"That's it, my darling. I want to feel your release. Let me see the pleasure only I can bring to your beautiful face." Rayner laced his fingers with Toka's and snapped his hips once more. Toka threw his head back, his cry filling the room as his release flared through him, the ribbons of his semen hitting his stomach as he came undone beneath Rayner.

Rayner growled, thrusting his hips against Toka over and over, until his muscles grew rigid, and he let out a roar that shook Toka down to his depths. The white light inside Rayner's Soldati soul lit up the room until Rayner collapsed, spent, his weight a heavenly welcome against Toka's body. There was no place he felt safer, happier, or more loved than right there at that very moment, holding his love in his arms.

Toka nuzzled Rayner's cheek, murmuring soft words of love as he stroked Rayner's hair. Rayner didn't speak. He simply held Toka close, welcoming Toka's comfort. Toka never lost faith. Despite knowing it was unlikely he would ever be claimed by or mated to Rayner, he dreamed of holding Rayner in his arms every night, just like this.

It would seem his dream would have to remain just that. A dream.

Chapter Six

THE RESOUNDING crack of the cat-o'-nine-tails before the knotted thongs sliced through Rayner's skin jolted Toka as if he had been struck.

As the sun rose, Toka woke to the sight of Rayner's beautiful face. He watched Rayner sleep for some time, taking note of his full lips and rugged jaw, the way his long lashes rested on his cheeks, his thick dark brows and strong nose. The golden amber when he slowly opened his eyes and his sultry smile were forever seared into Toka's mind. They had made love again, a tangle of limbs and searing kisses. Rayner brought Toka to release, his name a broken promise on Toka's lips. For as long as Toka lived, Rayner would be his home, his solace, his heart.

Then they came for Rayner.

Toka and Rayner had been dressed by then, holding each other on the chaise lounge as they waited. The doors to Rayner's bedchamber opened, and two mournful-looking Soldati came to take Rayner and prepare him for the flogging. Now Toka stood, clinging to Riley, grateful for his prince who held on to him, keeping him from crumbling to the ground as Pavoni joyously dispensed one lash to Rayner's bare back. Rayner's wrists were each shackled and chained to a marble pillar. Both pillars had been erected in the west garden overnight, as the castle did not possess posts for flogging. Khalon had made certain to choose a place farthest from Riley's garden, and Toka was grateful for his consideration. If Toka was leaving his prince, at least Riley would still find peace somewhere he loved, untainted by this horror. It had been centuries since such an act had been performed on castle grounds. It had all but broken Toka, seeing Rayner shackled to the posts, his torso bare and unscarred for the last time.

The whole of the Soldati court was in attendance, and from inside the castle, the servants watched despondently from the windows. They all knew what Rayner meant to Toka, and many of them had secretly expressed their hopes that Rayner might one day be Toka's. Riley had not accompanied his king this morning, but instead, he'd arrived at Rayner's room after the guards left with Rayner. No words were exchanged between Riley and Toka. None were needed. His prince was as bereft as Toka. He had laced his fingers with Toka's, and together they left for the gardens.

Another crack, and Toka covered his mouth with his hand to keep from crying out. Tears blurred his vision, and he tried so very hard to be brave as Rayner had asked him to be. The second lash was worse than the first. Rayner didn't scream. His mouth and jaw muscles flexed as he took the pain, only flinching when the whip snapped at his skin. His eyes were dark and hard, his hands clenched into fists as he fixed his gaze on Khalon. There was no mistaking Khalon's heartbreak. Toka had n

ever seen his king look so mournful. He might be dressed in all his regal glory, standing at the forefront of his warriors, with back straight and shoulders rounded, but his eyes were that of a grieving man. Khalon's flinch when the whip cracked was subtle, barely visible, but Toka saw it clearly.

The court was silent, their expressions pained. The whip cracked again, and Toka winced. Riley's arms squeezed Toka, and he wished he could bury his face in Riley's jerkin, but it was not permitted. How much longer would he have to bear this? A tenth, eleventh, and twelfth strike had Toka shivering. Rayner's back was bloodied from the gaping wounds, a crisscrossed mess of gashes. Toka had given up fighting back his tears. With every blow, Pavoni seemed to grow angrier. Was it because Rayner refused to scream? Refused to beg for mercy?

Pavoni drew back his arm and struck with all his force. Blood splashed against the stark white columns as Rayner cried out. Toka freed himself from Riley's hold and sped over to Rayner, cupping his face. Rayner was awake, but barely.

"Rayner," Toka cried. "I'm so sorry."

Rayner shook his head. Sweat dripped from his face, and Toka brushed his plastered hair away from his brow. "Your only crime... was to love me."

"Forgive me for not telling you sooner how much I love you." Toka kissed Rayner's lips, but he was jerked away, Pavoni's snarling face between them.

"Pavoni," Khalon warned, leaving his men and heading in their direction.

Pavoni's voice was a low growl so only Toka and Rayner could hear him. He spoke quickly, most likely because Khalon would be upon them at any moment. "Take a good look at your foxling, Rayner. The next time you think of him, imagine my cock in his tight little hole. I'm going to enjoy claiming his ass every day whenever the mood strikes." Pavoni grabbed Toka's hair and brought him up against him. "And you. I will break you of your spirit."

"Pavoni, what is the meaning of this?" Khalon spat as he crossed the garden.

"Perhaps. But you will never take the love I have in my heart for him," Toka replied through gritted teeth.

"We shall see," Pavoni sneered. He tossed the whip aside and dragged Toka with him as he marched for the castle. Khalon grabbed Pavoni's arm, but before he could speak, Pavoni snarled at him.

"I'm done here."

"Toka," Rayner cried out after him, pulling against the chains binding him.

Toka struggled against Pavoni's iron grip to no avail. He didn't want to go. He wasn't ready to lose Rayner. "Rayner!"

"Get these off me!" Rayner spat out, his eyes wide and panicked. "Toka, you must be strong!"

Toka nodded. He was shoved inside the castle so hard he tripped and fell. The door slammed shut, blocking out the sun and the view of his love. In the distance, Rayner's agonized wail tore at Toka's soul. He was dragged to his feet, and his struggling was met with a blow to the back of his head. As the darkness came for him, Toka refused to accept his fate.


"I NEVER thought myself a coward until now."

Rayner welcomed the scorching heat as Ezra applied the special balm to his wounds. Pavoni and his court were gone. Rayner had stumbled out to the front gates in time to see Toka unconscious, thrown over the bastard's shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Then they were gone. Rayner collapsed afterward, his adrenaline leaving him at the mercy of his broken body and broken heart.