As if sensing his thoughts, Toka's cheeks flushed a lovely shade of pink. His eyes met Rayner's, and he smiled shyly before turning to place the tray on Khalon's desk. Rayner followed Toka's movements, enjoying the way the cream-colored embroidered tunic shifted against his slender frame. The leather belt accentuated his slim waist, and the gold long-sleeved shirt underneath his tunic stretched over the defined muscles of his arms. The tunic fell just above his knees, his bare legs smooth and silky to the touch. The leather straps of his sandals crisscrossed up his shapely calves. Rayner itched to divest Toka of his clothes and run his hands over all that smooth bronze-colored skin. Toka arranged the tea set on Khalon's desk, followed by the plates of treats--a new addition to afternoon tea, thanks to Riley and his sweet tooth.

Riley picked up one of the cookies and took a bite, then released a low moan that caught Khalon's attention in the most endearing way. Khalon turned his face to Riley, fire burning in his eyes for his prince. With a chuckle, Riley held the remaining cookie up to Khalon's lips, and Rayner held back a smile as Khalon opened his mouth, allowing Riley to place the cookie on his tongue. He chewed it happily. Riley leaned in to kiss Khalon's cheek, laughing when Khalon turned his head and stole a kiss from Riley's lips instead.

Adira whispered in Rayner's ear. "If they start gazing into each other's eyes, I may be sick all over your boots."

Rayner chuckled. Khalon waved at them to sit, and Rayner occupied the cushioned wingback chair to the right of Khalon's desk as Adira took a seat in the chair across the room. Where was Ezra? He was usually the first in attendance when Khalon summoned them, unless he was completely immersed in a book and hadn't even heard Khalon's roar. Wouldn't be the first time.

Toka approached Rayner with a cup, his back to Khalon and the others. With his bottom lip between his teeth, he handed Rayner his tea.

"Thank you." Rayner's fingers brushed a caress over Toka's hand before he took the teacup from him. He loved the subtle intake of breath he caused. Rayner winked at him, chuckling when Toka released a small huff and walked off to carry on with his duties. The mere sight of him was enough to make Rayner hot under the collar. It was only fair of him to share that heat with Toka.

Ezra dashed through the door, his face flushed. His grim expression didn't bode well. The quiet, gentle healer was never flustered, and although he often appeared contemplative, he was rarely anxious. Ezra was the least likely to be caught unawares, seeing as how the Soldati Eye flowed through him. He was the voice of the all-seeing, all-powerful Eye, which was why any concern of Ezra's became a concern for Khalon.

Khalon straightened, his eyebrows drawn together. "What is it?"

Ezra stopped before Khalon's desk and handed him what looked like a royal message, judging by the wax seal. Khalon quickly took it. The study was silent as Khalon opened the letter and read it. The only movement in the room came from Toka as he finished serving Adira her tea, then moved on to serve Ezra.

"Blasted hell." Khalon released a heavy sigh, tossing aside the letter. "King Pavoni is requesting a visit to our realm. He would like to bring the prince and princess with him. If accepted, they would be here in two days."

Rayner's blood turned to ice, and he gritted his teeth. The day had started out so well. He supposed it was only a matter of time.

Riley blinked at Khalon. "Who's King Pavoni, and why don't we like him?"

"King Pavoni is from the Kingdom Dell'Orso, our neighbors to the west," Khalon informed Riley as he removed a sheet of parchment from his desk drawer.

"Orso?" Riley looked thoughtful. "That means bear, right?"

Khalon nodded. "The Orsos date back nearly as far as the Soldati and possess magic similar to our own. They were once honorable bear warriors and our greatest allies."


"Several decades after I was crowned king of the Soldati by my father, Pavoni became king of Dell'Orso. Rumor has it he killed his father for the crown, but an investigation yielded no evidence of this. He has ruled the Kingdom of Dell'Orso since, with his sister, Princess Verity, and their youngest brother, Prince Merlo, at his side."

Rayner scoffed. "King Pavoni is an arrogant, greedy bastard who believes everyone should kiss his boots. He doesn't merely allow his warriors to behave in a deplorable manner--he encourages it. He takes what he wants and treats his servants like slaves and playthings. It's disgusting."

"Rayner," Khalon warned gently. He lifted his eyes from his letter to meet Rayner's gaze.

Rayner cleared his throat. "Forgive me. There is no love lost between us."

Riley frowned, puzzled, and Khalon let out a sigh.

"Pavoni wished to unite our kingdoms through marriage. As I was destined to mate with a Soldati prince, that left Rayner as the next most powerful Soldati. Pavoni suggested--"

"Insisted," Rayner corrected.

"Insisted," Khalon acquiesced, "that Rayner marry Prince Merlo."

"But you didn't love him?" Riley offered.

Love? The question perplexed Rayner for a moment. Then he remembered Riley had lived among humans who chose their mates. Not everyone was so lucky. Rayner fortunately had some say in who he wed, due to his rank. He frowned deeply. "Worse than that. If I agreed to the marriage, Merlo would have power within the Soldati Realm through me, which would mean Pavoni would have power over the Soldati because Merlo is his puppet. Merlo has never had a singular thought of his own in his life. Pavoni isn't interested in uniting our kingdoms. He wants power. I wasn't about to give the bastard control over me or the Soldati." Thankfully, Khalon had agreed with Rayner on all accounts.

"What happened?" Riley asked, eyes wide. "I'm guessing he didn't take the rejection well."

Khalon sat back with a sigh. "Pavoni is known for getting his way, always. So no, he did not take it well. Especially when someone below his station tells him he would rather, um--" Khalon winced. "--get sucked off by a demon and have his cock rot off than marry Prince Merlo."

Toka coughed into his hand, clearly an attempt to keep from laughing. Riley had no such luck, and he was soon in tears from laughing so hard. Khalon was trying desperately to keep his frown in place, but Riley's laughter was obviously making it difficult, and Khalon's lips twitched up in the corners.

"Oh my God, Rayner, you said that?" Riley wiped a tear from his eye. "The dude must have been so pissed off."