“I have my ways.”

“I bet you do.” Taylor brazenly raked his gaze over Dex. “I bet you’re full of surprises. Maybe Brodie will let me borrow you for a dance.”

Unbelievable. “Maybe Taylor will remember our little conversation in the locker room not long ago,” Sloane replied through his teeth.

Taylor squint

ed as he tried to recall. “Refresh my memory?”

Sloane flashed his teeth, feeling his inner Felid wanting to come out and play. “I’d love to.” He grabbed a fistful of Taylor’s shirt ready to oblige when Dex pushed himself between them. He turned Taylor around and sent him moving. The guy started to protest when something shiny, or who knew what, got his attention, and he disappeared into the crowd. Sloane braced himself, even managed a pleasant smile when Dex turned back to him with an arched eyebrow.

“So, what exactly had that conversation been about? You look just as pissed now as you did then.”

There was no point in trying to hide it. “It was about you. I didn’t appreciate the way he was talking about you.”

Dex gave a snort. “That dude’s a sexual harassment lawsuit waiting to happen.” A slow smile crept onto his face as he started dancing again. “I was right, then.”

“About what?”

“When I said you didn’t want other dudes checking out my ass.”

Sloane held back a smile as he tried to think up an excuse. In the end he gave up. “I got nothing.”

“Aw, you were all jealous then, too,” Dex said quietly, shimmying closer to Sloane until they were almost touching.

“Dex….” Despite Sloane’s concern, he didn’t push Dex away. No one seemed to care about their proximity. It wasn’t all that different at the office. No one batted an eye when Dex flirted with Sloane or joked about their closeness. Then again, it was hard to be suspicious of Dex. The guy was genuinely affectionate and playful by nature. Sloane supposed to their teammates, Dex was simply being himself around Sloane, and Sloane went along with it because Dex was his partner. Everyone was aware they’d become close friends. Sloane didn’t feel offended their teammates chalked that up to Dex’s likeable personality rather than any effort on Sloane’s part. Apparently, not even Team Leader Sloane Brodie could resist Agent Daley’s charms. Well, they were right.

“Hi, Dex. Hi Sloane.”

“Lou, you made it.” Dex hugged Lou and gave him a squeeze, making Lou chuckle. Seeing Dex so affectionate toward his ex-boyfriend didn’t bother Sloane. It had been a different story that first night Lou had shown up in Bar Dekatria and started flirting with Dex under the pretense of “talking”. Dex had been the only one who seemed to have any interest in talking. But that had been before Lou walked in on Dex and Sloane making out in one of the empty hallways. Sloane had decided getting to know Lou and his intentions would be wiser than trying to scare Lou off. It had paid off, and now that Sloane was certain Lou posed no threat, the guy had become a friend. He was also a fountain of knowledge when it came to Dex, which, of course, drove Dex nuts.

“I couldn’t miss one of your crazy pre-birthday-party parties. You sure it’s okay my being here? I don’t know anyone except you guys and the team.” Lou glanced around the room and fidgeted—his demeanor at odds with his outward appearance. Lou was attractive, like one of those Hispanic soap stars. He dressed fashionably and gave off an air of utter confidence. He was lean and toned with a body that said he worked out often. He had dark hair with dark eyes and long lashes, full lips, and was a few inches shorter than Dex. Sloane estimated roughly five seven. He was also a few years younger than Dex. Lou was the opposite of Sloane in every way. Sloane could see Dex caring for Lou. But there was something missing, and Sloane could see that too.

“Of course it is,” Dex replied cheerfully. “Want something to drink? It’s open bar.”

“Speaking of bar…. Isn’t that the bartender from Bar Dekatria?” Lou motioned over to the far end of the room where Bradley was serving in his signature snug black T-shirt. His bare arms displayed impressive tattoo sleeves. At that moment, Bradley looked up and flashed them a big smile followed by a wink.

Dex waved at Bradley before turning back to Lou. “Yep. I invited Bradley, and he insisted on bartending. Said he wouldn’t come otherwise. It might have had something to do with the fact that when he asked what kind of beer I’d be serving, I said ‘cold.’ Seriously, you should have seen his face. Like I insulted his mother.”

Lou and Dex both laughed. They started chatting, and Sloane offered to get Lou his JD and Coke. On the way to the bar, Sloane caught sight of Beta Pride’s Team Leader, Agent Levi Stone, heading his way.

“Hi, Sloane.”

“Hey, man.” Sloane shook Levi’s hand. “Having a good time?”

Levi held up the bottle of beer in his hand with smile. “I’m not much of a party guy, but it’s nice to get out and mingle every once in a while. I appreciate Dex inviting me. Can I—would it be all right if I asked you to introduce me to your friend? The one talking with Dex.”

“You want to meet Dex’s ex-boyfriend?” Sloane certainly hadn’t expected that.

Levi nodded. “You don’t think Dex would mind, do you?”

“I think he’d be okay with it.” He sure as hell hoped so. Sloane motioned over to the pair, and Levi followed him over. The two stopped chatting when Sloane and Levi approached.

“Hi, guys. I wanted to introduce Lou to Agent—”

“Blarney,” Levi finished, his expression unfaltering.

Dex gaped at him. “Your name’s Blarney Stone?”