“Hey, think fast.” Dex tossed something at Sloane, and he caught it. It was a set of keys. “Hold on to those. You can drive us.”

Behind Dex, Cael let out a loud whine. “Aw, come on, man. You’re letting him drive it?”

Dex smiled broadly at his brother. “I trust him.”

“You saying you don’t trust me?”

“I do,” Dex replied with a wide grin. He stepped up to his brother, took hold of his chin and planted a sloppy kiss on his cheek. “Just not with my car.” With a laugh, Dex walked off. Cael wiped his cheek with the back of his hand.

“You dick!” Cael turned to glare at Sloane.

Uh-oh. “What?” Sloane asked as he put the keys into the pocket of his jeans, neatly folded in his locker. “Is that a big deal?”

“Big deal?” Cael threw his arms up. “That car is like his freaking child. He doesn’t let anyone drive it. Not me, not Dad, not his ex. He covers it up at night and makes you agree to a verbal affidavit before he even lets you sit in the damn thing. I’m his brother! I’ve known him my whole life. He’s known you weeks and he gives you his keys?” Cael continued to rant on his way to the showers. “You think you know a guy and bam! He kicks you right in the feels. Why don’t you kick me in the nuts, Dex! It’ll hurt less!”

Sloane laughed, hearing Dex’s reply from inside the showers. “Just remember, you suggested it.”

They all hit the showers, the banter and jokes helping ease the day’s tension. Cael continued to whine about Dex not letting him drive his car, while Dex alternated between teasing his brother and getting on Ash’s nerves. Calvin and Hobbs were still quiet, but at least they were smiling. Afterward, they met Letty and Rosa in the lounge, where Cael shared his automotive woes with Rosa. She pulled him in for a hug and babied him like she always did, muttering comforting words in Spanish about her poor little gatito. Letty shook her head in amusement while Dex sped past Sloane with Ash on his heels threatening him with an imminent demise. This should make for an interesting evening.

BAR DEKATRIA was less than a fifteen-minute drive from THIRDS HQ, surrounded by restaurants, and around the corner from Letty’s favorite Jamba Juice. Dekatria was a retro-style bar and club with three floors—a martini lounge, dance floor, and rooftop deck. The first floor was classy, with retrofitted loungers and even a lava lamp sitting on the bar, sure to be a hit with Dex. There was a spacious dance floor that tended to get full once the alcohol kicked in, though the real dancing happened on the second floor. It was all rich woods with dark accents, such as the black, tufted leather bar and leather seating. The many candles painstakingly arranged around the room, along with the various wall sconces gave the place a warm, intimate atmosphere. At the end of the long room were a couple of sleek pool tables, one of which Ash had already commandeered.

It always went the same. Cael and Ash would team up to play against Letty and Rosa. Most likely, the boys would get their asses handed to them, and Ash would sulk until he was too drunk to remember what he was pissed off about. He’d hang on Cael, saying inappropriate things that would make Cael blush. Calvin and Hobbs would sit at a table nearby, chatting. Well, Calvin would chat, and Hobbs would listen and occasionally contribute to the conversation with a grunt or a hum.

Sloane would do what he’d been doing for the last year, sit at a table close to his team or at the bar, drink himself to a nice buzz and then take a cab home. Why had he suggested coming here? He took a seat at the bar, about to order when his crazy-ass partner appeared, dropping onto the stool beside him.

“Hey, partner!” Dex threw an arm around Sloane’s shoulders, a big grin on his face. “What’ll it be? Wait!” He squinted and put a finger to his temple. “Cosmo? Fuzzy Navel? Martini, shaken not stirred? No? Okay, hm.” Sloane braced himself as Dex put in an order. “Two Heinekens.”

The tattooed bartender in a tight black T-shirt walked off with a chuckle to fetch their drinks. How did Dex manage to get everyone around him to fall for his charm? Except for Ash, of course. The guy seemed to be immune to that lopsided grin. The bartender returned with two bottles, popped the caps and slid them over. “Thanks, man. Can you keep a tab open for me and my posse?”

An appreciative eye traveled over Dex. “Sure thing.” He gave Dex a wide smile before some customers called him over.

Sloane shook his head. “How do you do it?” he asked, truly mystified.

“Do what?” Dex asked, holding his bottle to Sloane for a toast. Sloane obliged.

“How do you stay so damn happy all the time? It looks exhausting.”

“I don’t know. I guess I don’t really have a reason not to be. I got a job I enjoy, good company,” he said with a wink, “an awesome family, a beer in my hand. What’s to be unhappy about?”

“You’re one

of those annoying glass half-full guys, aren’t you?”

“I’m more of a full glass kind of guy. Who wants half of anything?” He took a long swig of his beer, and Sloane’s gaze fell on Dex’s throat as he swallowed. He quickly looked away.

“I wanted to say you did good at Greenpoint. I’m not happy you broke formation, but when things got rough, you came through for your team.”

“Wow. Two compliments in one day,” Dex teased.

Sloane took a sip of his beer, ignoring the way Dex leaned an elbow on the bar, his cheek resting against his fist as he sat facing Sloane, his smile reaching his eyes.

“Yeah, well, don’t let it go to your head.”

Dex gave him a cheeky grin and held up his beer. “That’s what these are for.”

“Gonna be one of those nights, huh?”

“I intend to get thoroughly and wonderfully fucked,” Dex replied proudly, taking another sip of his beer.