"Nothing like a good prediction of doom to start the festivities," Adira grumbled. "Why hasn't Riley had a vision?"

Ezra's eyes returned to their usual blue. "I don't know. The prophecies of the Soldati Saugur are still a mystery to us. His first vision concerned Khalon and the future of the Soldati. Perhaps his visions are triggered by possible events of a much larger scale?"

"Maybe," Rayner muttered. "But keep vigilance and inform Khalon of the Eye's warning when you can."

Ezra nodded his agreement.

The horns blared, heralding the forthcoming announcement. Rayner released a heavy sigh. "Here we go."

"His Royal Majesty, King of Dell'Orso, Pavoni. His Royal Highness, Prince Merlo, and Her Royal Highness, Princess Verity."

Everyone in the banquet hall stood to welcome their royal guests. Rayner begrudgingly followed suit, his gaze on the insufferable man who strode down the black-and-gold carpet as if he were a god. Everyone bowed as Pavoni and his court walked by, and as Pavoni approached the stairs up to the platform, Rayner forced himself to bow along with his friends.

"Rayner," Pavoni sneered. "Still here I see."

"Where else would I be, Your Majesty?" Rayner smirked, waiting for Pavoni and his court to take their seats before resuming his own. He reminded himself of his promise to Khalon. No matter how much he wanted to claw at Pavoni, he would behave himself. Do it for Khalon and Riley. Rayner settled back in his chair.

"I truly hadn't expected you to survive this long. What with your penchant for recklessness and disregard for authority."

Only certain authority. "Humans have this wonderful saying. A tiger cannot change his stripes."

"How very fitting. Such stubborn, rash creatures, you Soldati. Always letting yourselves be led by your emotions."

Rayner hummed his agreement. Better to be led by one's emotions than arrogance. Pavoni scoffed, running a hand through his dark hair. He was large, wide, and burly, with more muscles than he had sense, and at some point he might have had a neck. Rayner couldn't remember. He was all snarl and bare teeth, even when he was smiling. "Smile" was too strong a word to describe the gesture. It was mostly a sneer in the guise of a smile.

The Orso had once been a noble race of gentle giants. They had preferred to be left in peace, to spend their days basking in the grandeur of their kingdom. Anyone who made the mistake of crossing them would experience the ferocity beneath the gentleness. The Soldati and Orso had forged a kinship back before humans walked the earth; the peace and support between their kingdoms allowed both sides to come and go as they pleased. Only a king and his court possessed the power to summon portals, making trips to and from each kingdom possible within seconds rather than the days or weeks it would take to cross one mass of land to the other. In a matter of centuries, Pavoni had reduced their kingdoms' kinship to mere tolerance, if that.

Beside Pavoni, Prince Merlo watched Rayner. It was disconcerting. Princess Verity was the one Rayner pitied most. She was the opposite of her brothers. Kind and gentle, with eyes that held immeasurable sadness. Perhaps one day he might ask her the cause of her sadness, though he imagined living under the rule of King Pavoni was somehow involved.

All in all, Pavoni had arrived with a modest sixty members of his court, not including his siblings. It included ten trusted council members, twenty high-ranking Orso, and thirty guards. It was a shame General Segreti was not among Pavoni's entourage. It would have made the visit more bearable. Understandably, Pavoni had left Segreti to guard the realm in his absence.

The heavy wooden doors to the hall opened, and everyone stood once again. The horns blared, this time longer and louder than before, announcing the arrival of their king and prince.

"His Most Royal Majesty, King of the Soldati, Khalon King, and His Royal Highness, the Soldati Prince and Saugur, Riley Murrough."

Khalon had always been handsome and impressive, and Riley shining brighter than any star made them a stunning couple. A simple but gleaming gold crown rested on Khalon's brow, his attire regal enough for a king, but not ostentatious. He dressed in black with gold accents, from his pristine black boots to his black trousers, long-sleeved shirt, and black leather jerkin intricately decorated in gold. He wore a long black cape similar to the one Rayner, Ezra, and Adira wore, but longer and with the added gold crown above the Soldati crest embroidered delicately on the back.

Rayner's heart swelled with pride whenever he saw his kingdom's crest. The gold shield was quartered, the bottom left depicting a lush tree with many branches, symbolizing the natural order of their existence, their connection to all living creatures, and the origins of their birth. They owed their presence, power, and immortality to the great gods and goddesses who came together to create them in order to protect their creations from the demons feeding on the darkness, plaguing all living creatures, especially humans.

The top right contained three rays representing the light of the Soldati soul, the source of their powers and the means by which they vanquished demons. The bottom right contained a regal crown, the symbol of their realm's proud monarchy, and the upper left section depicted a sword, the weapon wielded by the Soldati. The shield was framed by two tigers rearing on their hind legs, jaws open, claws outstretched, and eyes glowing. A ribbon below the shield and tigers displayed three words: Lux. Fortitudo. Amor. Light. Courage. Love. What every Soldati aspired to in life.

Khalon looked every part the noble king he was, but it was Riley who was a vision. The banquet hall burst into murmurs and expressions of awe. Riley dressed similarly to Khalon, but instead of black, Khalon's tailor had dressed Riley in gold and cream with a cream-colored cape trimmed in gold, the Soldati crest embroidered in amber. A gleaming gold crown sat on his brow, and his shy smile was charming. Riley looked every bit the Soldati prince, even if at times he confessed to Rayner that he feared he might not be princely enough for the Soldati. Khalon was always quick to reassure his prince with a well-timed kiss and an encouraging word.

True to Riley's word, Toka walked behind Riley, dressed in ceremonial servant's garb of cream and gold to match that of his prince. He looked ethereal, the gold embroidery of his tunic's hems bringing out the amber of his eyes. A slim gold band rested on his brow. He was beautiful, and after all eyes left Riley, they followed Toka. His foxling skin gave him away as a servant, but his beauty, the way he carried himself, and the gentleness reflected in his eyes

rivaled that of any noble.

Riley might still have a lot to learn regarding the Soldati, but the man was quick-witted and astute. Everyone in the castle was aware Khalon had gifted Toka's services to Riley, elevating his position, but Riley had discovered how to bring Toka under his protection. By having Toka sit at his side, dressed in finery and wearing his colors, Riley had declared Toka as his personal courtier. Toka could not be commanded by anyone other than Riley or Khalon. If Khalon had disagreed at any point with Riley's decision, it was clear Riley had won him over. A feat Rayner doubted was too difficult for Riley these days. Khalon would never admit it, but he was wrapped around Riley's little finger, and eager to please his prince.

Khalon and Riley greeted Pavoni and his court, with a clasp of hands, or in the case of the princess, a kiss to her hand. Once the greeting was done, Khalon waited for Riley to take his seat before sitting at his throne. Toka sat beside Rayner, and Rayner remained stoic, doing his best not to look at Toka, even when he felt Toka's eyes on him. The hall broke off into chatter as everyone took their seats and conversed. Pavoni and Khalon exchanged polite conversation before Pavoni excused himself to visit with some of the members of Khalon's court. Riley took that opportunity to get Rayner's attention.

"Rayner, you wouldn't lie to me. Do I really look okay? Because I kind of feel like a Christmas ornament."

Rayner reached out to take Riley's hand and lifted it to his lips for a kiss. "You are the most dazzling Christmas ornament I have ever laid eyes on."

Khalon chuckled, and Riley wrinkled his nose. "Thanks."

"He's teasing," Khalon assured Riley. He placed his fingers under Riley's chin and turned his face so he could kiss him. It was sweet and quick, but still enough to stir the envy in Rayner just a bit. For some time now, he'd been asking himself why he couldn't be so free in public with his affections for Toka. He could flirt with Toka, be playful, but showing any true feeling for him would arouse suspicion of something more, and that would rouse concern. It had begun to make Rayner's skin crawl, to awaken a growing anger within him. For most, the line between servant and Soldati was clear, but for Rayner it became blurred the moment he'd laid eyes on Toka.