"Forgive me for not coming sooner. I--"

Toka placed his fingers to Rayner's lips. "No more regrets or remorse. I am in your arms once more. That is all that matters."

"That's not all that matters," Khalon stated, coming to stand beside them. He placed his fingers under Toka's chin and lifted his face to meet his gaze. "Rayner was willing to give up everything for you. You may not be a Soldati warrior, young foxling, but you have proven yourself just as noble. You showed great courage, sacrificing yourself for the good of the realm, for your love. I believe it's time I revisit some of the realm's old laws. Until then, as these things take time, there is one change I can make now." Khalon wrapped his fingers around Toka's upper arm, and Toka flinched at the fire burning beneath his skin. When Khalon removed his hand, Toka was stunned by the Soldati markings left behind. His head shot up, and he stared at Khalon. "So that everyone may know your bravery. Soldati warrior."

"A Soldati warrior? But... I'm a foxling."

Khalon shrugged, his lips quirked in a cheeky smile. "And I'm the king."

Toka's happiness bubbled up inside him, and he couldn't help throwing his arms around Khalon and hugging him. When he realized what he'd done, he gasped and quickly pulled back.

"Forgive me, Your Majesty!" He quickly bowed, and Khalon chuckled.

"All is well. You're a Soldati now. I'm certain your mate will aid you in the responsibilities of your new role." He tucked Riley against his side and kissed his cheek. "Come. Let's all go home."

Everyone said their goodbyes, and Khalon opened a portal to their realm. Rayner took Toka's hand in his, and they stepped through to emerge in front of the Soldati castle.

Toka blinked back his tears of joy at the sight. He was home, with his beloved at his side. With his mate. Toka could barely contain the happiness in his heart. He shifted into his fox form and pounced around Riley's legs in sheer joy, making him laugh. He barked cheerfully when Rayner pounced beside him, chuffing.

"All right," Khalon said with a laugh. "Off with you two. Go make mischief elsewhere." He brought Riley in for a passionate kiss. When he pulled back, he waggled his eyebrows. "Come, my Prince. We have our own mischief to make."

Riley laughed, then shifted into his beautiful golden tiger form, the only one of his kind in the Soldati Realm. He leaped toward the east gardens with Khalon in his tiger form quick on his heels. Toka hopped and pounced, his brush wagging happily as he darted about with Rayner bounding after him. They ran into the south gardens, through the colorful, sweet-smelling flowers. Toka shifted, rolling onto his back beneath one of the many cherry blossom trees. He laughed as Rayner flopped down beside him. Unable to resist, Toka scratched Rayner behind his ears. His fur was so soft. Rayner chuffe

d and closed his eyes in contentment. He shifted back to his human form to steal a kiss.

Toka beamed up at him before a thought occurred to him. He ran a finger down Rayner's jaw, his smile turning sinful. "Darling."

Rayner's eyebrows shot up, his eyes filled with amusement. "Oh, darling is it?" Rayner stole another kiss. "What does my foxling want of his darling?"

"A bath. With you."

Rayner blinked. "A bath with me?" His eyes became hooded with lust. "I think that can be arranged." He stood and helped Toka to his feet, then pulled him close against him to murmur in his ear. "And after we bathe, I thought perhaps you might allow me to claim you."

Toka gasped. He stared up at Rayner. "Really?"

Rayner nodded. He lowered himself onto one knee and placed a fist over his heart. "Will you be at my side as my mate, and when you are ready, as my husband?"

Toka's eyes widened, and he launched himself at Rayner, who laughed when they toppled over onto the grass, Toka landing on him.

"Is that a yes?"

"Yes! Nothing would make me happier." Toka kissed Rayner everywhere. His lips, his jaw, his brow, his chin, and the tip of his nose. "I love you, Rayner."

"I love you, Toka."

They hurried into the castle and rushed up the steps to the royal wing and down to Rayner's bedchamber, where Rayner ran water in the large bath. The room was warm, sunlight filtering in through the two arched windows. Rayner stopped kissing Toka long enough to prepare the bath. It smelled and looked heavenly, with white flower petals floating on the water's clear surface. They helped each other undress, and Rayner led him down the steps into the heated water. Toka groaned at how good it felt. Toka picked up the sponge on instinct, but Rayner laid his hand over Toka's. His smile stole Toka's breath away.

"Let me. Please."

Toka nodded and let out a sigh of contentment as Rayner bathed him. Nothing had ever felt so incredible. Well, maybe one other thing, but that would come later. Rayner stroked and caressed Toka as he washed him. He planted little kisses on Toka's shoulders, on his neck and temple. When Toka was clean, he smiled up at Rayner.

"My turn."

Rayner looked uncertain, and Toka tilted his head. "What's wrong?"

"The scars... they're horrid."

It was then that Toka realized Rayner had not had his back to Toka since he'd undressed. His heart squeezed, and he cupped Rayner's face.