"Riley is a prince!" Khalon spun around, his eyes filled with pain and anger.

"And that makes his life worth more than Toka's?" Rayner growled.

"Toka is a servant. It is what he was born into."

"When Riley was killed, you offered to pay any price to have him returned to you, and that was before you knew he would accept his title of Soldati prince. You agreed to pay a price, any price, in exchange for his human life."

"He was still my mate, chosen by the priestess. He bore my mark, Rayner. I'm sorry. Toka is a gentle soul, and I know he's come to mean a great deal to you, but you cannot expect me to expose our kingdom to war, to death, for a foxling you can never mate with."

Toka flinched at Khalon's words. They were the truth but still hurt. The two men faced each other, anger rising dangerously, their fists at their sides. It hurt Toka's heart.

"I can if you change that blasted law!"

"It is law. Always has been, always will be," Khalon spat out.

"You are the king, Khalon. If you can't help your people, who the hell will?" Rayner swallowed hard. Toka stifled a gasp when Rayner dropped to his knees before Khalon and clasped his hands together. No, Rayner. Please. Toka shook his head. Never in the whole of Rayner's life, had he begged. Toka could barely stand the ache to his heart at the sight.

"I beg of you, Khalon. There must be some other way. Do not give Toka to that beast. Spare him. I don't care about the flogging or what happens to me, but as your dearest friend and brother, I am begging you not to do this."

"Get up," Khalon growled.

"Khalon, I have never asked you for anything." Rayner's amber eyes beseeched his king.

"Get. Up." Khalon's jaw clenched, and he closed his eyes. "You disgrace yourself."

Rayner got to his feet, his fury evident in his hardened gaze. "And what of you? You're supposed to be my brother!"

"Stop," Khalon pleaded.

"I have loved you like no other. I have fought for you, bled for you, done everything for you because I love you, Khalon, and now you would let this monster take the one who matters most to me?" Rayner shoved Khalon, and Toka jumped to his feet. "You miserable bastard! You're supposed to love me as I love you!"

Khalon looked on the verge of shattering. "Rayner, I do love you, but you can't expect me to risk our kingdom, or the human world. I can't let them die. Not again. You of all people should understand more than most."

Rayner shook his head. "I understand that Riley was right. You are not the man we believed you to be."

"Please, no more!" Toka stepped forward, tears blurring his vision. He couldn't stand to see any more. He wouldn't let them hurt each other like this. "I will go with Pavoni."

"Toka?" Khalon blinked, as if he had only just realized Toka was there.

"Your Majesty, I do not wish anyone to be killed in my name. I won't let either of you put yourselves or your kinship at risk for me."

Rayner crossed the room in three strides. He took Toka's hands in his. "Toka, you won't survive--"

"Rayner...." Although his heart was breaking, Toka summoned a smile. "Should the worst come to pass, then I will die happy, knowing I have your affections, having been touched by your hands and kissed by your lips. Knowing you would have me as your mate if you could.... It's more than I could have hoped for." He turned to Khalon and bowed his head. "You are a kind and noble king. Forgive me for any pain I may have caused you and yours. Cherish our prince. He is like no other. And forgive my impertinence, but perhaps you might grant me one favor?"

"What is your request?" Khalon asked, his voice quiet.

"That you allow me to spend my remaining night with Rayner."

Khalon nodded. "Your request is granted."

Toka nodded his thanks and laced his fingers with Rayner's. He bowed, nudging Rayner to do the same. A deep scowl came onto Rayner's handsome face, but he bowed nonetheless, then allowed himself to be led out of Khalon's study. Toka headed for Rayner's bedchamber.

"Not there," Rayner said, his voice laced with anger.

Toka turned and smiled, his heart swelling with love. He placed a hand to Rayner's cheek. "I would have your bedchamber filled with sweet memories of us, Rayner. When you lie in your bed, it's me I want you to think of. Please?"

Rayner let out a heart-wrenching sigh. "Yes."