Twenty minutes later, Dex was walking Perry to HQ. He’d parked a couple of blocks away and accompanied the guy to the corner wall of the looming government agency. Dex was already risking exposure, and God forbid Seb caught him with Perry. One coincidence related to the case was questionable enough, but two?

“It’s important you make them believe it was your idea to turn yourself in, otherwise we get a whole load of questions and red tape we don’t need. Not if we’re going to move this along quickly.”

“You want me to lie to them?”

“No, you’re simply withholding certain information. Tell them why you’re turning yourself in. They’ve no reason to be suspicious of you, and since you had nothing to do with the Order or Reyes, there won’t be any charges. It’s likely they’ll put you into protective custody until Hogan is caught.”

“Why can’t I tell them about you?”

Dex decided to be honest with Perry, even if he wasn’t being honest with his own employer. “Because technically, I’m on leave. Hogan put my team out of commission, and he’s threatened my family. My partner was hurt badly by the bomb Hogan planted. I’ll be honest with you, Perry. Another team was assigned this case, but I can’t leave my family’s safety to chance.”

Perry nodded his understanding, his gaze sympathetic. “You’re protecting your family. I get it.”

Dex wished him luck and watched him approach the guards at the gate. He must have stated his name because the guards jumped to action, talking into their earpieces and quickly escorting him inside. Dex didn’t waste any time. He turned and headed back toward his car. As he walked down the block, he felt good. Like something was finally going his way. Talking to Perry had made him realize the quickest way to finding Hogan was to make the guy come to him. Hogan was obsessed with getting revenge, but if there was no one left to get revenge on, he’d take it out on whoever had relieved him of it, like he’d tried to do with Ash. It was insane, but how the hell else was he supposed to find one Therian in the whole of New York City?

Dex fished his keys out of his pocket and hit the alarm button, but when he opened his car door, the alarm

went off. Hadn’t he turned it off? He hit the button again. Weird. He sat back, ready to turn on the ignition, then stilled. The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end. He quickly recovered, turned on Retro Radio, and when he pulled back, he discreetly went for his Glock. Unlatching the safety mechanism, he swiped up his gun and turned, his gun aimed straight at the chest of the huge Therian in his backseat.

Chapter 6

“MOTHERFUCK!” HE returned his Glock to its holster and glared daggers at Ash sitting casually in the back of the car like he was waiting to be chauffeured around town. “What the hell, man? You broke into my car?”

“You should really be more careful. Could have been Hogan back here.”

Fuck, he was right. But Dex wasn’t about to admit it. “Why are you here acting like some horror movie backseat serial killer?” A thought occurred to him. “Are you spying on me? Did Sloane send you to keep tabs on me?” Was he that transparent? Even if Sloane did know, did he not trust Dex to handle this?

“He asked me to keep an eye on you. He’s worried.” Ash motioned to the front seat. “I’m coming around. If you try to drive off without me, I will beat the shit out of you.”

Dex mumbled something unintelligible under his breath about preferring to drive over him but sat patiently while Ash got out and got into the passenger seat. He fastened his seatbelt and motioned for Dex to do the same. Was the guy serious? Ash arched an eyebrow at him. He was serious. Dex fastened his seatbelt as Ash reached over and turned off the radio.

“I don’t know how Sloane listens to this shit music of yours.”

“It’s not shit. And he listens to it because he’s a caring partner and not an asshole,” Dex replied, switching it back on and lowering the volume. “My car, my music. And I don’t need a babysitter.”

“Clearly you do. Otherwise you wouldn’t be doing what you’re doing.”

“Which is?”

“Something incredibly stupid.”

“You think I’m going to stand back and watch some other team bring in Hogan after all the shit he’s put us through? If they even find the guy?”

“We’re under direct orders, Daley.”

“Fuck orders,” Dex snapped. “My family’s in danger. Cael is in danger. I’m not going to wait around for Hogan to put my brother in the hospital, or worse, the morgue. Are you?” He expected Ash to argue back, instead his burly teammate sat back with a disapproving frown.

“Pretty shitty move, using your brother to get me to agree with you.”

“Not my intention. Besides, it’s the truth, and you know it. We’re all in danger. That’s part of the reason Sparks pulled us off this thing.”

“Exactly. And you’re proposing we go out there and make it easy for Hogan to finish the job.”

“We? I’m not proposing we do anything. Jesus, Ash. Your stiches haven’t fully healed yet. Go home. Get some rest while you can get it, and not a word of this to Sloane.”

Ash let out a humorless laugh. “Are you kidding me? Do you realize what Sloane would do to me if he found out I knew what you were up to, lied to him, and then let you go off on your own? It’ll be a hell of a lot more painful to put up with than my fucking stitches, I can tell you that much. He might be my best friend, but he’s also my Team Leader, and he will beat the shit out of me in training. I think it’s how he remains so fucking calm all the time. He takes his shit out on us in Sparta.”

“Yes, he does. Ash—”