A door resounded somewhere, and Rayner reluctantly pulled away, though not before brushing his fingers down Toka's cheek. "Be safe."

Toka nodded, then hurried off with Riley as they made their escape to the gardens. Riley was the most courageous human Rayner had ever known. Well, he was a Soldati, really. He still behaved as a human, despite his newfound immortality. At times their prince could be skittish, and too much noise or activity could become overwhelming to his senses. The gardens provided the peace and solace their prince needed.

Rayner returned to the banquet hall. It was getting on in the evening, and Rayner looked forward to retiring for the night. Perhaps he might try and sneak down to the servants' quarters and spend the night with Toka. He shouldn't while Pavoni was here, but Rayner was desperate to hold his foxling in his arms and make love to him.

When he reached the platform, he was grateful to see Pavoni was dancing. Khalon looked like he wanted to shift and curl up in his tiger form under the table.

"Where's Riley?" Khalon asked the moment Rayner sat.

"In the gardens."

"Oh." Khalon's eyes were gentle, and he nodded his understanding, knowing the reasons Riley sought out the gardens. He sighed. "I'm thankful he finds solace there."

"He's a complex creature," Rayner admitted.

Khalon smiled, his love for his prince evident in his expression. "That he is. Such a gentle soul."

"Except when he's angry," Rayner replied, chuckling at Khalon's wide eyes.

"Goddess above, you don't need to tell me." His eyebrows drew together. "Is that why he's gone to the gardens? Has something upset him?"

Rayner motioned to the dance floor where Pavoni was dancing. Khalon's jaw clenched.

"Of course."

"He doesn't understand why we associate ourselves with the likes of him, and if I may be honest, I am starting to wonder the same. When did we begin fearing tyrants like Pavoni?"

Khalon narrowed his eyes at Rayner. "I do not fear him or anyone like him."

"Forgive me. I chose my words poorly. What I meant to say was, when did we begin to tolerate creatures such as he? I know the risk is great, but by appeasing him, are we not giving him even more power over us?"

Khalon did not reply. He simply turned his attention to Pavoni, his expression guarded, though Rayner knew his dear friend was giving serious thought to his question, which was good. The fact Khalon had not dismissed him meant progress.

Riley returned, looking more cheerful with Toka at his side. He sat beside Khalon and kissed his cheek. Khalon took Riley's hand, concern in his eyes. Although the question remained unspoken, it was clear as day.

"I'm okay," Riley said, smiling warmly at his mate. The two placed their heads close together to murmur soft words.

"You throw such wonderful parties, Khalon. A little tame for my tastes but very sweet. If you'll excuse me, I feel a change of scenery is in order." Pavoni ran a tongue over his bottom lip as he leered at Toka. "I don't suppose His Highness would allow me the company of his pretty foxling companion?"

Rayner clenched his teeth, though he needn't fear Toka joining Pavoni, not if Riley's indignant glare was anything to go by. The man's scowl was impressive. Rayner was surprised Riley didn't try to choke the bastard.

"Toka is my personal courtier. He doesn't leave my side."

Pavoni arched an eyebrow at him, most likely surprised by Riley's curt and swift refusal. He was obviously not expecting Riley to be so protective. "Oh. I see." He bowed and turned to go, then paused. He met Khalon's gaze. "You really shouldn't encourage your prince to get so attached to a servant. Might give some the wrong impression." He chuckled as he walked away.

Was the man insinuating what Rayner thought he was?

Riley took a step forward, but Khalon quickly drew Riley into his arms. "Come, my Prince. Let's go to our bedchamber." He nuzzled the side of Riley's temple, and Riley relaxed against his mate. His pout was adorable. Riley nodded, then turned his big eyes to Khalon. Rayner held back a smile.

"I'd really like it if Toka stayed in my old room next to yours. Please. I want him to be close."

Khalon gaped at him. "You want your servant--"

"My courtier," Riley corrected. "And my friend. I want him close, Khalon." There was a determined set to Riley's shoulder and an intensity in his eyes. There was no budging him.

"Of course." Khalon kissed the top of Riley's head. "Toka may stay in your old room."

"Permanently? I mean, he's a courtier, right? He shouldn't have to be downstairs."