking thing,” Sloane muttered, the corner of his mouth twitching in its desire to smile.

“Dick. Anyway, I was thinking you should stay with me while you recover.” He was hardly about to tell Sloane his dad and everyone else had sort of already decided for him. But from everyone else’s standpoint, it was a tactical move. From Dex’s it was a personal one. He wanted Sloane with him. If he explained all the logical reasons why it would be a good idea, he had no doubt Sloane would agree, but Dex didn’t want those reasons to be why his partner accepted.

Sloane stared at him. “But that’ll take weeks. Maybe longer.”

“It doesn’t matter how long it takes.” Dex leaned in and kissed Sloane, his thumb stroking Sloane’s jaw. “Let me take care of you. Not because you can’t look after yourself but because I want to help.”

Sloane closed his eyes and Dex waited. It wasn’t an easy decision for his partner, especially since it would feel like they were living together. Dex was always the one to make the first move, to nudge Sloane in the direction Dex wanted their relationship to go in. He didn’t want to keep pushing. A part of him feared he’d push Sloane too far, and the guy would turn and run like he’d done before. Each time was more painful than the last, and although Sloane always came home, Dex’s heart couldn’t take it. He’d told Sloane as much. If Sloane needed space, all he had to do was ask, and Dex would be happy to give it, but there was always the worry their relationship would reach a point Sloane wasn’t willing to go beyond. After what seemed like forever, Sloane spoke up.

“I need to know something first.”

Dex’s pulse quickened. “Okay.”

“Are you going to wear one of those sexy male nurse’s uniforms, the white latex ones with the assless chaps?”

Dex let out a bark of laughter. “Oh my God, I can’t believe you remembered.”

“Of course I remember,” Sloane said with a wink. “I told you. I remember everything.”

“Then you’ll also recall you didn’t wear one for me.”

“True,” Sloane admitted, “but white latex wouldn’t look good on me. I’m more of a black leather type of guy.”

Dex’s mouth dropped open. “Dude, we can’t have sex for like ages, and you’re putting all these naughty images in my head.”

“I’m not putting anything in your head. I was commenting. Now on you, I think it would be a different story.” He ran his hand from Dex’s chest down to his thigh.

That really wasn’t helping the no-sex situation, but he left Sloane’s hand resting on his thigh regardless. “You honestly want me to wear white latex assless chaps?”