“Hey, Sloane. You up there?”

“What the hell?” Dex hissed. “Ash has a key to your apartment? Why didn’t you tell me?”

Sloane scrambled off the bed and grabbed his boxer briefs off the floor. “He doesn’t usually let himself in. You gotta hide.” He rushed from the room and nearly collided with Ash.

“Fuck, Ash.” Sloane reeled back, his hand going to his chest. “You scared the shit out of me. What are you doing here?”

“I’ve been calling you for the past hour. I was driving by, so I figured I’d see if you were in, except you weren’t answering your door. I thought maybe something happened. You’re usually up by now.” Ash eyed him before cursing under his breath and storming into Sloane’s bedroom. He looked around the room before facing Sloane with an accusing glare. “I fucking knew it!”

Sloane peered at him. “Knew what?”

“That you two were screwing.”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“Oh, we’re going to do this are we?” Ash nodded, his hands going to his hips. This wasn’t look

ing good. “Okay. First of all, unless you were practicing for the day jacking off becomes an Olympic sport, there’s no reason you’d be that out of breath and reeking of sex. Plus, you’re still in bed at this time of morning.”

“I had a headache, so I thought I’d lie in,” Sloane replied with a shrug.

Ash arched an eyebrow at him. “There’s an open bag of gummy bears on your nightstand.”

“Now I can’t like gummy bears?” Yeah, that one was stretching it even for him, and they both knew it.

“Uh-huh.” Ash went over to the closet, and Sloane maintained his stoic expression. There was no way Dex would be hiding in the closet. It was too obvious. Ash opened the door, looking unimpressed. “There’s a fuckwit naked in your closet.”

Dex looked up at Ash with wide eyes. “This isn’t what it looks like. I dropped some change, it rolled under the closet door, and when I went to pick it up, my clothes fell off. True story.”

“You’re an idiot,” Ash growled, then turned back to Sloane. “And you’re a dick. How could you keep this from me?” He shook his head. “I knew it. My gut was telling me, but I ignored it because I figured my best friend would have the balls to confide in me.” Dex slowly stood, his hands clasped in front of him, and Ash turned his face up to the ceiling. “Put some pants on for fuck’s sake.”

“Good idea.” Dex darted to the armchair where his clothes were when Sloane caught his arm.

“Really? Your clothes fell off? That’s the best you could come up with?”

Dex gave a helpless shrug. “I panicked.” His partner looked like he was about to freak out. Sloane couldn’t blame him. He was pretty freaked out about this whole mess too. Ash interrupted his thoughts.

“I swear if he doesn’t put some clothes on that scrawny ass of his, I’m going to—”

“We had sex in your bathroom during my party!”

Sloane gaped at Dex who clamped his hands over his mouth, as if doing so might miraculously take back what he’d just blurted out. Ash’s words echoed Sloane’s thoughts.

“What. The. Fuck! You had sex in my bathroom?” Ash went from flabbergasted to disgust in point five seconds. “Oh my God. Please tell me you didn’t jizz on my towels.”

Dex held a hand up in promise. “I swear we didn’t jizz on your towels.”

“Why should I believe you?”

“Would it ease your mind if I told you I jizzed in Sloane’s mouth?”

Sloane and Ash groaned at the same time. Just when he thought this day couldn’t get any more ridiculous. He should have known, really.

“No. No, it doesn’t ease my mind. I’m going to have fucking nightmares for the rest of my life! I have to buy all new towels. Bleach the whole fucking place.” Ash shook his head, seeming unable to accept it. “My bathroom, man. You fucked in my bathroom.” He made a gagging sound, and Dex opened his mouth, but Sloane put his hand to it before his partner could say anything to make things worse because with Ash and Dex in the same room, things could always get worse.

“Dex, can you wait downstairs. Please.”

Dex nodded and, covering himself with his clothes, rushed out of the room. Sloane decided it was best to wait. He had no idea what was going to come out of his best friend’s mouth next. He felt a deep pang of guilt when Ash’s expression fell.