"Where you take a piss."

Khalon almost choked on his drink. Riley patted his back, and when it was clear Khalon wasn't drowning in his wine, Riley kissed his cheek. "I'll be back."

"I'll accompany you," Pavoni said, getting up.

Khalon frowned. "Why would he need an escort?"

"Your home is currently filled with dozens of guests unknown to you. It's merely a precaution."

There was no reason for Pavoni to insist on escorting Riley in his own home, other than wanting to be alone with him. Khalon narrowed his eyes at Pavoni. "Are you suggesting someone in your court may pose a threat to my prince?"

Pavoni bristled. "Don't be ridiculous. I'm simply--"

"It's okay," Riley said pleasantly. "Toka will come with me."

"Such beauty should be accompanied," Pavoni insisted once again. "You never know what lurks in the shadows."

Khalon stood and turned to Pavoni. "Your concern for my prince is commendable, and noted. Rayner can accompany them while you tell me more about your soldiers. I hear your army has grown since last I visited your kingdom."

Pavoni preened at having his ego stroked, and he quickly took a seat, followed by Khalon. "You've heard right." As Pavoni went on to boast about his army, Rayner walked alongside Riley with Toka close behind them. As they left the banquet hall, Rayner leaned in to Riley.

"You don't really need to use t

he washroom, do you?"

When they were far enough down the corridor and away from guests chatting outside the banquet hall, Riley turned to Rayner. "Oh my God, I had to get away from that guy before I lost it. I've never met anyone I wanted to punch so badly in my life!" Riley paced, working through his frustration. "I don't know how Khalon does it. I mean, I can see how hard he's trying not to rip the guy's head off. He's disgusting. Not only is he full of himself, but the way he talks about the servants, the way he looks at them." Riley shivered with revulsion. "I feel like I need a shower to wash all the gross off."

Rayner smiled in sympathy. "I know. He'll be gone soon enough."

"I hate that we have to put up with his bullshit." Riley stopped pacing, and turned to him, his brows drawn together in worry. "I can't believe we have to associate ourselves with this guy. How can one man's ego be so out of control that he'd risk the obliteration of an entire world just to get his way?"

Riley's genuine distress concerned Rayner. "I'm sorry, Riley." He placed his hand on Riley's shoulder. "This is clearly upsetting you. Perhaps tonight, before you and Khalon go to bed, when you're in your bedchamber together, you should speak to Khalon. Make your concerns known to him."

Riley released a heavy sigh. "You're right. I should talk to him. I don't want this guy back here. He's so... volatile, and we're walking on eggshells around him. He keeps poking and prodding, like he's trying to start something."

"That's my fault," Rayner said, his jaw muscles tightening. "I've brought this on us."

Riley stared at him like he'd gone mad. "The guy wanted you to marry someone you didn't want to, and you said no. His douchebaggery is not on you. If he decided he wants to be an asshole about it, that's his decision, but we shouldn't have to put up with it." Riley sighed, and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Man, and I thought politics where I came from was a pain in the ass. Could you do me a favor?"

"Of course."

"Could you let Khalon know I'll be back in half an hour? I'll be in the garden. I just need to get away from... everything, for a bit. Too much noise." He turned to Toka. "Would you mind coming with me? I always feel calmer when you're around."

Toka smiled. "Of course, Your Highness. It would be my pleasure."

The relief was instant, and Rayner was glad to see Toka had such a calming effect on Riley. Rayner bowed and excused himself. He chanced a look around, and seeing the corridor clear, he took Toka's hand in his and brought it to his lips for a kiss.

"Take care of yourself, and our prince."

Toka blushed, his eyes going soft as he nodded.

"For crying out loud, just kiss him," Riley whispered, looking around the hall. "There's no one here."

Rayner hesitated, but Toka didn't. He threw his arms around Rayner and brought their lips together in a heated, passionate kiss.

"I miss you," Rayner murmured against Toka's lips. "You look striking."

"As do you," Toka replied, breathless. He smiled up at Rayner. "I miss you too."