“That dude who got caught in the crossfire over on Broome Street? He was murdered.” Austen closed his eyes, and Sloane panicked.


The young Therian gave a start, his eyes flying open so he could stare at Sloane. “Easy there, Broody Bear. What you yelling at?”

“Sorry, I thought….” Sloane felt embarrassed. A part of him felt responsible for Austen. It was because of Sloane that Austen was working for the THIRDS to begin with.

“Aw, look at you,” Austen purred. “All worried about me. I’ve grown on you.”

“Like a bad habit,” Dex muttered. Austen chuckled and gave Dex a wink.

“You’re all right, Daley. Though sexy pants here is in a whole other league.”

Sloane was aware of Austen’s crush. The kid had been infatuated with him for years. He’d tried his best to let Austen know nothing could ever happen between them. He just didn’t see Austen that way. It was hard not seeing him as that scrappy little kid he’d met years ago. “Austen, I….”

“You got a guy. I get it. ’Course you do. Look at you.” Austen let out a soft laugh, though it fell flat. “Besides, I’m just an upcycled thief.”

“Hey, you’re an agent, and a damned good one. Without your skills, the THIRDS wouldn’t have the information it does. What you do matters, Austen. You help save lives.”

Austen pursed his lips. “Yeah, I am pretty awesome, aren’t I?”

Sloane chuckled, and Austen’s expression grew hard once more. “The Coalition executed that guy. Made it look like he got caught in the crossfire. My guess is he was set up. Your second victim is Craig Martin. Run their names for known associates dating back to the riots, and I’m willing to bet you’re going to get more than you bargained for. There’s more going on here than we thought. I’ve heard the word rogue whispered around, and I don’t mean the cheeky kind you find in romance novels. I think some of the Coalition members have secretly gone rogue.”

It was as Sloane had suspected. Something else was going on, and it had nothing to do with rounding up members of the Order. “You’ve done an amazing job, Austen. I’m really proud of you.” And he was. He meant everything he’d said to Austen. The young Therian was one hell of an asset. One of the good ones. Ballsy and determined to see justice prevail.

Austen beamed brightly at him. “Thanks, man. I also found something on the prick looking to take over the Order.”

“You’ve been busy.”

“Don’t want to let you down.” Austen shrugged, his gaze moving away from Sloane. Sloane took hold of Austen’s face and turned him so he could meet Austen’s gaze.

“You never do. I wish you’d listen when I ask you to be careful.”

“Life in the fast lane, my man.” Austen was smiling again, and Sloane was relieved. It took a lot to get Austen down. Sloane had always admired that about the guy. Austen shifted, letting out a low hiss before continuing. “The rumors about there being more than one Human looking to crown himself King of the Crazies is bullshit. There’s just the one. This new guy. He’s got a tattoo running down the side of his neck. Big one. I looked it up. It’s the Hydra, a multiheaded serpent from Greek mythology.”

“You did great, Austen.” Sloane gave Austen a gentle pat on the arm. “You’ve given us our first major leads and confirmed my suspicions on the Coalition.”



“I’m worried.”

“Don’t be. I promise you’ll be taken care of. You trust me right?”

“I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t.”

“Good.” Sloane’s phone went off, and he saw on his caller ID that it was Rosa. He quickly answered and gave her the apartment number. Moments later she was unpacking her first-aid response kit next to Austen. While Austen flirted and bantered with Rosa and Rosa patched him up, Sloane had a chat with Dex who looked concerned.

“Sloane, he’s going to need someone to keep an eye on him and keep him safe in case the Coalition makes another attempt to shut him up. At least until he’s gotten all his strength back.”

“I know just the guy for the job.” Sloane pulled out his phone and scrolled through his contacts. “Osmond Zachary.” He tried his best not to laugh at Dex’s jaw nearly becoming unhinged.

“As in the guy who hung me upside down from my ankles because he wanted my Cheesy Doodles?”


“Yogi will probably eat him!”