Page 5 of Private Lessons

Would one suitcase be enough? I wasn’t sure. All I knew was that if I didn’t put a pep in my step and get headed to the airport, I’d miss the most important flight of my life.

Over the phone, Antonio went over a few things with me. Told me I’d get paid for my time, he’d take care of the costs of the trips.

Personally, it felt like he was willing to do whatever to get me to join him. Though, that would be crazy talk. No way a hotshot like him would feel that desperate.

Grabbing my keyboard, I packed it away. Antonio didn’t really talk about practicing over the phone, but I knew I needed to get practice in whenever I could. The man might be able to hear a song and play it right after, but I needed hours, days even.

Sucking in a big breath of air, I pushed away any discouraging thoughts before heading out of my place. After flagging down a taxi, I was finally on my way to the airport.

I texted him, keeping him updated.

I still struggled to wrap my mind around messaging him. Talking to him like we were close. Pretty sure I should’ve been talking to the guy who managed him instead. Apparently, he was more hands-on than I assumed.

Didn’t take long for my phone to buzz with his response.

Smiling, I tucked my phone away. Watching traffic, I tried to calm my overbeating heart. The last thing I wanted to do was reveal my feelings for him.

Needed to remain professional. Had to. Or else the next few months would become too awkward to survive.