With only one more day left of my original plan, it was finally time to get ready. I needed to head home and get ready before I missed the chance at the reservation I had made.

Reminding myself constantly that this was a work-related thing, I still had a slight skip to my step as I headed over to my car to drive back home. I couldn’t wait to dress myself up and see how good I could manage to look. Once I got there, I fought the urge not to run towards my bathroom to get ready.

After showering and using my favorite body wash, I applied my makeup. While I normally didn’t go this far when trying to look good, I still managed to do up my face without looking like a clown. With careful precision, I made sure to look my best. When time came around for me to wear my dress, it looked just as good as it did the first time I tried it on. When I was finished, I found myself gawking at my reflection. I looked perfect.

I couldn’t remember the last time a dress made me feel so sexy. With my body shape, I normally would feel self-conscious. But right now, I felt like nothing could stop me. Making myself look away from my appearance, I knew I would need to head over there. If I wanted to help Rhett out, it would not help if I was late for my reservation. After slipping on a pair of heels that matched my dress, I headed out to my car and drove the familiar path to the restaurant.

It felt strange coming the way that I was. I wasn’t arriving as a landscape architect, I was here as a customer. One who has hungry and ready to be impressed by some food.

It being much later in the night, I could see how beautiful the restaurant was being lit up. Yeah, it was definitely not the outside that was the problem. This place looks gorgeous. Heading towards the entrance, I hesitated. I knew if I spotted Rhett, my plan would falter. I needed to stay focused and I knew if he found me, the jig would be up. Hoping I was skillful enough to avoid him, I stepped inside.

Seeing the usual guy standing behind the host stand, I felt my face redden slightly as I approached him. When his eyes met mine, I noticed he looks slightly surprised.

“Oh, are you here to see my boss?” he immediately asked, just as I expected him to. “I want to warn you, he hasn’t been in the best of moods lately. And he’s probably busy. On nights like these, it’s impossible for him to leave the kitchen. It’s hard for him to get away.”

Feeling my heart pick up pace, I cleared my throat and attempt to hide the panic. “Actually, I’m here to eat. I have a reservation for one.” I explain shortly, looking towards the dining area. I could see that it was a busier night. I was right when I expected that this place got its business during the evening. Now, I was excited to see the patio get finished so that way the guests could dine underneath a thousand dazzling lights.

“This is a surprise,” he said as he turned his attention to the book in front of him. Seeing my name, he turned to take me to my seat. Hugging my purse close to me, I followed after him. Before I knew it, I was sitting at a table in the middle of the room. “Just give us a moment and I’ll have somebody here with you.” He told me before quickly disappearing. I noticed him go back to the stand, thankfully not running back to the kitchen to tell his boss that I was here. That would have ruined everything.

Now alone, I took my time allowing my eyes to explore the interior of this place. From what I could tell, it was pretty impressive inside. It was definitely fancy, I couldn’t believe I was actually here to eat something. Coming here, I knew I was going to be spending a pretty penny on whatever meal I chose. Figuring it was about time I treated myself, I was ready to get whatever I wanted on the menu.

A cute younger woman approached me after a few minutes, apologizing for my wait. She then handed me a menu before pouring a glass of wine for me after my request. This was something I would need to calm my nerves. Thanking her, she disappeared as quickly as she appeared to give me time to look over my choices. Once I got looking at the menu, I realized that I didn’t understand a single thing on it. It all looked french, I just hoped I wouldn’t pick something that I wouldn’t like.

Knowing that Rhett put his heart in each dish he’d designed, I knew there was no way I’d be disappointed.

So when the woman came back, I horribly pronounced one of the items before she promised to have my meal right away. Since I didn’t know who she was, I really doubted she knew who I was. So far, I was safe.

Grabbing my glass of wine, I drank it gingerly as I watched my surroundings. Maybe one of the reasoning why they weren’t as popular was because of the overpriced meals, but that was something that should have been expected when coming to a nice place like this. While it could be a reasoning, I didn’t think that it was major enough to hurt their sales. I was sure if he had as much business as he hoped, money problems would be long gone from his issues.

As I looked around, I noticed that a lot of the tables were occupied by pairs. Most likely couples that wanted to treat themselves as much as I did. Unlike them however, I was alone. It was just another depressing reminder that the dating life was not meant for me. Trying not to let the empty chair in front of me distract me, I continue to look at the tables surrounding me. It didn’t seem like many of the tables were empty, this would count as a successful night in my book.

So what exactly was the problem? Putting in the patio with the extra seating meant that there would be even more available spots for customers.

Turning my attention back to the host stand, I watched to see if it could have been something up front rather than where I was. While I waited for my food, I kept my attention on the couples and families that entered the restaurant. By the time the woman reappeared with my food, I noticed two couples get turned away simply because they didn’t have reservations. It seemed this place was very strict about those. For someone who’s desperate to make a profit, could Rhett really afford to turn away paying customers? With a couple empty tables near me, they could have been seated and made the extra amount of money.

Continuing to watch carefully, I thanked the woman for my meal before she disappeared once more. The way she was running around, it kind of seemed like they were short-staffed out in the actually eating area. While I didn’t really notice my longer wait because of my watchful eye, I am sure it could have bothered some of the other customers. Checking it on my mental checklist, I began to eat whatever was on my dish in front of me.

Knowing that this recipe was one of Rhett’s, I grew excited to actually try it. Bringing a spoonful of the gold colored soup to my lips, I moaned as my taste buds exploded at the new flavors. It was amazing! My mouth was watering just as I waited for another mouthful. Along with the wine, this meal seemed perfect.

Finding my attention go back to the empty chair across for me, I couldn’t help but wonder if it would have tasted even better if I had someone sitting there with me. This was the kind of meal that I wanted to share with someone. Frowning slightly, a sigh built in my chest. I was overthinking this, I had to be. I blamed Rhett, being this alone had never bothered me before. Now that I was getting strange feelings, the way I felt before felt unnatural. Him being there felt much better and I hated that I couldn’t let myself feel that kind of happiness.

If I wasn’t so dedicated to my job, maybe I would have a boyfriend or hell, a husband and a family. After being alone like this for years, was it time to finally settle down? Who would be the one to be there for me? Rhett? The man was busy enough with his restaurant, I doubted he would have enough time to make any for me. The kiss happened by mistake, there was a moment that happened between us and we acted on our own desires rather than what we should have done.

After all of this time avoiding him by using my job, he must have realized by now that he regretted kissing me. Knowing that I should have been just as regretful, I struggled to admit it to myself.

Continuing to eat my meal in a dreadful silence, my thoughts consumed me as time past. After tomorrow, things would have to get better.

“Would you like to order any dessert?” The woman was back, looking patient despite my head being in space.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I cleared my throat and shook my head. “Oh no, you can go ahead and just bill me.” I told her, a smile forming on my lips. “Oh, and please send my compliments to the chef. The food was amazing.”

She gave me a matching smile before thanking me and leaving me to grab my bill. What a cute girl. Good job to Rhett for hiring her.

Waiting for her return, I turned my attention on finishing my glass of wine. One glass was not enough tester me, but that didn’t mean I didn’t enjoy the taste. Alone once more, I let out the sigh that was stuck collecting in my chest. Setting my glass down, I rested my chin on the palm of my hand as I stared to the side. This had not gone how I thought it would, I didn’t think I would be realizing so much about myself while I was here. I was beginning to think coming here was a mistake, even if I did manage to figure out a thing or two that needed fixed here.