"We'll discuss this later." Khalon gave him a pointed look, and Riley didn't argue. Instead he smiled up at Khalon and stood on his toes to kiss his lips.

"I love you."

"I love you too," Khalon replied gently. He took Riley's hand and placed it on the crook of his arm. "Come. It's been a long day."

"Tell me about it," Riley muttered before he waved good night to Adira and Ezra, who were busy chatting with some of the guests, before h

e turned to Rayner with a big smile. "Good night, Rayner."

Rayner bowed. "Sweet dreams, my Prince." He met Toka's gaze. "Good night."

"Good night." Toka's eyes lingered on Rayner before they were forced to part ways. The guests all bowed as Khalon bid them good night, some of them leaving the banquet now that the king and his prince were departing for the evening. Rayner stood and watched them go. Unable to help himself, he followed Toka with his eyes. Hours. It had been but hours since he'd kissed Toka, since he'd had him in his arms, his body pressed to Rayner's, his soft skin beneath Rayner's touch, and yet Rayner yearned for Toka like a starving man hungered for his next meal.

Rayner almost growled when someone stepped in front of him, blocking Toka from his sight. It was Prince Merlo. The bear prince was much smaller than his brother, with big brown eyes and a full mouth. He was rather strapping and quite attractive, with wavy brown hair reaching just below his ears. As an Orso prince, Merlo was tall and muscular, but not to the extreme of his kingdom's warriors or his king. He was also gentle and quite shy, which was uncommon with the Orsos. It was a shame Merlo did his brother's bidding without question. He seemed like a good man. Was it possible Merlo was afraid of his own brother? It would certainly explain a lot. Pavoni was known to have quite the temper. Rayner wouldn't be surprised if the man treated his family as poorly as he did everyone else.

"Rayner, how good to see you again."

Rayner bowed. "Prince Merlo."

"I'd been hoping to at least get the chance to talk to you. The evening went so quickly." Merlo ran a hand over his sleeve, his cheeks somewhat flushed. He looked uncomfortable.

"How are you enjoying the festivities?" Rayner summoned a smile and reminded himself that Merlo was not Pavoni. He deserved the benefit of the doubt.

"I'm not fond of these sorts of things, but my brother insists I attend. He says stuffy books are for weaklings." Merlo frowned, clearly disagreeing, but again not speaking against his brother.

"My king loves a good book, and he's hardly a weakling," Rayner said gently. He might as well be polite. It wasn't Merlo's fault he had no backbone or that his brother was who he was.

Merlo's eyes went wide, and he shook his head. "Oh, I wasn't implying that, um, forgive me, I--"

"Calm yourself, Your Highness. I was merely implying that perhaps your brother is mistaken in that regard. Khalon is a powerful king, and he finds much joy in a good book. If you would allow me to be so bold," Rayner prompted, smiling when Merlo nodded. He leaned in and whispered to Merlo, "Keep reading." He winked at Merlo and made to leave when Merlo caught his arm.

"Would you at least share a drink with me?" Merlo asked, his big brown eyes hopeful.

"My apologies. I was on my way to my quarters for the remainder of the evening. Sleep well."

"Please, Rayner. Just one drink." Merlo's expression was troubled, and Rayner didn't have the heart to deny him this one request after he had so terribly humiliated the man. It hadn't been his intent. He doubted Merlo even cared. Pavoni was the one who'd taken it as a personal slight.

"Of course. One drink." Rayner accompanied Merlo over to one of the tables where he took a seat.

"I'll have one of my Orso fetch us our drinks. What can I get you?"

"Surprise me," Rayner said cheerfully. "Thank you. It's very kind."

Merlo's smile was big, lighting up his face. "My pleasure."

Merlo stood, and an Orso promptly appeared, taking Merlo's order. Perhaps Rayner had been quick to judge Merlo. He shouldn't have cast the man in the same light as his brother. In truth, Merlo had never wished Rayner any ill will or looked at him with any malice. Regardless, Rayner was eager to see Toka. One drink, a few pleasantries, and Rayner would seek out his beloved. Considering Riley's old bedchamber was in the same wing as Rayner's, no one would think anything of him being there. All he had to do was sneak to the end of the corridor where the royal bedchambers were. The guards would see him, but at this point, he hardly cared.

"Here you go." Merlo handed Rayner a glass of what looked like Nestore's fruit wine.

"Thank you." Rayner took the cup and toasted, "To a bright future." He took a sip of the sweet wine, wrinkling his nose at the bitter taste. "It would appear Nestore went a bit light on the sugar with this one."

Merlo hummed his agreement. "Still, quite delicious. I must admit, the Soldati have the most exquisite food of any realm I have visited. Such mouthwatering decadence." The heat in Merlo's eyes was unmistakable, and Rayner cleared his throat.

"Perhaps I should be going."

"At least finish this drink with me, Rayner. Surely you don't loathe me that much?" His expression fell, and Rayner sighed.

"I don't loathe you at all, Merlo." It was the truth. "Forgive me if I have done anything to make you believe so." He took another sip of his drink and made a mental note to speak to Nestore about this batch of fruit wine.