"Come." Toka led him into the room and closed the door behind them. Rayner's bedchamber matched him perfectly--all solid woods carved with simple designs. The room was adorned with a combination of rich navy and black, with silver accents. It was warm, inviting, practical. Bookshelves lined one wall and more books were stacked on the small table beside the chaise lounge that sat across the hearth. Toka would have loved staying here, lounging against Rayner before a roaring fire, listening to his husky voice as he read. It was best he not fantasize about what could never be.

Toka tugged at the rope by the wardrobe, and within minutes a knock sounded at the door. He answered with a warm smile and friendly greeting.

"Sansone, thank you for coming."

Sansone bowed, his long sandy hair falling over his brow. He was a wisp of a young man, a tiny fennec foxling with big dark eyes. What Sansone lacked in size, he more than made up for in speed and agility.

"Good evening, Toka. How may I be of service?"

"Would you be so kind as to replace Rayner's bedding? Have the old ones incinerated."

"Right away, Toka." Sansone bowed, and he was off, whizzing over to the bed, gathering all the bedding in his small arms, before dashing from the room, nothing but his slender legs visible as he hurried off. Within minutes he had returned with new bedding. How the foxling could see over the mound of pillows, duvet, blankets, and sheets was beyond Toka, but Sansone did not miss a step. He darted around the bed, until it was perfectly made, not one crease on the duvet or pillow. He bowed before Toka. "Is there anything else I may do for you?"

"That's all, Sansone. Thank you."

Sansone bowed again, turned, and bowed to Rayner before scurrying off. Toka closed the door. He found Rayner standing at the stone hearth. He stoked the dwindling fire and leaned one arm against the mantle. Toka joined him, wrapping his arms around Rayner's waist and letting his head rest against Rayner's back. Rayner's hand covered Toka's. They stood together in silence until Rayner's soft voice broke through.

"You must leave."

"I beg your pardon?" Toka released Rayner and stepped back. Rayner turned, reached for Toka, and brought him into his arms.

"Pack light and get as far away from here as possible. We'll simply tell Pavoni you ran away. I would go with you, but then Pavoni would blame Khalon for allowing our escape. Most likely he would believe Khalon was involved. I cannot allow Khalon or the Soldati to pay for my crimes."

Toka was stunned. Run away? Even now, Rayner was thinking only of Toka. "He'll hunt me down, Rayner. What then? He'll find a way to blame you, and who knows what he'll demand next." Toka shook his head, his heart filled with sadness despite his warm smile. "This is for the best."

"For the best? This is a nightmare! I will never forgive Khalon for this. He--"

"Is like a brother to you."

"A brother?" Rayner scoffed. "If he were my brother, he wouldn't wound me in such a manner. He'd never allow this disgrace."

"Don't be cross with Khalon," Toka pleaded. "He's our king, with an entire realm filled with innocent people who depend on him to keep them safe. It's his duty to put their needs before his own. Your brethren Soldati, Adira, Ezra, Riley... I would no more put them in harm's way than I would you." He put Rayner's hands to his lips for a kiss. "You know I speak the truth. I want to do this."

"You are better than all of us."

Toka put his hands to Rayner's cheek. "You will always have my heart. I love you, Rayner."

"And I love you. Forgive me for being a coward. For not confessing my love sooner. Now it comes the eve before I lose you, forever. I thought we had more time. I was never in any rush, believing I had forever with you. I believed I had time to confess my growing affection, my love. Time to change Khalon's mind about that insufferable law. Time to memorize every dip and curve of your body. A lifetime of seeing your beautiful face, of cherishing your timid smile and those radiant eyes." He wrinkled his nose as he tried to remain in control of his emotions. "I can't do this. I can't let you go."

"Please, Rayner. If I'm never to see you again, I wish this night to fill my heart so I may cherish it and look back on it always. Make love to me."

"Yes." Rayner brought his lips to Toka's, the warmth of his mouth, the taste of his lips, the feel of Rayner's body against his own was something Toka would carry with him as long as there was breath in his body. He laughed joyously as Rayner swept him up in his arms and carried him to the bed, where he laid Toka down gently, his eyes filled with so much love, all for Toka.

Slowly, Rayner undressed Toka, his hands caressing as he revealed more and more of Toka's naked body. He left trails of scorching kisses against Toka's skin, his tongue tasting, teeth nipping. He took one nipple between his teeth, and Toka feared he might lose himself right then. Rayner toyed with the nub, nibbling and licking, teasing, and sucking. When he finished lavishing attention on the pebbly nub, he moved on to the other nipple. Toka slipped his fingers into Rayner's hair, a low moan rising from his throat.

"I dreamed of this for so long," Toka said quietly, afraid it would all disappear if he spoke too loud. Rayner moved his lips lower, kissing down his torso to his stomach. The kiss to Toka's inner thigh sent a shiver through him, and he hummed in delight.

Rayner's hot mouth took in Toka's shaft down to the root, and Toka arched his back, gasping in surprise. He clutched fistfuls of the blankets as he writhed with pleasure. The feel of Rayner's expert mouth moving around him, his tongue playing with the slit of Toka's cock, the way he licked and laved was almost too much.

"Oh goddess above." Toka groaned, his head thrown back and his toes curling in ecstasy. "Rayner," he gasped, the fire within him threatening to consume him.

"Touch yourself," Rayner commanded softly as he pulled away and left Toka to fetch supplies. He returned quickly, and Toka bit his bottom lip as Rayner kneeled on the bed between Toka's legs, his eyes never leaving Toka's as he slathered the lubricant on his beautiful hard cock. He was resplendent. Every inch of his sculpted body achingly beautiful, from his broad shoulders to his tapered waist and strong legs. Rayner's lips parted as Toka stroked himself.

"Please," Toka said through a moan.

Rayner swiftly obliged, bringing a pillow under Toka's hips before pressing the tip of his engorged head to Toka's entrance. He was so careful, tender, as he pushed in past the ring of muscle. Toka groaned, and Rayner moved gingerly, pushing in until he was seated against Toka. He bent forward and kissed Toka, sweetly, lovingly. Then he began to move, and Toka tumbled over the precipice into a sea of pleasure. He dug his fingers into Rayner's back, holding on tight as Rayner pulled out then plunged deep inside Toka. He moved slowly, pulling almost all the way out only to drive himself in deep, making Toka gasp each time. Toka feared he might shatter at the overwhelming joy and pleasure that coursed through him every time Rayner sank inside him. Rayner rotated his hips, and Toka cried out, certain he had reached the stars. Rayner kissed Toka and did it again, striking something incredible inside Toka, sending a burst of light through him.

"Oh my... oh, Rayner."