Sloane’s phone went off, and he quickly answered, listening to Austen ramble off his latest intel. “Austen, you are fucking amazing. I’m going to make sure you get a raise. What? No, I won’t go out on a date with you. Don’t push your luck. Yes, I’m sure Zach isn’t going to shift and eat you. Stop being such a scaredy-cat.”

Dex chuckled. “I’m starting to like that guy.”

Sloane hung up and got to his feet. “He reminds me of you.”

“Two of them?” Cael shuddered.

“Thanks, bro.” Dex turned his frown on Sloane. “I’m not sure I like the sound of that.”

Sloane leaned over Dex and gave his cheek a pinch, throwing Dex’s words back at him. “Aw, has anyone told you how cute your jealous-boyfriend face is?”

“Oh. You are good, sir.” Dex wagged a finger at him. “I approve.”

Sloane chuckled. “Come on. We’ve got a lead. Austen got a tip on Reyes. I need to inform Maddock.” He turned for the door when Cael stepped in front of him. He rubbed a hand over his hair, his eyes on his boots as he looked embarrassed.

“I’m glad you guys made up. I’m sorry if I’ve been acting like a jerk.” He lifted his face and gave his brother a pout. Where did these two learn to do that pouty-lipped thing? It was devious and highly effective. “I’m sorry, Dex.”

“It’s okay.” Dex threw his arms around his brother and hugged him tightly. “You know I can’t stay mad at you.” He took hold of Cael’s cheeks and squeezed them. “Look at that face. How can I stay mad at that?”

“You done?” Cael asked through squeezed cheeks, looking most unimpressed.

“I am.” Dex smiled wickedly, and Sloane braced himself. “Chirpy.” He released his brother and bolted from the room.

“You colossal jerk!” Cael chased after Dex, and Sloane couldn’t keep himself from shaking his head at the two as he followed them out into the bullpen. Sloane left the brothers to their shenanigans while he headed for Maddock’s office. Finally, they were getting somewhere. Sloane had gotten pretty sick and tired of always being one step behind these bastards. It was time for the tide to change.

MADDOCK STOOD at the podium at the front of the briefing room, addressing the three Defense teams. Sloane’s meeting with his sergeant had been brief, but together they’d quickly devised a strategy. One that would hopefully give them the advantage they needed. The end was near. Sloane could feel it.

“Listen up. We’ve received a tip regarding the location of Angel Reyes, a Human we believe to be associated with the Order and possibly looking to assume leadership. If we can bring Reyes in, we might be able to get the locations of the remaining members of the Order and any bases of operation that may be left. This is the biggest lead we’ve had. Reyes has been sighted at the Baptist church on Hertz Street in Brownsville. I’ve already sent the location to your tablets. I want Reyes alive. We also need to get there before the Coalition, so everyone gear up and move out.”

Everyone in the room dispersed, including Destructive Delta. As they headed for the armory, Dex edged up to Sloane and discreetly checked to make sure no one was within hearing distance. “How do you know the information won’t get out?”

“Doesn’t matter if it does. If the Coalition shows up at the church, they won’t find Reyes.”

Dex gave him a puzzled frown. “Reyes wasn’t sighted at the church?”

“Reyes does attend the Baptist church on Hertz Street,” Sloane replied before giving his partner a sly smile. “Just not the Baptist church on Hertz Street Maddock gave out.”

“You’ve got a plan, don’t you?”

“Maddock and I talked it over, and he agreed if we give out Reyes’s location, the Coalition is bound to get there before we do. This way, we’ll get there first. If we need backup, the teams will be just down the street.”

“What about Ash?”

“Don’t worry about Ash. I’ve got that covered.”

Once everyone was geared up and in their trucks, Maddock instructed Hobbs to hang back and let Beta Pride and Beta Ambush take the lead. Destructive Delta took up the rear. Everyone was quiet as they rode toward Hertz Street, the anticipation palpable. They all knew how important the success of this mission was. The moment they drove onto Hertz Street, Sloane checked his watch. In four… three… two….

A delivery truck should be cutting them off and stopping in front of them with hazard lights flashing in….


Calvin called out from the front cabin. “Sarge, we’ve got a problem.”

Maddock told Hobbs to back up and go around before tapping his earpiece. “Agent Stone, Agent Taylor, we’re going to have to go around. Some jackass delivery van blocked our route.”

Sloane heard a “copy that” from both Team Leaders, and shortly after, Sloane’s phone rang. He held back a smile as he answered. “Good job Austen, but I’m still not going out on a date with you.” He chuckled at Austen’s whine before the young Therian cursed under his breath and told Sloane that Agent Zachary was a card shark. Sloane hung up and turned to give Dex a wink. It was time to put the ball back in their court.

Hobbs parked a few doors down from the Peoples Baptist Church on Riverdale Avenue just off Hertz Street. Sloane knew for a fact Reyes wasn’t at church. He was in the sub-basement of the boarded up, supposed-to-be-abandoned apartment building across the street. Destructive Delta climbed out of the BearCat with Cael staying behind with Maddock to manage surveillance on the area. Sloane signaled to his team, and they all fell into formation behind him. They quietly made for the back of the apartment building, rifles at the ready. Sloane reached behind him and signaled Dex. His partner removed his backpack and produced a set of bolt cutters. In seconds, Dex was cutting the thick chain securing the gate of the white iron fence. He returned the cutters to his backpack before tapping Sloane on the flank.