Khalon and Riley stared at him in disbelief. Khalon was the first to speak. "And what actions might those be?" There was no anger in his voice, merely curiosity.

"I'm going to free Toka from that hellish beast and take him far from here. I will send word once we're safe, but it may take some time. I'm not certain what we'll do after that, but what I do know is that I will get Toka back."

Khalon seemed to be considering his words. "You plan to give up everything for him."

"I love him, and I would pay any price to have him in my arms again." Rayner kneeled, his head lowered, and his right hand over his heart. "I relinquish my position as your second, and as a Soldati warrior."

"I cannot grant you your wish."

Rayner's head shot up, and he rose slowly, his heart beating wildly in his ears. "I beg your pardon? Khalon--"

"I cannot allow my second to give up his position. I need you at my side."

"Damnation, Khalon. How--"

Khalon held up a hand to quiet him. "I haven't finished," he stated firmly, rising to his feet. "I need you at my side, as my brother, as my dearest friend, and as my second as we march into the Kingdom of Dell'Orso. Together."

Rayner was confused. "But... you would be declaring war."

"I have already declared it."

"What?" Rayner stared at his friend. "When?"

"This morning. I sent word to neighboring realms asking for whatever aid they are willing to provide, whether it be warriors or at the very least protecting the human world in our absence. Until we hear from them, we will march in two waves. The first e

ntering the Orso realm to fetch Toka, the second keeping vigil over the human world. If Pavoni refuses to release Toka, we will bring in the second wave. I signed off on Captain Airaldi's battle plans just before you arrived. Adira informed me preparations are nearly complete." Fire burned in Khalon's eyes as he spoke.

"I have allowed a dishonorable villain to come into my home and enforce his will on us. I have failed Toka. I have failed you. And for that I beg forgiveness. I pray it's not too late and that my arrogance and cowardice has not robbed you of your love." Khalon looked down at Riley, the adoration in Riley's sparkling gold eyes bringing a sad smile to Khalon's handsome face. "One would think I'd have learned that lesson the first time."

Riley stood, and took hold of Khalon's hand. He stood on his toes and kissed Khalon's cheek. "You're a good man, Khalon King."

Khalon swallowed hard, nodding before he turned to Rayner. "Will you fight at my side as you always have?"

"Of course I will," Rayner said, his voice thick with emotion. Together they would bring Toka home.

The doors to the study flew open, and Rayner was stunned when Princess Verity came rushing through in a flurry of skirts, her cloak billowing behind her. She dropped to her knees in the center of the room before Khalon's desk. "Your Majesty, please forgive my impertinence, but I must speak with you, and it cannot wait."

Rayner went to her side, helping her stand. "Princess Verity? What is it? Do you bring news of Toka?"

Tears welled in her eyes. "I'm so sorry, Rayner. I pray you will one day show mercy and forgiveness. I can no longer stand by and watch my king as he attempts to break Toka's spirit. The light in his eyes dims with every touch." She hurried over to Khalon and clasped his hand in hers. "You have been deceived, Your Majesty, and Rayner and Toka have paid the price for this trickery. My king was behind the ruse. He gave Merlo a potion to slip into Rayner's drink and instructed Merlo on the part he was to play.

"The potion Rayner was given would take several minutes to take effect. In that time, Merlo asked Rayner if he might assist him to his bedchamber. Once inside, he helped strip Rayner of his clothes and put him into his bed, and then tore his own clothing. Rayner was fast asleep by then. Merlo then alerted my king, who sounded the alarm."

"How did your brother know of my affections for Toka?" Rayner asked, still attempting to take in everything Verity had just revealed.

"Merlo confessed to me your love for Toka. As the potion affected your senses, you thought it was Toka who had come to your side. Merlo exploited your confusion, making you believe he was Toka. It was how he discovered your love."

Khalon's voice was low and dangerous as he pulled his hand from Verity's hold. "You not only knew of this deceit but you played along? When I asked you if your brothers spoke the truth, you confirmed it."

"Please, I had no choice."

Verity backed away as Rayner rounded on her. "How could you? You allowed him to get away with this farce, to take Toka from me and subject him to the cruelty of that monster!"

"He has my love!"

Rayner stilled. "What?"

Verity sank into one of the wingback chairs, her expression stricken. "Aurelio, my love, is an Orso soldier, but he is not like the others. He is gentle and kind. When my brother's spies discovered us together, they informed my brother. He was outraged I would give myself to a creature who was beneath me, even if Aurelio was a noble warrior and an Orso. My brother imprisoned Aurelio, using him to keep me at his side to do his bidding. He threatened to kill my love if I didn't agree to his plan. He despises you." She shut her eyes tight. "He has such terrible plans for Toka. He is going to do his worst, then return Toka to you when there's nothing left of the foxling you so cherish. He wishes to make you suffer."