“Awkward runs in the family,” Dex muttered as he turned onto his stomach and propped himself on his elbows. “Unless you’re Tony. Then ‘awkward’ cowers in the corner. Must be a sibling thing. So has Ash ever been with a dude?”

Sloane shrugged. “To be honest. I don’t know. I don’t get involved in his love life, or in Ash’s case, sex life. He’s only ever slept with women. That I know of. We’ve been best friends since we were kids, but we’ve always valued our privacy. As long as he stays safe, whatever Ash does with whoever is no one’s business but his.”

“In other words, you have no idea.”

“That’s why I said I don’t know. What makes you think he might be into guys?”

“The way he is with my brother makes me wonder.”

“He is pretty hands-on with Cael. I admit I was surprised the first time I saw Ash behaving so affectionately toward your brother. From day one, he’s never cursed him out, threatened him, or even told him off. He’s like a different person. I got used to it after a while. Figured it was something the kid brought out in him. But he’s never mentioned any guys. Plus, he’s told me several times he’s not gay.”

“After you asked?” Dex wiggled over to Sloane and let his head rest against Sloane’s stomach. It’s like he couldn’t be near the guy without obliterating any space between them. Whenever he touched Sloane, his belly filled with butterflies, and his pulse sped up. Either Sloane didn’t notice Dex’s slight flush, or he chose not to bring it up, which was fine with Dex. He didn’t want to make Sloane uncomfortable.

“I’ve never asked,” Sloane said, absently stroking Dex’s hair. “He’s sort of volunteered the information. Now that I think about it, there was that night at Dekatria. Ash had a little too much to drink, and he was going on about how the fact he liked hanging out with Cael didn’t make him gay. It was weird. Then again, it might have been the alcohol talking.”

Dex wriggled his brows, making Sloane laugh. “Methinks the scary agent doth protest too much.” He rolled onto his back, and Sloane followed, landing on top of Dex. He gave Dex’s lips a kiss before trailing kisses down his jaw to his neck making Dex’s toes curl. A hum escaped him, which seemed to encourage Sloane.

“You planning on asking him?” Sloane teased before taking Dex’s earlobe between his teeth.

“Fuck no. Like he would tell me the truth anyway.” Dex went quiet, and Sloane pulled back to look down at him.

“You’re worried about Cael.”

“Yeah. He has a habit of falling for the wrong guys.”

Sloane’s smile returned, the desire burning in his amber eyes mixed with warmth and affection. “Something else that runs in the family?” He squeezed Dex under his arms, and Dex let out a laugh before trying to push his hand away.

“Maybe it did,” Dex said, trying to hold back his laughter while pushing at

Sloane. “Stop tickling me, you dick.” Sloane stopped, and Dex rewarded him with a lengthy kiss. “I think I broke my unlucky streak.”

“Always the charmer, aren’t you.” Sloane lay on top of him. The feeling of his weight on Dex felt so damn good. He could stay like this all night. His hands slid around Sloane’s torso, down the curve of his spine and the dip before his gorgeous ass.

“I try,” Dex murmured, arching up against Sloane.

Sloane smiled knowingly before kissing Dex. “And succeed. Unfortunately.” His lips returned to Dex’s, hot and soft, his scent driving Dex crazy. God he wanted Sloane so badly. He pulled off Sloane’s T-shirt so he could enjoy the feel of Sloane’s firm muscles, the softness of his skin. It struck him how perfect this moment was. How happy he was right here, right now. Something in his chest tightened, and he suddenly found it difficult to breathe. He pulled away and gave Sloane the most charismatic smile he could muster.

“Does that mean you’re charmed enough to make me some chocolate chip cookies to go with my glass of milk?”

Sloane stared at him. “It’s nearly midnight.”

“They’re premade. Just cut ’em up and pop ’em in the oven.”

“You stocked my fridge up with your unhealthy snacks again, didn’t you?”

Dex smiled widely so his dimples would appear. “I did. So… cookies?”

“And if I say no?” Sloane arched an eyebrow, and Dex let out a heavy sigh.

“I guess I could go to sleep without the taste of warm, gooey chocolate chip cookies fresh from the oven made by the gentle hands of my tender lover—”

Sloane burst into laughter. “Okay. Jesus. Fine. I’ll make you cookies.” He kissed Dex one more time before rolling off the bed. Dex gave him a sappy grin before getting up on his feet, walking to the edge of the bed and motioning for Sloane to turn around.

“Seriously?” Sloane planted his hands on his hips. Despite his stance, the light in his eyes told Dex he was amused.

“The floor is made of hot coals.”

Sloane backed up to the bed, and Dex jumped on him, his arms coming to wrap around Sloane’s neck and his legs around Sloane’s torso. “I see. So you get to save your feet while I burn for you?”