"Your Majesty," Segreti replied, his deep baritone capturing everyone's attention. He placed a fist to his heart and bowed his head. It was good to see Segreti had not lost his civility. The fact he had not commanded his army to attack the moment the Soldati arrived held great promise. Segreti had once feasted with the Soldati, been honored by Khalon's father. "May I inquire as to the presence of your army in our kingdom?"

"I fear we have been left with little choice. The actions of your king have brought disgrace to the Orso. King Pavoni used trickery and deceit to bring false punishment upon my second and ensnare my prince's courtier. I will not allow this injustice."

Segreti nodded. "May I approach, Your Majesty?"

"You may."

Segreti marched over and stopped in front of Khalon. He nodded a greeting to Rayner, then Adira, but paused when he reached Ezra. "Why is he here?"

Rayner felt Ezra stiffen beside him before Ezra spoke up. "He is here to assist his king."

Well, now, that was new. Rayner held back a smile. Ezra was the gentlest soul anyone could ever know. The man rarely bristled. Serenity was like breathing to him. Apparently, serenity made itself scarce when faced with Segreti.

Segreti narrowed his near-black eye. "You don't belong on the field of battle."

"How dare you?" Ezra replied through his teeth, blue eyes ablaze. "You know nothing of my character or skills."

"I know enough," Segreti muttered, turning his attention back to Khalon. "Your Majesty, may I speak boldly?"

Khalon motioned for them to step away from the rest of the Soldati warriors. "Rayner, join us."

Rayner did as asked, standing beside Khalon as Segreti spoke quietly.

"I do not condone the actions of my king, but he is my king. As much as I have come to regret being under his command, I have sworn my fealty and sword to him." Segreti's smile was wistful. "I am no longer the young spritely Orso I once was. My body has endured much, and I fear my heart is weary of the fight, but make no mistake, I will fight until my d

ying breath."

Rayner was confused. "Why have you not passed your helmet on?" A warrior as renowned as Segreti should have passed his mantle on centuries ago. Segreti was only a few centuries older than Khalon, but he had seen much more battle, and, rumor was, had even been captured and tortured, escaping through sheer will and determination alone. Since Pavoni was crowned, it seemed the Orso were always at war with someone.

Segreti's heavy sigh revealed a bone-weariness Rayner felt down to his soul. The man had given more than any warrior should be asked. He deserved peace.

"Pavoni will not release me from my pledge. He says I am to lead his army until my demise, either at the hands of my enemy, or my own."

"That insufferable bastard." Rayner shook his head in disbelief. Did the man's disgrace know no bounds?

Khalon put his hand on Segreti's shoulder plate. "If only your king were as noble and honorable as you, my old friend. I do not wish to bring you or your men any harm, but I cannot leave here without Toka."

"The foxling." Segreti moved his gaze to Rayner. As if realizing, he cursed under his breath. "The foxling is yours. That explains his obsession."

"Pavoni is not walking out of this alive," Rayner said. "I will make him pay for what he's done to my beloved. All I ask is that you see for yourself the devastation your king intends to bring upon us all."

Far and wide Ezra was known not only for his healing abilities but also for the power he wielded as the voice for the all-seeing Eye. Khalon motioned for Ezra to approach.

Ezra bowed. "Your Majesty."

Khalon turned to Ezra. "Show him."

Ezra pressed his lips together. "Khalon, I do not--" At Khalon's pointed look, Ezra sighed. "Yes, Your Majesty." He stepped up to Segreti, who frowned down at him. Ezra was a Soldati, smaller than Rayner yet bigger and taller than most humans, but Segreti was an Orso, a huge wall of muscle as hard as the mountain behind him. In his armor, he eclipsed Ezra's much slighter frame. Ezra reached up, and Segreti had to hunch over so Ezra could reach him. "This will be quite painful."

"I'm well versed in pain, cub."

Ezra glared at Segreti. "I am not a cub."

"Ezra," Khalon warned, and received a huff in response from their gentle companion.

Closing his eyes, Ezra summoned the power of the Eye. Rayner had seen him do it many times, but very rarely did someone get to see what Ezra saw. The power of the Eye flowed through Ezra, evident by the way he stiffened, a gasp escaping his lips. He opened his eyes, his irises and pupils disappearing into a glowing bluish white light. Segreti gritted his teeth, and Rayner knew he was beginning to feel the pain of their fate. Through Ezra's touch, his vision could be shared, but so would whatever pain the victims in his vision suffered. In this instance, the whole of humanity.

"Should you and your men wage war with the Soldati," Ezra forewarned, his voice echoing as if there were another being speaking through him, "millions upon millions of innocent humans will perish, all for the sake of your king's ego. Feel their pain as they lose their loved ones. As they watch their world fall to ash."