Everyone took a seat on the bench and strapped in. There was a singular space across from them, tucked next to the cages where Tony strapped himself in to face them. The rumble of the BearCat roaring to life sent a small shiver up Dex’s spine. This was it. The truck drove through the garage and out into the street, the sun filtering in through the ballistic windows. They hit a pothole and Dex closed his eyes at the unexpected jolt. He had to relax. It’s going to take a little getting used to, that’s all, so chill.

Ash gave a snort from the end of the bench. “What’s the matter, Rookie? I thought you’d be used to having something big and hard under your ass.”

Dex leaned forward to grin at the burly agent. “That an invitation, Ash?”

“Fuck you.”

The guy was too easy. “Not without dinner and a movie first, big boy.” Ash’s growl made Dex chuckle. The rough-around-the-edges agent was used to getting his own way, and if someone challenged him, Ash would simply throw his weight around or use aggressive tactics to make his opponent back down. There was no way in hell Dex was going to back down.

“I’m going to kick the shit out of you if you don’t shut the fuck up.”

“One night with me, baby, and I promise you, I’ll get you onto beef,” Dex said, echoing Ash’s words.

Rosa let out a snort before she started laughing. “Oh shit.”

“What the hell, Ro?” Ash scowled at her, but Rosa simply laughed it off.

“What? You can dish it but you can’t take it, cabrón?”

The rest of the team, with the exception of Sloane, joined in the laughter. “You know what, screw you all.” Ash sat back with a miserable pout.

“Ooh, kinky.” Dex wriggled his eyebrows.

“That’s enough.” Sloane put his hand to Dex’s chest and pushed him firmly back against the truck’s wall. “You’re supposed to be paying attention.”

“To what, the inside of the truck? I wasn’t the one who started it,” Dex replied, frustrated he was the one getting told off and knowing Ash was enjoying every second of it.

“Are you questioning me? Because I’m pretty sure I made myself clear on how this worked.”

“Yes, but—”

“Stop. Talking,” Sloane demanded harshly. “Your job is to listen and learn, not provide comic relief.”

Dex sat back with jaw clamped shut. Mostly because he didn’t even know where to start with everything that pissed him off right now. He glanced over at Tony whose lips were pressed in a thin line. Great, so not only was Sloane making him look like an asshole in front of his team, but in front of his father too. The truck headed toward its destination and Dex kept his gaze forward, ignoring the fact that the rest of the team carried on as if nothing had happened. Apparently talking and ribbing was allowed as long as it wasn’t coming from him. Okay, if that’s the way his partner wanted to play it, Dex could play.

When the truck came to a halt, Tony was the first to unfasten his harness. He stood and addressed the rest of them, including Calvin and Hobbs who came through the large metal door protecting the front cabin.

“Hudson and Nina are already inside examining the body. Cael, Rosa, you know what to do. Sloane, you and Dex keep them company while they do it. Ash, Letty, and I will scout the perimeter. Calvin, you and Hobbs stay in the BearCat and keep your eyes peeled.”

Dex unfastened his belt and stood, almost running into Sloane who loomed over him. The rest of the team hopped to it, with Calvin and Hobbs taking a seat on the bench, pretending Sloane and Dex weren’t there.

“What?” Dex finally asked, bracing himself. Sloane looked pissed, though Dex had no idea what he could possibly have done now other than exist.

“You stay close, keep your mouth shut unless it’s relevant to the case and try not to make an ass out of the both of us. I don’t care who your daddy is. You fuck up, you ignore direct orders, and I will charge you with insubordination. Understood?”

Dex worried his bottom lip, his insides twisting, and his head screaming for him not to take this bullshit. Instead, he looked Sloane right in the eye and gave him a curt nod. “Perfectly.”

As suspected, Dex’s compliance and lack of insolence only proved to aggravate Sloane further. The guy had been expecting a fight, hoping for a fight, maybe so he could do exactly what he said he would. With his threat backfiring, Sloane thundered out of the BearCat, and Dex let out a deep breath.

“Give him time.”

Dex turned to Calvin, a look of concern etched across his boyish face. Beside him, Hobbs sat quietly, his expression guarded.

“Time for what? For him to find an excuse to push me out, like he did with all the others?” Dex could feel his anger growing. It wasn’t as if he’d been expecting a ticker-tape parade, but a little effort on Sloane’s part wouldn’t have gone amiss. “How long should I keep my mouth shut, worried I’m going to get disciplined for fucking breathing? As much as I feel for him, it’s not my fault he refuses to go to therapy and cry out his feelings. What happened to Gabe was tragic, and I would happily give up my post if it meant you got him back. But Gabe is gone, and I shouldn’t have to pay for that.”

Calvin and Hobbs both straightened, their eyes going wide at something behind Dex. A sense of impending doom washed over him. Shit. He must have broken a house of mirrors in his former life to justify having this much bad luck. Closing his eyes, Dex shook his head. Well, this was going to be fun. He braced himself and turned, expecting the end of his very short career at the THIRDS. Instead, he was met with a crushed expression, and it hit Dex like a punch to the gut. Dex stood motionless, watching Sloane struggle with something within himself before he inhaled deeply. As if waking up from a trance, Sloane shifted his gaze to Dex, his voice quiet when he spoke.

“Let’s go. Cael and Rosa are waiting.” With that, he disappeared around the truck.