Once I had my head cleared and I got over the handsome owner, I would pull him aside and go over what I thought. Whether he took my advice was his own business but I hoped he would do something because obviously there was something that needed changed here. If he planned on ignoring my advice, then he was more of a fool than I realized.


Expecting my bill, I didn’t register the deepness of the voice that spoke my name until I looked his way. It was Rhett and he looked… flustered? It was a new look for him, I had yet to see such expression. The woman who I had been waiting for was right behind him, looking just as flushed from being tagged along. While he looked around, I could see the apologetic look on her face. I guess I was wrong about her not recognizing me. Apparently he got informed of my visit despite me being careful.

I thought he couldn’t afford to leave the kitchen?

This poor waitress just led him straight to me, most likely from his demand. Now that he was here, I didn’t think I could avoid him. After weeks of staying away, I guess it was time for me to face the music. I would only be able to run away from him for so long.

While he had been there for a moment, he had yet to actually look at me. “Are you alone?” he asked suddenly.

Obviously the answer was yeah. Did he think that I was on some sort of date or something?

“Yeah, I’m by myself.” I answered him softly, finally catching his eye. “Is that okay?” I asked curiously as I fought the urge not to look away.

He stared at me, his mouth hanging partially open as if his words were caught in his throat. His brows rose before his eyes lowered, soaking in my appearance. Feeling my chest tighten, he seemed speechless for a moment before he finally met my eyes once more. “You.. look…” Was he actually speechless?

Or did I simply look worse than I imagined? Was he struggling to word how he saw me? Either way, it left me feeling vulnerable.

Feeling my body grow warm, I bit my lip as I crossed my arms in front of me. “I had to wear this because of your required dress code. “I explained shortly, swallowing back my nervousness. I wasn’t sure what else I could tell him. The way he was looking at me, it made it hard to speak. Well I had thought that I wanted him to catch a glance at me before, now that it was happening, my body was reacting in a way that was not allowed.

Staring down at my empty dish, I attempted to swallow the lump that had formed in my throat. Why did my body feel like it was on fire?

“Angela, go tell Cody to run the kitchen.” He ordered, not even bothering to turn away from me. Hearing the authoritative tone in his voice, I glanced back up at him. Before I could even react, he was next to me, snatching my wrist in his large grip. Gasping, he pulled me up from my seat and began moving towards the front of house.

Looking behind me, I could see that we had captured a few pairs of eyes. “What about my meal? I still have to pay for it!” I quickly explain to him, trying my best to keep up with his long strides.

“You will not pay for something that I’ve cooked.” He explained quickly before we walked through a door that I recognized that led to the kitchen. I had only went through here once and that one time was a mistake. It was getting dangerous, I knew if I didn’t stop him now, I wouldn’t be able to stop myself.

“You know, that’s a really poor business decision! " I argued with him, hoping that he’d stop and his pride would take over. Instead, he dragged me into his office before closing the door behind us. Before I could even react, I was pressed against the door and his attention was only on me. Staring up at him, my mouth felt dry. There was a look in his eye that I recognized, it was one that was dangerous. It left my sex clenching and growing hotter as his body threatened to press against my own.

“It’s been so long.” His voice lowered, sending goosebumps down my spine. “I thought you were with someone.”

I might have been crazy, but it sounded like he was jealous. I didn’t want to tell him why I was really here, not yet. Though I knew that it would break the trance he was in, I couldn’t find myself to actually tell him.

“I came here alone,” I told him once more. My heart pounding in my chest echoing in my ears as I tried to ignore its cries for the man in front of me.

His hands pressed flat at the side of my head as he stared down at me, devouring my appearance alone. “I don’t know how you managed to come here all alone looking like this.” His voice softened as his face lowered towards mine.

This was bad, very very bad. I needed to stop this now and make my stance clear. I couldn’t do something like this with him. Yet as I continue to look at him, the kiss we had before resurfaced in my thoughts. The way his mouth felt against my own and how my body reacted to him left me craving that feeling once more. All I would have to do was lean forward and accept him.

We were all alone, no one would come knocking. His staff knew better than to interrupt us, I was sure even a busy night like this wouldn’t change that fact.

This guy was supposed to be an asshole, I wasn’t supposed to feel this way. I shouldn’t have even wanted to have anything to do with him. Yet that wasn’t how this was going. I wanted him so much more than I wanted to admit.

The job was nearly over, I was so close to escaping these feelings. Before I would know it, I would be processing his payment and any contact we would have would be over. That’s all I needed to do. As easy as it sounded, this felt like the toughest battle I’ve ever faced against.

Why was I trying so hard to hold myself back? He seemed to want me just as much as I did. By the way my body was responding, I was ready to give him all of me. Underneath this dress, my panties were soaked all because of him. He then took a step forward and pressed himself against me, his arousal was made apparent. We were both craving each other. The battle between my mind and heart was difficult but it seemed like my heart was going to win.

One of his hands lifted from the door and cupped my chin, bringing my face only mere inches away from his. “As much as I enjoy your dress, I think I would much rather see it on the floor.” He whispered, taking no time to beat around the bush.

Even if I believed that no one would walk in, what if someone did?

“What about the restaurant?” I asked him as I actually considered following his lead.

He chuckled, “It’ll be fine for an hour. They know how to run the kitchen without me.” He explained before his tongue ran across his bottom lip.

A whole hour? This guy seems cocky but at the same time, he seemed to know what he was talking about.